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DCC running post-upload of new v.2 sound profiles

Pendragon Sailing

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Thanks Rob
Your ‘chuffing’ fix seems to have worked too 👍🏼



That fix has worked on the other updated profiles that had random sounds playing. Obviously a glitch for the developers to look into.

Test team reports 3 x Tornado without the chuff missing.

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I hadn't previously tried using long addresses, but out of interest I changed the address of one of my locos from 2 to 1024 (to simplify the binary arithmetic) via the app. The app CV editor then showed the correct values in CVs 17, 18 and 29. I then refreshed the app CV screen to see what had been written to the decoder, and the values were still correct.

So is this long address problem related specifically to updating the profile of a loco which has a long address set (I noted that the profile update doesn't seem to overwrite an existing short address, which was a bit of a welcome surprise given that it resets all other CVs to default values), or is it an intermittent problem of long address setting in the app more generally?

Regards, John

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I must confess that I didn't actually try running it under DCC (Railmaster), but I have now done so, and it works with address 1024.

I've also now tried re-loading the V2 profile for my Tornado with the long address still set to 1024, and the loco then failed to respond under DCC, as you discovered. I then examined the CVs by refreshing from the decoder to the app. The address CVs had all been reset to default values - CV1 to 3, CVs 17 and 18 to 192/100, and CV29 to 2. This explains why it didn't respond. I then reset the long address to 1024 by retyping this in the app data screen, and it all worked again.

So it looks as though you can recover the DCC operation after the profile update simply by rekeying the long address in the app data screen.

What puzzles me is that I'm sure I didn't have to do this with my short addresses after updating the profiles, but in this latest case the short address did also get reset to 3.

Regards, John

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I’m reluctant to jinx things but after reloading the v2 profiles for my TT120 A3 Night Hawk and A4 Falcon things seem better. Twice now I’ve left them for a few days and when I start the layout back up they work first time. Long may this consistency continue.

Thanks Hornby HM7000 team!

one thing I have noticed is that this system is much more sensitive to dirty track and my track seems to get dirty much quicker. A couple of days between running warrants a complete clean. I’m glad I’ve got a small layout. Perhaps it’s more TT120 than it is HM7000.

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It has been noticed when testing ADCC/ABC that the loco can stop as if entering an isolated section, then reverse uncommanded due to a grubby track, so it would appear the decoders are a tad voltage sensitive.

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I dropped the v2 profiles into 4 of my TT:120 locos, super smooth downloads no glitches. Running in general is smoother, I am certain! No changes in the short address needed, works fine on the main Dynamis Ultra. Also all the individual changes I had made to CVs 4, 5, 6, still stuck so it wasn’t like a full decoder reset in my case. I didn’t have to un-assign, unlink the decoders to get the profiles to upload. On my Piko BR130 I uploaded the new class 47 profile over the Cl 50 it has been running so I know the new profiles have overwritten fully.

Loving the flexibility of this system and the user friendly experience. 👍

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