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Scotsman slows on right hand curves

Red Rick

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I’ve emailed Hornby about my issue but I’ve investigated a little further and thought I’d ask for guidance and highlight my findings. I’ve run the Scotsman in forward and reverse, and in both directions round the loop provided. Going clock wise forwards it has an issue, the loco slows on the bend and in reverse going anti clockwise. I’ve measured the distance between the flanges and they are all about 11mm. The leading and trailing drive wheel have free movement, left to right. The centre drive wheels have little to no lateral play. Looking from above, the centre wheels are also hard right and I’m guessing the drive gear from the motor is preventing free sideways movement. I’ve been away from the hobby for 40 years and when I did dabble it was only slightly. I’ve now retired and my wife bought the set for me for Christmas as an introduction back to the hobby. I hope this issue can be sorted as it’s a little off putting.

I’ve also noticed the green paint off the wheels over the white piping round the centre drive wheel and on the front bogey. I’m so pleased and enthused by everything else. The paint issue is only noticeable when the loco is stationary and with my glasses on. Am I being too picky? 

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Hi Richard, it’s good to be back isn’t it! (Me too)

Personally I don’t think you are being picky, models should run perfectly and look like the advertised ones and I am sure everyone at Hornby and in the community, would agree. Hopefully Hornby can resolve/replace the iffy runner, at least they have stock so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

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Thanks for your reply. I was planning to go with N gauge as I want to have as realistic as possible, long runs with long trains. I’d planned the track using anyrail and I’d already bought 2 boxes of Peco code 55 flexi with wooden sleepers, as I knew I was going to need it. Then Hornby announce TT and all the (spherical objects) are in the air. Just seen the posts about the delayed releases, another thing to factor in. I do hope Hornby get their act together, or its back to the N gauge plan. I’m not ready to commit yet, I have other things to deal with first. I have a foot in each camp and would prefer TT. Come on Hornby!

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There will probably be very little sideways play on the centre driving wheelset because the wormwheel on the axle needs to stay in the optimum central position below the worm on the motor shaft but the wormwheel should be at the mid point along the axle. If it is hard to one side of the opening in the chassis bottom moulding, it will be restricting the loco's ability to negotiate curves by reducing the effectiveness of the lateral play available on the front and rear wheelsets and it needs to be repositioned, a job perhaps best left to Hornby in view of warranty implications. If the loco is returned to Hornby, it would be the opportunity to request a replacement body if the blemishes annoy you.

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Yeah, I’ve done that and more. 2 Hours forward clockwise and 2 hours reverse anticlockwise. It’s the centre drive wheels with no play and hard over to the right (see original post). 

If you think about where the drive wheels would like to be going round a right-hand bend forward. The centre drive wheels want to be on the left, while the leading and trailing wheels want to be on the right. With the centre wheels unable to move from the right of the chassis, it is forcing the flanges of the leading and trailing drive wheels into the edge of the rails. I’ll just have to wait until Hornby support email me. 

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There will probably be very little sideways play on the centre driving wheelset because the wormwheel on the axle needs to stay in the optimum central position below the worm on the motor shaft but the wormwheel should be at the mid point along the axle. If it is hard to one side of the opening in the chassis bottom moulding, it will be restricting the loco's ability to negotiate curves by reducing the effectiveness of the lateral play available on the front and rear wheelsets and it needs to be repositioned, a job perhaps best left to Hornby in view of warranty implications. If the loco is returned to Hornby, it would be the opportunity to request a replacement body if the blemishes annoy you.



Yeah, I agree. I was very tempted to remove the plate from the bottom of the Loco. Expecting to be presented with what I remember from 40 years or so ago. A gear with a grub screw that could be undone and the gear re-positioned in the centre. I’m in no rush. I hope Hornby sort it out and if anyone else has the issue they may read this post to a hopeful happy conclusion, with a perfect paint job on the wheels too.

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I do not know how Hornby have engineered their TT range but for 00, the days of grub screws disappeared with Wrenn. Hornby 00 relies on a plastic wormwheel gripping the axle by way of splines on the centre section of the axle and the wormwheels have been prone to splitting under that stress.

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I do not know how Hornby have engineered their TT range but for 00, the days of grub screws disappeared with Wrenn. Hornby 00 relies on a plastic wormwheel gripping the axle by way of splines on the centre section of the axle and the wormwheels have been prone to splitting under that stress.



Ha-ha, I’m so glad I resisted temptation 😊

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I do not know how Hornby have engineered their TT range but for 00, the days of grub screws disappeared with Wrenn. Hornby 00 relies on a plastic wormwheel gripping the axle by way of splines on the centre section of the axle and the wormwheels have been prone to splitting under that stress.

Ha-ha, I’m so glad I resisted temptation 😊

Thank you



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Please contact Hornby with any issues, they are determined that customers should have top quality products and will replace anything faulty. I have a slight issue with mine and they have said they will despatch a replacement as soon as they are back from the holidays.

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Please contact Hornby with any issues, they are determined that customers should have top quality products and will replace anything faulty. I have a slight issue with mine and they have said they will despatch a replacement as soon as they are back from the holidays.



Thank you, I shall call them tomorrow (3rd)



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