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Hornby N15 Sir Dinadan DCC?

Ard Lochan

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Follow the procedure set out in FAQ1 in the Hornby DCC FAQ Index sticky post at the top of this section.

To avoid the possibility of short circuits, it may be advisable to remove the Magnadhesion chassis magnet or ensure it can not come in to contact with the insulated driving wheel alongside it.

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I think GS has intimated that it might. You would need to go over all the magnahesion connections and make sure there are no electrical pathways between the motor and the chassis. I've never used magnahesion so can't speak with any authority on the matter.

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In fairness to Ard Lochan, I was editing my post to add the second paragraph to answer that part of his original question when he posted the second time.

I think, on balance, as it is now of no use and potentially a source of trouble, it would be better to remove the magnet despite the work involved but the cost of a new axle insulating bush (£6.50 or less for 10) is better value than having to replace the decoder after a short.

The problem with the magnet set in to the chassis block is that it tries to pull one side of the adjacent driving wheels towards the chassis block, causing the wheels to run out of true with wear in the axle journal, leading to a greater potential for a short circuit from the insulated wheel touching the chassis block or from a build-up of magnetic material in what can be a reduced gap between the wheel and the block.

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