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Sound issue with N18TXS Decoder in Flying Scotsman with HM7000 App


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I installed the N18TXS Decoder and speaker in my Flying Scotsman engine last night and it ran perfectly for 20 minutes until I had to clear the table for tea. After I had set it back up, I had an error flagging in the app saying "Sound data missing" I tried browsing profiles and reinstalling the same profile, SD036 and also SD037 for A1/A3 a few times but after running through for 15 minutes and updating and then removing and re-adding the loco to the track I was still getting the same error with no sound and no control of the engine at all via the app. I even reset the Decoder and removed and re-added to the app but nothing at all. After a couple of hours of fiddling I packed it away and came back to it again this morning.

I tried profiles SD036 and SD037 again with no luck and after looking through the profiles I found another TT Flying Scotsman SD040, I ran through the installation of this and shazam! It works perfectly again. It is strange why this happened and I thought the decoder had got corrupted, teething problems I presume?

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Note that there are separate profiles for 00 and TT locos.



That is a good point for anyone that is unaware of this, it shows in the top left hand corner TT or 00, but the SD036 and SD037 Profiles I used were both for TT? Very strange! And hopefully just a glitch seeing as it is new technology.

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I have to say mine installed fine. I thought there was going to be a generic photo to use in the profile but I took a pretty awful one to get me by. I've not managed to make a circuit yet so was just running back and forth over a couple of curves and straights and some points (although everything stopped on the points so something to look at).

First impressions are very good - thanks are due to the devs and the beta team for getting the vast majority of the bugs out of the way before the masses got hold of it.

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I had a similar issue with the A4 on a Next18. It all looked like it loaded but then had the error. Loaded other profiles and they worked but not that one. I found that when I re-updated the firmware (even though it said it was up to date) and then tried again it then loaded it. Strange

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I have installed 2 of these decoders now and sometimes the sound files (which are pretty big based on download times) can be problematic but a re-install has corrected it. Although the app automatically prompted a reset code to be sent via my Hornby account (that’s smart thinking) I haven’t used it and re-install sorted it.

@96RAF, Rob, would you recommend doing the reset in these circumstances?

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I would recommend that if a profile is persistently giving trouble to report it in the customer care, but if it is isolated then try a reload followed up by an import of functions and running settings, power cycling upon request. You can try a reset just in case, nothing to lose, but note the Launch2023 master reset code will time-ex soon for security reasons, then you will need the individual decoder reset code, which you have already made note of and saved externally from the app settings page - you haven’t, then you should.

Security - can you imagine the chaos at a show or at a club that was using the app if someone with a master reset code broadcast it and scuttled everyones locos.

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I installed the N18TXS Decoder and speaker in my Flying Scotsman engine last night and it ran perfectly for 20 minutes until I had to clear the table for tea. After I had set it back up, I had an error flagging in the app saying "Sound data missing" I tried browsing profiles and reinstalling the same profile, SD036 and also SD037 for A1/A3 a few times but after running through for 15 minutes and updating and then removing and re-adding the loco to the track I was still getting the same error with no sound and no control of the engine at all via the app. I even reset the Decoder and removed and re-added to the app but nothing at all. After a couple of hours of fiddling I packed it away and came back to it again this morning.

I tried profiles SD036 and SD037 again with no luck and after looking through the profiles I found another TT Flying Scotsman SD040, I ran through the installation of this and shazam! It works perfectly again. It is strange why this happened and I thought the decoder had got corrupted, teething problems I presume?

Lee-348193 did you have to remove anything from where the speaker should go? i received TT3004M and it has waht looks like a speaker already in there, but no wires coming out. When i did my William Whitelaw that area was empty and i simply put the speaker in there. I'm a bit worried about removing whatever it is.



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Just use the installed speaker, no reason not to.

When you install the decoder its PCB connects to pads on that speaker.

PS. mdb, why did you copy into your reply Lee’s OP that doesn’t relate directly to the question you are asking? Just use the text box at the bottom of the page and the green Post Reply button, just as I’m doing now. Would be even better to raise its own thread with a title like “Using the Installed Speaker?”. That way, the other people who’ve questioned its use in various threads would see the answers too.

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I installed the N18TXS Decoder and speaker in my Flying Scotsman engine last night and it ran perfectly for 20 minutes until I had to clear the table for tea. After I had set it back up, I had an error flagging in the app saying "Sound data missing" I tried browsing profiles and reinstalling the same profile, SD036 and also SD037 for A1/A3 a few times but after running through for 15 minutes and updating and then removing and re-adding the loco to the track I was still getting the same error with no sound and no control of the engine at all via the app. I even reset the Decoder and removed and re-added to the app but nothing at all. After a couple of hours of fiddling I packed it away and came back to it again this morning.

I tried profiles SD036 and SD037 again with no luck and after looking through the profiles I found another TT Flying Scotsman SD040, I ran through the installation of this and shazam! It works perfectly again. It is strange why this happened and I thought the decoder had got corrupted, teething problems I presume?

Lee-348193 did you have to remove anything from where the speaker should go? i received TT3004M and it has waht looks like a speaker already in there, but no wires coming out. When i did my William Whitelaw that area was empty and i simply put the speaker in there. I'm a bit worried about removing whatever it is.



I also removed what I thought was just a speaker blanking plate and installed the speaker included with the kit, I had no idea that it was what Fishmanoz said and that it connected to the PCB on the decoder without the wire! You live and learn! :-)

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I also removed what I thought was just a speaker blanking plate and installed the speaker included with the kit, I had no idea that it was what Fishmanoz said and that it connected to the PCB on the decoder without the wire! You live and learn! :-)



It's doesn't say on the Hornby website that the TT120 Flying Scotsman comes fitted with a speaker! It would be helpful



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The simple answer if not sure is to install the decoder and fire it up. If it makes a noise then there is a speaker in there somewhere. If silent no harm done, simply install the speaker provided and connect to the decoder.

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The fitted speaker connects via spring loaded contacts (like the loco wiper pick ups) on the bottom of the board that carries the decoder socket/blanking plate, it does not use a wiring harness.

As Rob (96RAF) say if you like you can pop a next 18 sound deoder in and see if it makes any sounds, or you could look under the board and see if there is a speaker in there, it will be in an recess towards the rear of the tender below the above described board. So far all separately purchased locos (not part of the currently available sets) appear to have a speaker pre fitted, based purely on what owners have said, the speaker colours do vary between A1/3 and A4, some have black visible sections, some silver. By comparison on a ‘set’ loco there is nothing at all in the recess below the circuit board.

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I, too, had some issues with installing the sound files on my Flying Scotsman, but after giving it some thought, I wonder whether this may be the explanation:-

The HM7000 decoders have only just been sent out, the app and profiles have only just been released, there are only the three TT profiles for the Gresley Pacifics at the moment, and these are the only TT locos available.

I suspect that the time interval given by my device for loading the data is just an extrapolation from my internet speed, and that the server supposed to be supplying the data is overwhelmed by the demand from those with 18 pin decoders and Gresley Pacifics!

So I downloaded the SD36 profile onto my decoder just before 6am this morning, when all God-fearing railway modellers are still in the arms of Morpheus, and it worked perfectly.

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Peter, I think you could well be right in some of that. I would also wonder if the longer the upload time, the greater to opportunities for a background operation on the device being used to do something and slightly corrupt the file. Glad it’s all working well, the sounds really add something to the whole experience

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