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HM7000-8TXS runs fine on Bluetooth but can't be controlled via conventional DCC


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I have fitted an 8TXS to a Bachmann Class 37, everything went fine; decoder works, sound works (albeit with wrong, Class 31 Sound profile).

Originally, before sound connected, I could just hand over to my Digitrax DCS50 controller and it was wonderful, switching between the two.

Now it still runs beautifully on Bluetooth but when switched to DCC, CV12 changes, to 0 but there is absolutely no response to the DCS50 controller, switch back to Bluetooth, everything fine again.

Every other conventional DCC works on the DCS50 powered track.

Any suggestions

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Read the reply made by 96RAF half way down this page. Third paragraph in his reply.


The third paragraph from 96RAF's post is quoted below, but the linked thread as a whole gives more detail.

"The lack of response on DCC problem has been seen by the extended test team and is under investigation with respect to why this sometimes happens. If required to be fixed then a decoder update will flag up in the app."

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I posted pretty much the same problem on Monday. Doing a CV reset via CV8 on the app worked for me. Mine has failed again since then and needed a reset/update of the Bluetooth Firmware. Things are a little unpredictable at the moment.

Here is my thread


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I have reset the decoder 3 times, CV8=8

I have loaded a new profile, was Class 31 now Class 66, profile accepted but no other changes.

Still works on Bluetooth, except I cannot switch sound on/off but can by using overall sound slider.

I seem to be able to change 4 digit number but not 2 digit number

1 hour later

I have successfully changed from Bluetooth to DCC.

However, it does not respond to 4 digit number but to default 2 digit number, 3.

I am now able to turn sound on and off.

To be continued....

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Did you enter your 4-digit address here and then go to the CV editor and refresh the CVS, then check to see if CVS 17/18 had the 4-digit equivalent (you need an on-line calculator to prove the numbers) but if those values are 192/100 that is the default long address of 100, meaning your address change didn’t take.


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I've just had this problem again - the loco was running at a fair speed under DCC control and suddenly lost communication. I had to start up the app on the iPad and switch back to Bluetooth in order to stop it, and then set CV8 to 8 to to get the DCC working again. I do have an emergency power-off switch for the track, but even so this is risking a collision. Having to reset all the CVs again afterwards is getting to be a big chore - auto calibration, AFC functions, sound volumes etc.

I'm inclined to put the loco away (only one of my two 8TXS locos has been affected so far) until the problem is fixed by a firmware update.

Regards, John

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Thank you 96RAF.

Last night I did as you suggested

I had done the change as you showed but it had placed 100 in CV 18

I had to repeat this several times but eventually it was accepted, a bit of a faff but it worked.

I am now able to swap from Bluetooth to DCC and vice-versa without problem.

However, I am left with a problem, that I had before; the Bluetooth control will not start or stop the engine, Function Button 1. It works perfectly on DCC.

Despite these problems, I am convinced this is the way to go and I am impressed with the Bluetooth system and the sound is superb, to my ears.

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I haven't contacted Hornby yet. So far the advice I've received on here has kept me going and as I said above, I've got it working except for sound on/off.

However, I can't find the troubleshooting guides mentioned by 96RAF.

A pointer towards "the additional manuals area. Bottom of the how-to guides." would help.

is there a link.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have purchased four Blu-tooth sound chips (all with stay-alive).

I also purchased the recommended Hornby 4 amp power supply, having disconnected and removed my H&M DC power controller - I wasn't going to risk turning it up to maximum, being that it was first purchased in 1977!

The first 21 pin did not work - it detected itself but would not update the Spirom etc. It was returned and efficiently replaced by Hattons. The replacement was installed in the same Bachmann loco 47612 Titan and in exactly rhe same way and works well (albeit using the class 50 sound profile.

The other three chips purchased are 8 pin. The first installed but does not address the lights on my Hornby 56040 Oystermouth. I had some email exchanges with Hornby tech about this but there was no solution offered - in fact they didn't seem to properly read/understand my emails - it has been a week since last communication. Not a happy experience.

I just installed a second 8-pin into a Heljan 33101 and it installed well and works.

With increasing confidence I installed the third 8-pin into Bachmann 37431 Bullidae. It detected, updated and installed the sound profile (class 50) ....BUT the three Function Control Screens remained blank and the loco 'dead'. I pressed the blank function control screen boxes to see if anything might happen. The loco motor just buzzed and no sound - although the App health check was reporting all was ok. I quickly disconnected, reinstalled different Sound Profiles - for class 31 etc but no change either to buzzing, actual sound or display of control screens - still blank.

I cannot delete it, or reset the App will not permit. i will try it in another loco in case there is a loco fault and let you know! if not it will go back and I will get it replaced and try again.

In all four cases the Sound profiles include actions for steam engines (not appropriate for diesel) and are unrelated to the description. I cannot understand this at all! The sound profile being tailored to Hornby models might mean functions are mixed up? but the presence of steam sounds is strange.

I guess being an early adopter invites all these issues and that Hornby will sort them out. I think they've gone to market too soon. The concept is however brilliant, as is the price point. I encourage them to slay their dragons (thinking about St George here) and hoping updates will clear most of these problems.

So 3 out of five have worked, all with some issues. Hmmmm not tha good really but I love the concept

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Welcome to the forums Andrew and a couple of points given your understanding seems a little out of date:

  • just as well you didn’t use your DC controller. While initial advice said you could, changed advice from around 2 months ago is you cannot use any DC controller. You either use a DCC controller or a DC PSU
  • you say you have had some issues with Customer Care. I suspect you were talking to the general customercare@ address, not the HM7000 specific address of hm.customercare@hornby.com?
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After much trouble getting dcc to work properly, I thought I had finally cracked it.

I have just fitted a new decoder and it doesn’t like dcc.

This is using a new LocoMotive dcc Arduino Bluetooth setup. Even with a rc snubber, the latest decoder kept losing connection. The other one is fine.

Both ok with the elite.

I’ll just have to use Bluetooth on these.

with this decoder I had trouble downloading the A1 sound file, and when I did, it had no dcc function at all.

I downloaded the 08 file (quicker) and got dcc back. Reloaded A1 file and still had dcc control.

I’m wondering, because of a poor download, if other effects on dcc are possible.

I think I’ll go and try a fresh download.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the first page of this thread I posted twice, on 1 and 3 April, to say that I'd twice in quick succession lost DCC control on one of my two 8TXS locos and had to reset with CV8=8 to recover.

The strange thing is that this hasn't happened again in over a month of operation, and I can't think what if anything has changed.

Perhaps I'm tempting fate!

Regards, John

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My problem was solved when I changed from the default sound profile to another steam profile. It all downloaded perfectly and worked perfectly from then on. (I am fairly ignorant of which sound to put with which locomotive and I do realise that my solution will not please everybody but I am happy).

My new fear arose when reading about decoders burning out when being powered by DC controllers. I have a thirty-year-old Gaugemaster which has been and still is wonderful. As an experiment, I tried powering my two HM7000 locos using the Gaugemaster. They worked beautifully and I suddenly became aware of the fact that I could now run ordinary DC trains at the same time as Bluetooth controlled trains (my layout is in four blocks so that I can switch from analogue to digital at will).

I do hope that Hornby sorts this out as I am ready to purchase several more HM7000 decoders.

I am overjoyed at the prospects being held out by Hornby's wonderful new system so much so that I think I can at long last forgive them for choosing the tension lock system all those years ago!

Well done Hornby!


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