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DB Piko BR 218 57803 mfx decoder

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PIKO DB BR 218 ITEM 57803 DECODER MFX (youtube.com)

Dear friends,

finally today my DB locomotive BR 218 arrived in order to complete an IC from period IV.

I hope you like the video also because different passenger carriages are used and a freight train.

Best regards

Aldebaran (Alberto)

p.s.) my wife and I, like 90 percent of Italians, love the English royals very much. The only ones to be so loved together with the sovereign Prince Albert of Monegasque.

We send our sincere, affectionate wishes to His Majesty King Charles III and Princess Catheryne of Wales.

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Dear friends,

thank you for your kind support.Dear Bee, I have disabled comments not only for this video but for everyone.Our beloved Jasmine is not very well, and all those of you who have pets can understand our state of mind.Jasmine She is not an old but elderly lady. My wife works while I have been retired for years due to the age difference. Jasmine is my shadow and I want to be by her side as much as possible while she is undergoing treatment. I follow and comment on all my parents' channels. friends, among which you are dear Bee but to spend more time with Jasmine I have disabled all comments on my channel so the time I steal from Jasmine is reduced by 50pct. I have a sensitive character and I love animals very much.

Thanks for your understanding.

Alberto 🐶👱‍♂️ (Aldebaran)

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Dear friends,

Tiziana and I thank you with all our hearts also on behalf of our beloved Jasmine. To console us, a priest friend of ours calls us every day to find out the conditions and then always tells us: Jasmine has an ace in her paw, this is to lift our spirits.

Thanks for everything, you are dear friends.

Alberto, Tiziana, Jasmine 🐶👩👱‍♂️💞💞💞

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My sympathy for the Lady Jasmine. I trust she recovers soon.

Our furry friends can be a huge worry at times and of course may incur a great expense but when you have a pet you have the responsibility to take care of it, and so it goes.

Our two are a joy to have.

As an aside I misread your first post '...my wife and I like 90% of Italians...' I wondered what the other 10% had done to upset you, then I read it properly. 😇

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Raf,

First of all I want to thank you for the good wishes sent for our Jasmine. With a lot of care and love she is now better and we hope everything goes well. My basic knowledge of the English language perhaps hurt me to express my thoughts. All Italians they love the English people and their traditions. Affirming that 90 pct loves the English monarchy in our country is the greatest moral recognition that can be made for the ruling house of Windsor. We must understand that in Italy our monarchy has brought and delivered the Italy to fascism, it promulgated racial laws and brought death and destruction everywhere until it brought it to Italy in 1943. By specifying this you can understand that in Italy no royal is loved, saying that we love Windsor 90% is an exceptional compliment.

I apologize and get to the reason for my message because I have read several comments and I apologize for the inconveniences created.Obviously and in all sincerity I only agree with one criticism I send my videos to promote my very small youtube channel.This with extreme honesty.I do not However, I want to cause problems for anyone so if, as I have read, authoritative members of this prestigious forum believe that old trademarks should not be posted even in Hornby International, I ask you, or rather I beg you, to delete all my posts because I do not have this possibility despite having tried since yesterday.

Thank you for your attention and patience and I also express on behalf of my wife all our sympathy for the United Kingdom.

I love Talisker aged 10 years, I smoke Dunhill grinds, my favorite blend is the London Mixture, I have hundreds of issues of Hornby magazine in paperback......in short, even if you cancel me I understand and I sincerely apologize to everyone and you.

Best regards,

Alberto (Aldebaran)

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Alberto you are highly regarded on our forums, so long may you continue to post your thoughts, your news and your videos.

And be careful drinking that Scottish fire water, it is very 'more-ish' and the bottle will be empty quicker than you think.

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