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With the new Bluetooth/DCC dongle is there any need to buy an Elite as Select should do.


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Here is an interesting point, with the new Bluetooth dongle you are transferring the user interface to the App on the smart phone, so is there any need to invest in an Elite anymore? Surely a Select will do, as you are only using the XNet to DCC conversion routines in the unit.

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The answer to this question is not yet in the public domain, but the dongle may not circumvent the restricted DCC Addresses range that the Select only supports. This could restrict the effectiveness of the Select even when using the APP.

If true, the possible assumption you are making may not be valid.

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You will still have Select address limitations for a start. And have its POM only limitation and the need to isolate the decoder you are writing to from all other decoders.

But if you are ok with those limitations, don’t have a Hornby controller to fit a dongle to and want to use the app, knock your socks off.

Edit: have just seen there is further discussion in the Cavalex thread with the same advice. And at time of writing, mine was the only reply to Colin, now there are two more.

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Apologies @Paul but the info is in public domain - the dongle is simply a Bluetooth interface between DCC controller & app. Therefore as you & @Fishy both say any DCC limitations/restrictions that a controller possesses (e.g. Select’s address range) are unaffected/unaltered by dongle.

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By not in the public domain. I meant that as the dongle was still being tested the full capability and limitations identified as a result of that testing was not published. Apologies if it is fully published, but I have not seen it.

But Fishman (and you) have concurred in replies after mine that my own assumptions regarding Address limitations are most likely correct.

EDIT: And 96RAF has now confirmed the same in writing in the other Cavalex thread.

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Ah understood & apologies for misunderstanding - I do accept that any testing knowledge is not yet in public domain.

I was simply referring to what the dongle actually is/does (as 96RAF has confirmed in his replies.)

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Have to admit I was not relying on any release of dongle capability info, I was making the, to me at least, logical assumption that bypassing the Select knob and buttons was not going to change the fundamental DCC command generation limitations in the controller in the first place. And the physical/electrical limitation of not having a separate (to track) programming output.

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