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At lonnnnnng last...!!!


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Just got email saying "Look what’s just arrived!"

It says 'Two of our highly anticipated Big Four collection models have just arrived at Hornby.' Well back in 10/01/2023 I ordered the R30271

LMS, Fowler 4P, 2-6-4T, 2300: Big Four Centenary Collection – Era 3 & it say that the LMS Fowler will be in stock in the next few months. Well I suppose that is 1 out of the 3 Models I am waiting for coming, & the other 2 are the R3983SS

LNER, P2 Class, 2-8-2, 2007 'Prince of Wales' With Steam Generator - Era 11

& the R30225SS

BR, Stanier 5MT 'Black 5', 4-6-0, 44726 With Steam Generator - Era 5

both Date placed: 11/01/2022.

What Models have you ordered & how long have you been waiting for??? 🚂

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JJ, try nearly 4 years waiting for the 2MT. It is excellent by the way. I echo the above comment, it feels a bit more special because of the wait. However, I understand that firm delivery dates are difficult to hold, but if they do change, it would be most welcome to be advised by email with some sort of actual reason for the deferment, rather than just changing the expected date on the website and giving no explanation. I intend to mention this to the Brand Manager at Warley if he's there, so I will let you all know if I get anything interesting on this subject.

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Years ago, there wasn't the communication there is now, but new models were announced annually by the issue of the catalogue.

'New this Year' meant precisely that - ready to buy and in the shops.

This is all a marketing ploy - final feasibility call it nowadays.

It is what it is I suppose.


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I've been waiting for an item I paid for in June 2022. I last contacted the shop on 1 November this year and there is still some kerfuffle. I will be very unlikely to purchase from them in the future. No names, please!

As far as status, I think Rapido does an excellent job.


Simmo009, when you speak with Hornby, please show them that page!


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I think Hornby must be going flat out at the moment, in the last 2 months I have received about 5 preorders ordered over a two year period. It was a huge surprise because I definitely didn't budget for them coming all at once, going by past years output it would normally be about one every 6 months.

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I will be joining you in saying 'at long last' when I get the smoke fitted Black 5 & Scotsman loco's that I ordered when they were first introduced.

I was told at Warley last year that they would be out in June this year. Just as well I didn't hold my breath!

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Were they pointing to a calendar at the year 2024 when they were pointing .... ?

I'm sure they'll be worth the wait, they look great. It almost seems as if they wait for enough pre-orders to come in before they give the order to 'push the green button' sometimes!!


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