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RailMaster YouTube Videos

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Hi Everyone.

I am trying to gauge some interest into regular YouTube videos on RailMaster. If you search for RailMaster on YouTube, apart from some really old stuff, there is only one individual doing any regularly and I think they are pretty ordinary. I have nothing against the guy - I subscribe to his channel & occasionally he covers a bit of interesting stuff but the quality of his videos is terrible which, I think, often makes them very hard to watch. Often you can't even see what he's doing or talking about.

Anyway, I would make a numbered series of videos starting right from the beginning - the basics of setting up RailMaster & going on from there. Including using other manufacturers products with it & maybe occasionally branching out into some more general DCC stuff.

If you look at this Hornby RailMaster forum it is often many days between posts. I don't think any of us really know where Hornby is going with their DCC stuff. So I just want to see if there is any interest before I invest the time, effort & probably also cost to do this.

Thanks in advance & I look forward to all your replies.

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I am sure the old web site had such a suite of instructional videos but they have been ‘lost’ in the update. I presume they are still there and just need relinking to.

Ref independent ‘tubers’, many are dire and best avoided to preclude being led down the garden path. The problem is you need to know as much or more than them to be able to apply a filter for good, mediocre or just plain rubbish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would be interested as long as it not one of those that details how to unpack it and then takes about 20 minutes to open the box.

As St1ngr4y says, try an introductory one. There are many RailMaster users on here so bear that in mind, it probably does not need to be too basic.

Look forward to seeing it.

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Probably doesn’t need to be too basic - I’m not sure this is the case. I would characterize the problems we see on here as:

  • unable to achieve correct initial setup - given RM cannot be described as plug-and-play, it’s a wonder we don’t see more of these. RM is capable of setting itself up reasonably but only if this order of initial installation is used - first connect controller to PC via USB and install the Windows driver, now install RM, upgrading to latest when first instructed, or install latest from link. With this order, RM can detect the controller, set up the parameters in the RM Setup screen correctly, then correctly create the ini file. Achieving this is much harder if the controller isn’t detected on initial setup
  • early finger problems like not grasping how to add a loco to the roster
  • accessory decoder setup
  • a range of particular more advanced problems

Videos on each of the first 3 dots would be the most useful I believe.

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