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LMR Edge Hill Station granted Scheduled Status by the Government

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The government has granted Scheduled Status to Edge Hill Station and cutting for the LMR (LPMRW!). This was the location of the famed Moorish Arch, which housed the winding engines for the Wapping and Crown Street tunnels. Scheduled status is granted to archeological sites meaning it cannot be disturbed without government permission. To which I say Hooray!!

The video is filled with wonderful imagery and is well narrated. Some of the images date from the earliest days and I do recognize them and the artist. Others are photographs from more modern times, which I am completely unfamiliar with. Track plans, etc!

This is well worth a look. Recommended for all railway enthusiasts.


EDIT: White text is a new one on me!? How strange, I use my phone to post which is typically white text black screen as it is easier on the eyes. First time for this. My apologies

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The Lacey & Allen Carriage may be seen at 2:35 of the video. It appears in a well known image, created by Issac Shaw. Shaw is a known good observer. He understands proper perspective and did draw the things he saw.


Two very unusual carriages are illustrated in this one image.

The front of the Lacey & Allen carriage is illustrated, showing detail no other artist does. The Carriage is being turned on a turntable, by manpower. It simply would not do to ride backwards. The Lacey & Allen also appears in a few other images, I have described this earlier.

The best image of the Chinese Liverpool carriage we have also appears here. It shows the pagoda roof and the strange kickouts on the sides of the carriage. From this image, we can see they were of shallow depth, unlike other depictions.


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Great news and not before time for such an important site. Is it too much to hope that some archaeological/preservation work may follow - the old winding apparatus or certainly the below ground housings for it still exist beneath the current ground level. There is an old video on YouTube showing it. The whole site is a fascination and has long been on my bucket list for a visit - unlikely now to be achieved but you never know.

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