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Forward & Reverse problem

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Once again I am so frustrated over this issue, the hornby railmaster and the Elite controller do not indicate the same, before I go to details This has NOTHING to do with the direction the loco goes. when the railmaster say > the elite says < and visa


versa and what ever I do I cannot get the two to indicate the same, hornby say its not a problem and others go on about the train direction, I repeat this has nothing to do with train direction. surely the elite and railmaster should indicate the same. is


there anybody else that can check this and report it to hornby then they may at long last correct it. what gets me is they just don't seem to understand, the only way is for a hornby rep to come and see, then they may take notice.

is this a fault with the


elite, I have reset and still the same, the railmaster and elite never indicate the same, I am really fed up of it now. wonder if I deactivate the software and send it back to them if they will refund my money ???? as I cannot see that this will ever get corrected.

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As a RM user, I am intrigued as to your angst. My Elite is under the table and rarely used or seen since everything is controlled by Railmaster. Forwards on RM makes the train go forwards and backwards in reverse. If you mix usage of the Elite and Railmaster


then you will get everything confused. For instance, if you say turn lights off on the Elite, then Railmaster thinks they are still on so you have to reset the function off again on the Elite for RM to know. The main reason I got RM was so that I didn't have


to remember all the Elite/control/loco business and have found it very enjoyable and easy to use.

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stevecamden said:

As a RM user, I am intrigued as to your angst. My Elite is under the table and rarely used or seen since everything is controlled by Railmaster. Forwards on RM makes the train go forwards and backwards in reverse. If you

mix usage of the Elite and Railmaster then you will get everything confused. For instance, if you say turn lights off on the Elite, then Railmaster thinks they are still on so you have to reset the function off again on the Elite for RM to know. The main reason

I got RM was so that I didn't have to remember all the Elite/control/loco business and have found it very enjoyable and easy to use.
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I have now put up a you-tube video showing the problem see "hornby railmaster & elite forward & reverse issues" as trying to explain it is nigh impossible, I just hope that anyone who has the elite and rail-master to check it out, it is not possible that


I am the only one who has noticed this, but I am a beta tester for a few companies so maybe I notice more than Mr average. if anyone does have this problem please report it to hornby as they are not taking any notice of just one person, in my view they should


take notice.

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I've just watched your video and your Elite is wrong. My Elites and those of all other people I've seen are reversed to yours, i.e. the LEFT arrow is FORWARD and the RIGHT arrow is REVERSE. This also happens to be the way real life railways work, which


has been mentioned many times before on this thread.


There can be only two reasons you are experiencing this and that is that either something odd is happening in your Elite and the indicators are reversed (I've never come across this myself) or your


loco has been programmed to run in reverse. If the latter is DEFINITELY NOT the case then you should contact Hornby Customer Care as there is clearly something odd going on with your Elite.


RailMaster doesn't even come in to the equation at this point.


The problem is a fundamental one with your Elite/loco combination.


I would put up a video to show you, but it's unnecessary as I'm sure you understand this.


You state that RailMaster is at fault when it is definitely not the case, and you must


be aware of this from what other people have said on this thread.


Because people are not used to the left arrow=forward of the Elite (not yours of course) RailMaster even built in a "Reverse controls" function in the settings, to make life easier for


the user, HOWEVER, if you use this, then you must not refer to your Elite as the controls WILL NOW be the other way around. In your case, though, this does not matter as your problem occurs before RailMaster comes into the equation.


I hope that finally


helps you.


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LMSTim said:

I've just watched your video and your Elite is wrong. My Elites and those of all other people I've seen are reversed to yours, i.e. the LEFT arrow is FORWARD and the RIGHT arrow is REVERSE. This also happens to be the way real

life railways work, which has been mentioned many times before on this thread.

There can be only two reasons you are experiencing this and that is that either something odd is happening in your Elite and the indicators are reversed (I've never come

across this myself) or your loco has been programmed to run in reverse. If the latter is DEFINITELY NOT the case then you should contact Hornby Customer Care as there is clearly something odd going on with your Elite.

