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railmaster backup restore using pro

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Put simply I have changed computers and reloaded all my product keys

I backed up my files to a stick via the "pro " tool and plugged it into new computer and dont know what next

On the " about " screen i just get ,back up button I dont know where else to go

I have changed computers a couple of times before and this , restore , wasnt available as the computers had died ,it would be nice not to have to start again ,again ?

regards steve

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The PRO backup function only saves copies of the necessary files to a storage device, an external HDD or Memory stick.

The PRO backup feature does not include an automated 'Restore' function. The PRO Backup 'Restore' is a manual process.

So to restore the backups back into Railmaster, after you have successfully reactivated the RM Key(s)**, you just manually 'copy' the saved files into the Railmaster 'Program' folder and 'overwrite' any files it finds with the same names (resource.mdb for example). This will probably throw up a Windows UAC security warning message (because the RM program folder is a system folder) that you will have to acknowledge to complete the copy task.

To copy the files manually, you use 'Windows File Explorer' or equivalent if using third party apps.

The RM program folder is the same one that contains the "Railmaster.exe" file. So find that file and you will know which folder to copy your backup files to.

I note that you have already reinstalled RM and entered keys, but for others reading this that have not got that far I have added the following additional detail.

Note ** The PRO backup only saves the files specific to your installation, such as your track plan, loco roster plus any 'automated control' programs or groups you have previously set up. It does not reinstall the whole RM application. So you have to install RM from the manually downloaded RM installer and re-activate it with your original key(s) before using the saved backup files.

The current latest RM version at the timestamp of this post is 1.74.5.

If you can still access the original hard drive, I suggest you read FAQ 8 in the 'Railmaster FAQ Index' pinned sticky thread as that FAQ lists further files that are useful but not saved by the PRO Backup function. Activate.dat for example ... read FAQ 8 regarding this useful file function. The batch file documented in FAQ 8 provides the same (but in my view better) function to the PRO backup function for those who don't have the PRO edition (or want to take advantage of the additional files that FAQ 8 backs up).

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Hi , thanks for the reply so quickly

ok ,thats what I suspected since i could not find this Restore function

But ive got to say this , in the Transfer Railmaster I printed out from the forum at the beginning , it clearly states :

"if you have the pro pack you can then simply restore all files saved earlier automatically using the restore function "

Iwill do what you suggest as there is no other way , please let this be my last time as this computer is new and should last me out

Finally is there any other files you would recommend i transfer while i'm at it

regards and thanks steve

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Can you provide the URL to the page where the incorrect statement can be read ... and reported.

The two additional files that I would back up are listed in the FAQ 8 text. Since you have already activated the new installation. I would back up the above two files from the new installation and not necessarily copy them over from the old unless you experience operational errors.

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hi , here goes

clicked on Railmaster Help Site -updated

got Augustus ceasar post

clicked on link in red Railmaster help site

got some boxes in blue for various railmaster instructions

clicked on railmaster transfer pc to pc

got a dark blue page with 4 paragraphs

the last paragragh , Reactivate Railmaster


i think thats it .


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To the mods.

Could you arrange for moderator AC to update his website to correct an error highlighted in the recent posts above in this thread.

The 'RM Backup' feature in RM PRO does not have an automated 'Restore' function. Ideally RM should really have had one included by HRMS, but it doesn't.

Backup is mentioned in three page locations in the RM manual. The most significant and detailed page includes a backup feature screenshot on Page 135. It only states that the files can be 'backed up', there is no documentation in the manual on this page of a 'Restore' files function. If there was, it is likely that the included 'RM Backup' screenshot would also show it, but there is nothing in the screenshot relating to invoking a restore option.

In another line of text on Page 6 in the 'PRO Features' list, the following bullet point is stated. Again it states only that files will be backed up with no mention of any corresponding 'Restore' function.

  • "Quick data backup system (locos, plans and programs) to secure your data"

Not only that, but if the RM manual is electronically searched using Acrobat Reader for the term 'restore', there are zero returned hits. The term 'restore' does not appear anywhere in the manual on any page.

It is an easy error for AC to make, because who has ever heard of any Application backup feature that does not include a corresponding restore function .... except RM that is.

