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HM DCC App cannot find 2 locos at once?


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I have installed new 8-pin sound decoders in 2 locomotives and they both work fine. However, I cannot seem to connect them both to the App at the same time - it's either one or the other.

Please let me know if I am doing something wrong, or whether there could be problems with the decoders or the App.

Many thanks.

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Not so much for me, but for others that can answer your query.

You will have to be more specific.

Do you mean you cannot see both locos on the screen at the same time.

When you say "connect", please define what you mean by "connect" i.e what do you have to do to switch between one loco and the other. Please describe in detail - what icons are pressed in what order etc.

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When you link a decoder it is allocated to a default loco, therefore you should have 2 default locos in your engine shed, unless you gave customised them to a loco name of choice.

Your question is a bit vague, so maybe a screen shot of your engine shed and manage devices screens (Settings area). Also the control screen (joystick).

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