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End of Warley?

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So many ‘shows’ have pulled the plug, they are incredibly expensive. I worked with a few companies (not model railways) advising, when you do the sums as an commercial exhibitor, it’s a huge amount of extra business you need to do to cover the real costs. That aside, one comment I saw last week relating to this, was that the organisers were getting older and had decided they had done their bit. That sadly is an issue in many clubs of different hobbies and sports. No one wants to put the work in, just expect it all to be done for them. The Warley Team have been an absolute credit to the hobby 👍

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Rallymatt is correct that it is not just model railway clubs that are without younger generations to support club/society activities. An operatic society of which I had the privilege to be principal bass for many years and which, when I joined, regularly filled a 700 seat theatre in a Midlands city, has just folded after a century of success simply because younger people seem not to want to be involved in live theatre. This despite the society giving free singing, acting, back stage and production lessons to anyone who wanted them and doing everything in its powers to attract membership. Advancing age and infirmity among the dwindling number of active members and remorselessly increasing costs made quality productions impossible so the decision to close was inevitable. Society appears to be changing.

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Why would you go anywhere, when the world is at your fingertips?

(tongue firmly planted in cheek, but having been virtually housebound for 11 months & counting, I am extremely grateful for technology that prevents isolation, even if social media is avoided!)

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