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Power Bank

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I trust the manual (excellent). Hornby does itself no favours by posting inaccurate shop information. The legal position on returns is weakened by inaccurate technical data. I confess I am baffled by the inability to get a few basic measurements for sound decoders right when they are there, with photographs, in the manual.

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  • 3 months later...

I’ve fitted another loco with the hm7000 and a power-bank

They both run really badly until the power bank is enabled.

One of the locos ran really great before adding the hornby decoder and that was without a powerbank.

I expect the hornby decoder are power hungry compared to other decoders.

Other powerbanks on my layout start changing as soon as power is applied.

How do you enable the changing of the powerbank - is there an enable option on the app? If not, why not!!!

Anyone else struggling to get their powerbanks to start changing?

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  • 2 months later...

That last comment is somewhat disingenuous.

The Hornby project team and the extended test team conducted extensive testing prior to launch.

The problem you have experienced was not widely seen in testing - for example only one of my seventeen TXS fitted locos exhibited this behaviour. The behaviour is also very similar to symptoms seen with dirty track etc and as such was difficult initially to identify and replicate.

Only when it was released to a wider audience was data available to show the issue.

Hornby acted very quickly to rectify the issue and release updated software for every profile on the app.

That is something to be applauded.

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