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Hornby Merchant Navy (circa year 2000) idler gear

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I have a lovely example of the above (Clan Line), and am aware that these locos can suffer from a split idler gear.

Although mine runs perfectly I am concerned that the idler gear will fail, trouble is, there are no replacements available,and no way of knowing if they ever will be.

I have pre ordered both types as I don’t know which type of gear I have,

Does this weakness apply to every Merchant Navy/West Country etc model produced? Do these sort of spares eventually become available?

I really love this loco, and don’t want it to become unusable.


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It is normally the driving wheel on the wheel axle that splits. Sometimes the others do but it is not so common. Fortunately as 96RAF says they use the same gears in most of their Pacifics, generally the newer models where they have retooled them, they deviate. The even better news is there is a guy on EBay that sells the gear. I found Brittanias are the worse, I often wonder if it is because it is the end wheel that is driven as opposed to the centre gear on most other models.

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What bothers me about this issue, is the fact that spare parts aren’t available.

Over the holidays, I took out a never run model of BoB “17 Squadron”that I brought brand new in 2005, put it on the track and guess what? Motor spins, but no gear movement.

Took it apart to find the split gear. Looked up the part number and checked all the normal sources for parts just to find, not available anywhere. Contacted Hornby, who told me to contact the same sources I’d already looked at.

Put body back on, breaking off all sorts of the fine detail bits. Ugh!

I then took out another model, Schools “Brighton”, that was used occasionally back in 2009, when I brought it. Surprise, similar issue, this time on the axle gear. Again, no spares available.

I’ve heard others moan of the availability of parts, but until now, this has not been an issue, although I have experienced two rotted Mazak chassis.

There is much to be said in favour of the old Tri-ang KISS principle!

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I have been moaning about it for ages. I search EBay to find them, as I said you can get most parts if you know what other models they are shared with. I think the Schools axle drive is the same as the Merchant Navy's. I must admit I used to get annoyed, now I see it as a challenge to find the right bit. People on here keep telling me it is uneconomic for Hornby to make replacements although Bachmann do. The only one I had issues with is Royal Scot/Patriot valve gear, Hornby made it so flimsy that it is impossible to get replacements. In the end I found Black Five valve gear was nearly the same so I modified the Black Five valve gear to fit.

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Most of the reports regarding the Bulleid Pacifics are definitely the idler gear which is the problem.

I have put both types on back order with Lendons, but don’t have much hope they will get any. The gears ,when they were available, came as a set to include the idler gear and drive gear.

I don’t think Hornby would ever contemplate having spares available for a model over 20 years old. It would be nice if manufacturers thought a known fault should be catered for, but that just isn’t the case.

Thanks everyone

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I think most would accept that replacement parts can not be kept available for models indefinitely but chassis using parts such as the gear set you are seeking were still being released to the market just two years ago.

Although I believe Hornby are suffering the consequences of previous management decisions to dispense with the services of experienced parts staff a few years ago - and also more recently lost a senior staff member in far more tragic circumstances - by their own admission, priority has been given to maintaining the flow of red box items over the supply of parts, and the latter has proven to be much more inflexible for them than the likes of Bachmann because Hornby do not own their own factory in China.

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Any manufacturer will tell you, the profit margin on spare parts is a gold mine. The customer needs the part. It usually cannot be obtained anywhere else. As such, the price on a spare part is sky high.

Suppose I make a gear for production models. In volume, I may spend less than £1 for each one. That would roll up into the wholesale cost, and with overhead and profit margins, sets the retail price.

But my pal Going Spare needs one. Just so happens that we have bins and bins if them. I can sell him one for £15.


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Actually that idler gear is the same one used in a Duchess and I can't be 100% sure but I think it is the same gear as used on the axle. I am sure that when I was looking for an axle gear that was what I replaced it with. When you are talking about locos costing £200 plus, there is a lot of scope for a decent spare parts service.

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The Princess Coronation was among the X8849 gear set users alongside several other chassis including the Merchant Navy. On the latest Service Sheet (438E) for the Princess Coronation, X8849 has been replaced by X7360 and as that gear set is currently available, it may be worth investigating for Merchant Navies and others.

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They may have changed the part number but I am pretty sure they are the same gears. The Princess Royal though is a completely different story, the gears are completely different. I wonder what they modified to need to change the part number?

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