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Wireless point motor control

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I am in the process of planning a new layout, my first since my teens and have researched extensively to gather information. One thing that interests me greatly is wireless controlled point motors but can’t find many reviews on line. The few that are around are quite complimentary but I wondered if folk here have a view or better still personal experiences. Thank you.

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The only wireless point motor control I know of is the Hornby HM 6010 module which uses blue tooth low energy under control of an app screen either iOS or Android but not Windows yet.

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Have a look at this:

Thank you, have seen this but just wondered if anyone here had used it as there's nothing like 1st hand comments or reviews by members of the community.



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  • 5 months later...

I have "wireless" control, but depends what you mean by wireless. My point motors are wired to a combined control cdu module, and thence to the DCC system. My interaction with the DCC system is via phone / tablet, so that element is wireless. Works lovely. If you mean totally wire free, I am sure someone cleverer than me can create something, but I suspect it would be bespoke and costly. Good luck with it.

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By wireless control I believe the OP wants a point motor that connects direct to the point and listens for instructions from either a DCC bus command stream or an over the air command from a control device.

The former types are available but anything hanging directly on the DCC bus for power as well as command is using power that is taken from that left for running locos.

The latter has yet to be devised unless the DCC Concepts or Hornby HM6K systems fill the bill.

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So the point motor unit has for instance, a built in Bluetooth communications system, which will interface wirelessly with the control panel / touchscreen. All good, but you still need a power supply for the motor, which will need a wiring circuit. Admittedly, this could be independent of track power / DCC commands. Theoretically the point motor unit could use batteries I suppose, problematic with solenoids maybe, servo's probably a better option. But then how long will the batteries last? Rechargeable ones? As I said, someone cleverer than me.

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