RailMaster doesn't even come in

to the equation at this point. The problem is a fundamental one with your Elite/loco combination.

I would put up a video to show you, but it's unnecessary as I'm sure you understand this.

You state that RailMaster is at fault when it is definitely

not the case, and you must be aware of this from what other people have said on this thread.

Because people are not used to the left arrow=forward of the Elite (not yours of course) RailMaster even built in a "Reverse controls" function in the settings,

to make life easier for the user, HOWEVER, if you use this, then you must not refer to your Elite as the controls WILL NOW be the other way around. In your case, though, this does not matter as your problem occurs before RailMaster comes into the equation.


hope that finally helps you.
Can this not be corrected by reversing the "default direction" of the loco?
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  • 5 months later...

Thanks for that constructive reply, I now have assumed that the railmaster is fine and I have updated it to the latest version. As it maybe the elite, I am very confused as I have now updated that to 1.41 and it still wont match the railmaster, I have


spoke to hornby about this and they say its not a problem, but it clearly is. I have tried everything. On the elite the right arrow moves the loco forward, this is wrong in railway terms, as the right arrow on railmaster moves it backward.

I really wish


that hornby or someone would tell me how to get it right, swapping the loco direction is no good as the arrows still dont match with railmaster. maybe I will get onto hornby and get it swapped unless there is a way to cure it. but as they say there is nothing


wrong I will be banging my head on the wall, as I have been doing for the last six months.

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I would like to draw attention to page 18 of the elite 1.41 manual under controlling two loco's, it clearly shows the left arrow on the elite and clearly shows the loco's direction.

This is how my elite works, so is it wrong???? and why is the railmaster


which people say is right, the left arrow moves the loco in the other direction.

Come on hornby help me get this sorted before I commit suicide.

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  • 1 year later...

I've had this problem AND found a solution.


After reinstalling, testing on three computers etc etc etc the fix for me was easy.


1) Delete all locos.

2) Switch to the sample track plan

3) Add all locos back in

4) Switch back to my


track plan


Once I switch back to my track plan locos carry on operating as expected and run in the direction I ask RailMaster to send them which is mirrored with the Elite and vice versa.


I don't know what is wrong with my track plan to make


locos run in the opposite direction to Railmaster or why Railmaster worked incorrectly with the Elite under my track plan - perhaps the four reverse loops with reverse loop modules?


What I do know is I'm a happy bunny and I found a solution which fixed


the problem... at least for me.

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RogerB said:

Well done for getting it going properly. Thanks for posting here, I am sure it will help some folk until Hornby come back with a solution. Oh yes! welcome to this forum. R-

Who will bet that RM's next update fixes

that problem and the OP will be back to square 1. Doom-mongering must be in my genes.
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I don't really think the track plan has anything to do with it, at least, from my experience. Some time ago RM users complained, one in particular quite bitterly, about the direction arrows on it being opposite to the normally accepted ones on the Elite


and generally regarded as the correct default. I took advice at that time and reversed my directions on RM for all locos, and it worked. If any RM update amends the default, I suppose all I need to do will be to set everything back to normal direction.

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Not sure if this is the correct forum but I am trying to find the website to load the APP for a samsung tab for railmaster to work on android the link I have doesn't work www.powerpros.com/invicto/railmaster.htm any help would be appreciated I have the


activation key



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UK prototype convention is that when standing on a platform a train will always come into the station from your right (unless single line working), hence the Elite left arrow indicating loco forwards.

RM on my pc has Forwards indicating when I press


the left arrowhead, so I think all is as it should be.

As necessary I have fiddled with available settings on the Elite menus and by way of tick boxes within RM to achieve this scenario.

I am happy that all my trains go forwards in a clockwise direction.

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Graskie said:

This thread goes backwards and forwards, doesn't it?

The thread' science Graskie, you must be getting dizzy watching your trains go round. The one little sidetrack has been successfully decamped to its own thread.

And just to put it simply, if you are having problems with RM forward convention v Elite's, you should be able to solve it by using the default direction setting in the RM Setup window.
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