On the AC website page that @loftpidgeon has quoted in his reply above, it states and I quote:

"If you have the Pro-Pack you can then simply restore all files you saved earlier automatically using the restore function or simply copy them into the same folders you saved them from earlier."

This should correctly say:

"If you have the Pro-Pack you can then simply restore all files you saved earlier by simply copying them into the same folders you saved them from earlier."

This post 'self reported' to bring to mod AC's attention.

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Well you know what they say about leading a horse to water.

Despite my efforts, the request to have AC correct his site text seems, after four days, to have fallen on death ears.

Sorry ... but at least I tried.

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Thank you 96RAF, that was all it needed, a quick courtesy confirmation note to acknowledge the request had been passed on. Else such requests appear to fall into a 'black hole'.

I'm used to seeing your mod notes in posts providing such confirmations, but on this occasion nothing. So no wonder I thought it had been ignored.

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Before I received a private note from one of our Moderator team I had no knowledge of this thread. I had received no other clue about any information on my Help Site being either 'mistaken' or 'incorrect'. Suffice to say I have had a torrid week with my son being in hospital and such thoughts and processes around any other active area of my life had to take a back seat. No communication was received by myself to alert me of any 'errors'. If I had received such communication then the correction or edit would be made immediately.

Quite why you felt it necessary to ask the Mods to contact me when I am a Mod myself is rather odd to say the least.

Secondly, the statement I gave on site about the 'Restore' function was taken from data Hornby themselves released and my site was uploaded before I had purchased my own copy of the Pro version of RM so I could not have known it was published in error or by omission by Hornby. It is not currently installed or active on my would be RM laptop.

Thirdly, to say this is an easy 'mistake for AC to make' should maybe have been worded a little better. I did not make any mistake and that particular sentence does me no favours. I will leave that there and will not think any the worse for it.

Fourth, you offer up a 'helpful' suggestion as to the correct words for the site where the Pro Pack is installed on user's systems... that was not required nor is it seen by myself as helpful. I know what the situation is and that Hornby made the mistake, for whatever reason, and I know how to correct it. For user's reading this I have already made the correction and did not use your words, close to mine as they are.

Fifth, self reporting a post wouldn't make me react any quicker to any situation until I had read the said post in my own time. We Moderators are volunteers and the tasks utilised by ourselves take up a huge amount of our time behind the scenes and being 'pushy' does not help.

Sixth, following on to your follow up post I find that rather annoying. So, I have been led to water but refused to take a drink... I rather refute that. Take a look at my third sentence, first paragraph, and there you will see the reason I have not been able to react in any way.

Seventh, you say your actions have fallen of 'death ears'. Rather, it should be 'deaf ears'. Just thought I would point that one out.

And, thankfully and finally... you say at least you tried. Well, I can say you didn't try hard enough. There is a link on my Help Site for site visitors to contact myself if questions are raised, errors found or where suggestions can be passed on in relation to the site. That was the correct form of contact in order to get to myself from the the outset. Why? The Help Site is written with approval from Hornby for the use of certain content etc. and is absolutely not connected to Hornby in any way. So using Hornby's own forum to get in touch in the way you have is not the way to do this. Please use the email link on site if further contact is required about content based on that site.

@ 96RAF

As always your wisdom is acknowledged and I thank you for your communication to myself which brought this to my attention. I am unsure if P-Henny would apologise for being hasty or not with his posts and words given what I have said re my son but I do not seek one nor do I not. It pains me when folk seek answers within hours or even a couple of days to things that are just not that important in the greater scheme of things. I talk here of my site content and not the initial issue the OP had.

I will leave this one for all to digest if they wish and no offence is meant nor taken.

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As stated by AC there is a direct contact link on his excellent help site, maybe with hindsight I should have just pointed this out in a mod note to the requester.

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Not at all Rob. The Help Site has been up long enough for anyone to spot an email link to myself and the fact it is unrelated to Hornby and the forum just adds to the fact that contact to myself, in reference to the site and its content, should be made from that platform and not through here. I myself rarely even mention the site on this forum and, yes, of course there is a permanent link to it, but that was made through a request from Hornby and with permission from themselves too. Don't worry about it.

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