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not finding host device

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cutting to the chase

Started loco, all seemed to work. Got to corner of layout and it stopped.

Seemed to be connected, blue tooth symbol blue and all connections etc, just no movement or sound.

Did a reset for decoder,

scan finds decoder,

clicked reset, entered code

did the power cycle.

It started "Finding host device" but it seems to be stuck in a loop and goes no further.

Other loco works on layout with no problems.

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Problem resolved.

Don't know what the sequence was, but

I deleted profile, rescanned and it asked for system update, it then all seemed to work. Go figure!

If someone has the nounce maybe some flow charts would be handy for set up and problem solving.

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There is a comprehensive how-to guide for all stages of setting up and using the system as well as a trouble shooting guide. These documents are linked to from a sticky post in the index page for this forum.

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If you don't have a reset code who do you need to contact to obtain the code ?



If you read the troubleshooting guide spoken to in my post above it tells you in there.

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It is emailed to the email address you used to sign in to the App. Search your email for "Device reset passcode". It is the full hexadecimal address in the form a4c138xxxxxx which you can scan for with any bluetooth device. There are apps that will show the full address if your device doesn't.

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I have three decoders two of these I was sent the email with the code but for some reason the one I am having issues with has not sent an email . I have done exactly the same for all three decoders .

96Raf if I had found the answer I would not have asked the question

When I click on the links it tells me the page is unavailable

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If you don't have the Reset code just download a Bluetooth search tool off Play. Remove the colons from the code it finds and enter that. That is how I did it while waiting for Hornby to send me the Reset code. The HM7000 decided to have a funny five minutes. I think Daedalus gave me the information several posts ago.

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Ok so I bought another decoder (18pin Hornby) to see if the one I had was faulty (and for my next loco) I have set this up no problem it has NOT sent me a reset code by email as suggested and expected .

I did find the code in the device setting so I have made a note , I couldn't do this before as it didn't get that far .

What I did notice is the following

The decoder id is

HM7000_9FCA The reset code for this is a4c138009fca

This is also true for the other decoders I have ie

HM7000_BC35 reset code is a4c13800bc35

I dont know if this is true for every decoder

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