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DCC Programming Track - Simple Guidelines Wanted

Stephen in Kerry

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I'm trying to find instructions for making a simple, portable DCC programming track, for use with a Hornby Select controller and, ideally, with the one I have connected to the layout. Or, I could buy a 2nd controller if needed.

I think I saw some instructions from the late (and sadly missed) Chrissaf, here somewhere but can't find them now.

The YouTube videos I've seen are over-complicated. Can anyone point me to a straightforward how-to guide please?

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A programming track is a simple length of track that is kept separate from the main track either by being connected to a dedicated Prog output of a controller e.g. Elite or by way of a switch in the Track output feed of a simple controller e.g. Select.

In your case you need a pair of wires that come from the Select and by way of a DPDT switch divert that output either to your track for normal running or to your programming track for programming purposes only.

To do this take the Select Track output pair to the centre pair connections of a DPDT switch and from each outer pair to the main track rails and programming track rails.

If you use a centre off switch this ensures complete isolation upon switch over in case of using say an existing but isolated siding for your programming track.

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It makes life much easier if you can have a dedicated piece of track, that is wired to your controller or via a switch, as has been suggested. If your layout allows - an old siding, not connected to the main layout will be fine - you can make it look like an abandoned section of track.

Mine sits on my control desk, permanently wired into my Elite - it is also ballasted and bufferedface_with_rolling_eyes


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So is it ok to have the Elite connected to a programming track & the main track (via Railmaster) at the same time? I have never tried this...

Yes it is. Normally these are two separate tracks, the layout from the Elite Track connection and the programming track from the Prog connections and never shall they touch.

By way of a pair of DPDT switches I have my Elite permanently wired to the layout and also to a fixed programming track and a rolling road, such that I can have the fixed track or the rolling road as a running track or programming track. This allows a check that programming is good without moving the loco from track to track.

Of course in Stephen’s case he is using a Select which doesn’t have a separate Prog output so he has to rely upon a switching arrangement twixt main and programming tracks.

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While it is possible to do and may work well for you with both connected, Chris Saf always counseled against having both connected as feedback into the Elite from the main track may interfere with the low power programming instructions.

Try it and see how you go.

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The Elite has separate Track and Prog outputs...


The Select only has a Track output so if a programming track is left permanently connected it must be switched as shown in the manual to divert the programming commands to the programming track and away from the main layout else you will program everything on the layout at once.


The wiring is actually simpler using a cheaper DPDT switch.


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@ROB (96RAF) Thanks again! I've printed out your advice and will give it a go.

The best I've done so far, is to 'tin' the ends of both sets of wires, to make plugging and unplugging between the main layout and the programming track less fiddly.

Even that was an achievement, as I hadn't heard of 'tinning' or had a clue about soldering 6 months ago. Hooray for learning curves. :)

UPDATED QUESTION: Am I correct to say that with an on-off-on DPDT switch, I wire up the outside pairs of connectors (one pair for the main layout and one for the programming track) and leave the middle pair (off) unconnected? Assuming I'm not wiring points.

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wire a Select per my third diagram with the centre pair of the switch to the Select controller. The switch then directs the output to whichever track you are working with.

If you now have an Elite controller (the OP said it was a Select) then no switch is needed, just wire the layout to the Elite Track terminals and the programming track to the Elite Prog terminals.

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