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TTS sound decoders (speed disparity in RM) - [Solved]

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I am running two locos using railmaster. I have fitted both with TTS sound decoders. I have fitted the class B12 with a J36 class decoder and the class 59 with a class 66 decoder, they are both set to default values. If I calculate the speeds of both locos over a 60" length of track, the class B 12 set to run at 40 mph calculates to 45 mph, so this is close. If I calculate the class 59 set to run at 10 mph over the same distance, it calculates to 88.6 mph. the locos are both Hornby railways and the decoders are Hornby.

Does anybody have any ideas to help me slow the class 59 down.

Thanks in advance


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Hi 96RAF

No they don't run at similar speeds as I said in my post, I can only run the class 59 at a speed of 10 mph but using a calculator I found on the web, this worked out at 88.6mph, if I set it any quicker I think it would come off the tracks. I can set the class B12 at 40 mph and this calculates to 45 mph, so close to the setting shown in Railmaster.

I tested it on a 60" length of straight track. I only have the Elink. Both locos were tested on the same piece of track.

I am not sure what you mean, (Do you have use scale speeds set in RM). I set the speed in the Locomotive Control window, where the throttle is.

Sorry if I'm not clear, I'm fairly new to all this, I have only had my first loco running in the last month.


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If I calculate the class 59 set to run at 10 mph over the same distance, it calculates to 88.6 mph...............
Does anybody have any ideas to help me slow the class 59 down.



It is possible that your Class 59 is a victim of the RM Speed Control bug. Does the loco go straight to moving fast with minimal speed control via the RM throttle slider. If it does, read and follow the guidance in FAQ number 4 in the sticky Railmaster FAQ Index thread at the top of the forum.

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Hi 96RAF

The use scale speeds is checked but would that not affect both locos?

Hi P-Henny

When running the class 59, the acceleration is controlled, so, starting off very slowly building speed as you would expect.

When I ask the loco to stop, it takes almost half of my layout (12 ft by 5 ft) to stop, so, if trying to shunt in limited space I think I would struggle to control it.



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Hi 96RAF
The use scale speeds is checked but would that not affect both locos?

Hi P-Henny
When running the class 59, the acceleration is controlled, so, starting off very slowly building speed as you would expect.
When I ask the loco to stop, it takes almost half of my layout (12 ft by 5 ft) to stop, so, if trying to shunt in limited space I think I would struggle to control it.





Set CVs 3 and 4 to smaller values.

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I have tried changing cv 3 & 4, they were at 15, I changed them to 10. I think this changed the acceleration and deceleration but the speed is still the same.

I have tried deleting the loco and manually setting it up, as described in the link from FAQ # 4, speed is still too high. I have deleted the loco and re-installed it several times and still the speed is too high.

I don't know if it matters but the TTS decoder I fitted was a class 66 type.

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Value 15 for CVs 3 and 4 is simply to allow the sounds to play correctly. Changing them to zero will give instant start/stop according to the motor and gear-train latent drag and throw out in particular the start sequence noises.

Have you reset the dodgy decoder by writing value 8 to CV8. That at least will puts its ducks in a row but it will put the address back to 3.

Just for interest as you cannot change their values on a TTS decoder but what values do CVs 2, 5 and 6 read back as in RM.

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If you want to force one specific locomotive to run slower (or faster) in RM compared to other locos, you can do this by editing the loco's RM scale speed setting.

This method does work, well for me it does, despite it being rather unorthodox and not used as the manual and the software author intended it to be used.

Pages 36 & 37 of the RM manual is used for reference to this procedure.

First select the loco you want to amend and open its 'Locomotive Settings' screen. Click the 'stop watch' icon in the bottom row (see bottom of page 36). A popup window should appear as exampled on manual page 37.

The popup should be populated with some values. Note the value for the "Time to travel 6.274m". This is a variable that you can adjust. If you overwrite this value with a lower value, the loco will travel slower. If you overwrite this value with a higher value, the loco will travel faster. Experimentation is needed to find the value that provides the outcome you are trying to achieve.

Note that the changed value needs to be saved to the loco settings In RM before you can test the loco for its effect [this process DOES NOT require the loco to be placed on the PROG track, the change of values are stored in the RM software and not in the loco decoder] once saved, test the loco speed to see if it is moving at the speed you want. If not, go back and edit the value again changing it even lower or higher as appropriate and re-test. Keep doing this until the speed you want is achieved.

This methodology was discussed many moons ago on this forum, which is where I first saw it documented. But so far, I have been unable to find the previous posts using search.

P.S - 'Use Scale Speeds' must be ticked in the 'System Settings' screen for this to have any effect on loco speed.

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Do I take it then, that when you opened the page 37 dialogue box, the time value entry was blank?

Or did it have another value that was not 11.8, if so what was it?

Glad all the same that my instructions worked for you, even if it may have been performed not quite as I suggested.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Do I take it then, that when you opened the page 37 dialogue box, the time value entry was blank?
Or did it have another value that was not 11.8, if so what was it?
Glad all the same that my instructions worked for you, even if it may have been performed not quite as I suggested.



The speed correction box on mine always shows empty every time I open it, irrespective of what value I previously entered and saved. This is one of my minor frustrations, as well as it losing the maximum speed value, assigned group and loco image when you move a new loco manually added up the list! (I place mine in ascending address number order)

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