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Airfix 1/72 Junkers Ju 87 B-1 Completed

Virginia Matt

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Not the best photos but just completed the new tool Ju 87 B-1. I’m really a fan of the new tool kits by Airfix and this one didn’t disappoint in fit or detail. I did think the decals while excellent in opacity and register were thick. I finished it with Vallejo Model Air, Vallejo polyurethane varnishes, and weathered with Vallejo weathering products (Acrylic Washes and Pigments). The antenna wire is Uschi’s 0.2mm elastic rigging. Again apologies for the photos’ quality and look forward to any questions or criticisms!






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Thank you for your kind comments, Dominic. No eyebrows were painted but what I did do was apply a darker flesh base, then a series of progressively lighter flesh shades to emphasize highlights (bridge of the nose, chin, cheeks, forehead), and finally a flesh colored wash with Vallejo Game Wash to emphasize shadow. It’s an effective and quick method to paint figures that I learned from Dungeons & Dragons miniature painters. Again, thank you for the comments!

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I like Vallejo Washes, Randall but if you’ve never used the stuff before I would recommend watching some videos on YouTube from fantasy figure painters and Vallejo’s own channel. They’re kind of like a combination of a wash and filter depending how you apply them. When I first started using their washes I was frustrated as they do not behave like enamel or oil based washes. They dry very fast so I only work on small sections at a time, adding the wash and then gently cleaning it from areas I don’t want it. If you leave them too long they can cure and you will never get them off. Also don’t forget the highlight part. I’ve never worked them over enamels or lacquers so I can’t comment on that. As a side note, I have used Humbrol’s enamel washes and really liked them but switched to acrylics to get away from the enamel fumes.

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Nice job on the old moulding too! Captured and used by 39 Sqd RAF…that takes some guts… a case where friendly fire would be understandable.

Reminds me of a picture of a Stuka in the desert, captured by British troops who painted an inscription on the side……”Under entirely new Management”

Pretty cheeky..



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