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Elite - Memory Loss?


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I have just taken delivery this morning of a brand new Elite controller.


After spending quite a while naming my Loco's I unplugged the Elite (as I would usually do) and when I turned it back on again, all the names were gone.


This cannot


be correct - can it?

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Thank you for your reply.

It is even worse than I thought! I was pretty sure that I had followed all the steps including finishing by pressing Control 1 and then Menu but I have tried again just to make sure. I realised now that I do


not have to unplug it for the problem to occur because the name is no longer there when I go back straight away. (I've got v1.3 installed)

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Further to my post above, I have just realised that it is not remembering Speed Steps either. I had set the speed steps down to 14 to make the digital dial match closer to the knob movement and they have all reverted back to 128. Again, this is without


switching off. I know I haven't got the latest version of Firmware but I really doubt whether the FW version has anything to do with this problem.

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The functionality that you describe definitely works in 1.4.


It is possible that the hw/fw is broken or confused.


i suggest:-

1) repeat the operation with the on-line manual in one hand and the elite in the other. it is possible that


you are missing a step in teh command sequence. We have all done this so worth checking very carefully.

2) try upgrading to 1.41 and resetting the controller (no reason that this should work but it costs nothing to try)

3) contact hornby cust care

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Thanks for your input.

We are thinking along the same lines because I have just been trying a few things and then come back to my computer and read your suggestions.

I have tried the sequence again, one step at a time and the end result


is the same.

I tried resetting the unit (I didn't think this would have any affect because the unit was only unwrapped 13 hours ago from new) - It made no difference

I was tempted to try 1.41 but resisted just in case the download failed for any reason.



have decided to contact Hornby Care when they open on Friday morning.

I will post the conclusion over the next day or so.

Thanks again,

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From my very limited experience of the Elite I found it to be absolutely hopeless. The one I had was new and had to go to Hornby to upgrade and then they "fixed" it and it still would not work so I went back to two Selects and have no trouble at all now,


the Elite went back for refund from retailer. My belief is the Elite is too techy and has far too many problems and not properly prepared for the marketplace. OK so the Select won't do all the CV controls etc but at least it is reliable. Time will tell if


the Elite can be reliable by reading here.

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RDS said:

...that's a bit worrying...
A replacement is currently on it's way to me. Due here tomorrow.
Fingers crossed!

I've had my Elite almost since they were first available and I've not had any

problems with it apart from the very early firmware which was soon corrected.
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I have had an elite since shortly after they were released as well. I did have a problem with a power connector a few years ago but that aside have found the elite very reliable.


have fun. The elite is not perfect but it is pretty good value and


has done a good job for me.

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The replacement Elite arrived this morning (Excellent service from Amazon) and I am delighted to say that it is so far, so good. It has remembered all the settings I have entered. Like the last one, it is v1.3. It may be a few days before


I have the courage to try to update it to v1.41 though!

Thanks to all for helping me.

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GC, in my 10 months on the Forums, you are the only one who has given up and returned your unit. Most of the problems on here are firmware updates with the odd faulty unit as above, replaced on return by the supplier or Hornby. All who went through Hornby


to get their firmware updated have reported satisfaction with the service provided.

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