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What did you receive today?

South Coast Flyer

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Passengers (seated and standing), benches, chimney pots. Postbox and postman. Painting will be a challenge, they are tiny!

Also goods shed downloaded for assembly.

All from smart models.

Construction of terraced houses and shops ongoing.

I thought I needed a school. On second thoughts the adult passengers are so small, how about the kids? Perhaps it would need to be summer holidays...

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Today I received my fourth A4 and what a completely different machine she is! Vastly superior so far to Tuesday’s Silver King. The motion appears spot on, the lubricator pivot that ruined the linkage on the last one is tight as a drum laterally. These models are ‘well oiled’ but this is fine and the paint is top notch (as was both the WWs) the whole loco has been smoother straight out of the box and through running in. I really hope that this continues to be the theme going forwards. It does prove the concept and design are on the money. Big thanks to Suzanne in CS too 😁

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Hi Rallymatt,

You've had some run of bad luck with your A4, hopefully everything will work smoothly now but it is strange how things can work out. I've had nothing major apart from a quick check over and you have had nothing but problems, surely QC isn't this poor overall or is it down to who is carrying out QC on a specific day ? Hopefully QC is an issue that is being addressed seriously by Hornby and I'd like to think so ok_hand

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Got William Whitelaw back after being sent for repair twice as the decoder blew straight away. Working fine now. Also received some peco flexi track.....not enough 🤣 more ordered. Soon be time to start fixing the track into place.

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Bodies for a J52 0-6-0 and an N2 0-6-2.

Thanks to Silver Fox 17 for the recommendation slightly_smiling_face

No idea when I will be attempting to get these built, but I would say with a degree of confidence, earlier than Hornby grinning


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A few bits an pieces to add some detail, a line side building that is a pretty good match for the building at the genuine transmitter towers at Pontop Pike and a yellow Land Rover of the ‘Wireless Communications Department’

A generic Eastern European tractor that’s been suitable painted to look more like a Massey Ferguson 35X (which is probably what the Russians ripped off back in the day) and a very nicely made trailer

And some benches that are fiddly to assemble but worth it.





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Late to the game, as it arrived yesterday, but my Flying Scotsman is home having had its tender chassis replaced*.

Am just going through the process of linking to my iPad rather than my phone. It’s now moving, just need to get the sound profile sorted. Ran out of time last night and am going to see family this weekend so it’ll have to wait.

* edit - not a Hornby fault but user carelessness.

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@taunmarc88, long trains of wagons have always fascinated me, and TT scale means we have a fighting chance of replicating it in a fashion!

@ Silver Fox, ha ha you ready mind! Silver King had an express goods run last night even with the correct lamp head code.

couple of short videos will pop up on YouTube soon 😁

News Flash! Two new short topical cinematic features have been released for your viewing pleasure…

Don’t Stop The Oil

The King’s Cheese

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Along with many others, the Class 08 Shunter.

Actually one of two ordered, one will eventually get a repaint to an early version, and the other may or may not be subject to engineering investigations kissing_smiling_eyes

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