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Black 5 release date pushed back.


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It is on this site and says due "Winter 2024/25". I hope you have your pre-order in as it will probably cost a bit more by then. I have it pre-ordered at £224.99 - currently listed at £269.99. It also said on RMWeb that SK had said that they hoped it would arrive earlier. As it was announced in January 2022 the proposed delivery date is about right.

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I have a spreadsheet for my pre-orders. I have quite a lot of them so it just makes it easier to know when I’ll have a chunk of money coming out and I can budget for release dates.

The FS and the P2 SS models are still both scheduled for summer 2023. Wonder if these will also get pushed back to 2024/25.

The Dublo Merchant Navy was stated for release this winter, it’s now pushed back to spring.

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I have always steered clear of a spreadsheet - if done correctly it will give you a bottom line on what you have spent - prying eyesopen_mouth

I do have in my laptop documents, what is now seven sheets of A4, single spaced list of purchases since I started collecting loco's sometime before I had a layout. This lists model details, price paid and date physically received. At the bottom of the list are my pre-orders together with a wishlist of items I might buy - in some cases these items may be available now, but I'm not sure I really need them - currently has the four Hornby four and six wheeled S&DJR coaches that should arrive next year. BB

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Gasp! Shock horror. Who could have possibly foreseen this? It's outrageous!

Seriously though. When these were announced in January (this year) did anybody give any credence to the expected delivery date?

To me, anytime in 2024 would be impressive, especially with smoke and lights. I would rather a loco be correct and wait longer than rushed and suffer a poor experience.

As stated, 2025 would seem reasonable to me.

Hornby do themselves no favours with these unlikely dates and constant changes, it just gives certain people another axe to grind.

Given they are now dealing direct with the consumer, I feel they really need to improve their communication. Possibly having a chart with the development stages which can be updated as the project develops, similar to the Hatton's model?

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Will there be disruptions in China?

Simply put, absolutely yes. Any dates provided now are merely a wild guess. There is no way to determine a realistic date because the entire supply chain in China will be in turmoil. Consulting tarot cards might be more accurate. Spinning a wheel at a carnival may prove more meaningful.

Pandemics and epidemics change societies. We are on the cusp of change as it affects us. Hornby, as old time whalers would say, are on a Nantucket Sleigh Ride. Hornby have harpoon'd the whale (surrendered manufacturing to China) and will now go where the whale drags them. Apologies to the whales, that was a cruel industry.

Take any dates given as wishful thinking until the health situation in China settles down


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A loco with a steam generator, working lights, and out of the box sound functions is something I’d like to be thoroughly tested, reliable and relatively maintenance free before it’s released.

If it takes Hornby until 2025 for that, I’m ok with it. I have plenty of other stuff that will arrive before then that I can use.

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