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Posting of images to gallery area


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Could members when posting images either to a generic or a dedicated members area please change their image ID in title to a short relevant title, rather than the allocated long and meaningless ID.

Then if members are searching for an image in futre they have a reasonable chance of finding them. No one is going to find your images based on looking for a great long computer allocated ID.

This change can be done retro by selecting the album then manage album, then selecting each image and edit image.

Thank you.

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  • 96RAF pinned this topic
2 hours ago, Rallymatt said:

Trying to access gallery comes up as an error (code 2G189/1) 

Which gallery - Hornby or Members gallery or is it accessing your album from your profile.

Also are you using gallery hyperlink or are you using create gallery image as your way in.

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2 hours ago, Rallymatt said:

I’d uploaded images to Hornby gallery rather than a personal one as it was telling me I was over my limit! I tried accessing via the menu tab in top right corner (IOS version) 

You must have posted a lot then as I was limited to the high 900s of images. The only limit anyone has reached is for post attachments which carried over from your previous forum activity.



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I don’t have that screen. It tells me I am 316% of my attachent quota and I don’t have permission to have my own gallery so I drop images in the general hornby one, then use that media to link to the post. It’s only way that works me. 
There doesn’t appear to be anyway of ‘naming’ images at the time of adding them to gallery. 


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Hello @96RAF

I have made an attempt to do as you requested.  Yet it appears that we commoners have no authority to post edit image names.

I do try to name the images before I upload them, but I am not always successful remembering to do that.  Likewise the credit and or copyright fields.  I try to set them.



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Escalated, but I notice you are dropping them in the Members Gallery area but individually when they should be in albums like the ones I have generated. There is very little in the Hornby Gallery.

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1 hour ago, Rallymatt said:

That’s New! It seems we can set out own album up now…..now how do you put a name on a photo? Do they all have to be different? 

Yes, we got it fixed for you. I still can't work out how to have your galleries within your gallery top folder, but I shall keep at it. I have named my galleries by username - gallery name for now. You can edit those as well.

After posting to the gallery, select manage image, then edit details. Once amended, choose save image. You can call it what you like similar to a caption.

Note that you can add a descriptive note to the image in that edit box or external to the image in the gallery.


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I have been looking at this tread and then trying to edit my images.

I can't even find the album to go back at edit it. I can only seem to find images in 'My Profile' and can't seem to edit any.

Can I go back and create and album to put mine in? Can I delete them and start again?


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33 minutes ago, ellocoloco said:

I have been looking at this tread and then trying to edit my images.

I can't even find the album to go back at edit it. I can only seem to find images in 'My Profile' and can't seem to edit any.

Can I go back and create and album to put mine in? Can I delete them and start again?


Go to +create, select Gallery Image, then select members gallery, then use existing album and all your albums will pop up. Or use new album, etc 

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When I go to:

+create - gallery image - members albums - use an existing album, all I get is your General Stuff album.


+create - gallery image - Hornby - use an existing album, all I get is a Cranes and coaches album.

When viewing pictures on my profile I can click on one of my pictures and then see all the albums but the only thing I appear able to do with image tools is select a profile picture.

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13 minutes ago, ellocoloco said:

When I go to:

+create - gallery image - members albums - use an existing album, all I get is your General Stuff album.


+create - gallery image - Hornby - use an existing album, all I get is a Cranes and coaches album.

When viewing pictures on my profile I can click on one of my pictures and then see all the albums but the only thing I appear able to do with image tools is select a profile picture.

The cranes are in the Hornby gallery not members gallery. Go for a new album.

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Please be aware the gallery system has been changed so that there is no Members Gallery. All images previously therein have been moved to their respective Hornby Hobbies Brand area.

This makes it easier for members to select the brand they want to post to, then if they want to use no album (i.e. just put into the generic pot), or use an existing album, or create a new album.

The range of allowable file types has also been expanded.

Let me know how you get on with it as further change may be necessary if possible.

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A few observations:

- I've created a member gallery called Britannia Builder's Layout - it contains 4 photos, which are all visible if you go into the gallery, but the summary says there are only 2 photos.

- as others have mentioned, I can't edit the photos after posting to give them more meaningful names.

- when I go in via Create and choose to add a new photo to an existing gallery, it seems to give me all the members' galleries to choose from - I didn't actually try to add to another gallery, but surely this ought to be restricted to the owner (creator) of the gallery?

But overall the gallery facility seems very useful.

Regards, John


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15 minutes ago, Britannia Builder said:

A few observations:

- I've created a member gallery called Britannia Builder's Layout - it contains 4 photos, which are all visible if you go into the gallery, but the summary says there are only 2 photos.

- as others have mentioned, I can't edit the photos after posting to give them more meaningful names.

- when I go in via Create and choose to add a new photo to an existing gallery, it seems to give me all the members' galleries to choose from - I didn't actually try to add to another gallery, but surely this ought to be restricted to the owner (creator) of the gallery?

But overall the gallery facility seems very useful.

Regards, John


At the image pre-submission stage you should be able to click on the image and amend details (caption and description) before sending it to the gallery. Once posted as you say there is no manage image option for a member.

When choosing images from the gallery area scroll down past the members albums to the common collective area, your images go there if you select post to no particular album. From there you should be able to select your image and from manage image select move then pick where to. See below.

At present adding images seems limited to picking from your local machine.

The gallery feature is still work in progress as members do not see the same options as moderators. We are also looking at nested albums, i.e. a member can have several albums within their own cover gallery.

At present I have loaded 2 images that are the same basic image, one as a mod and another rotated to help ID as a member. Unfortunately to view both side by side I have to be logged into 2 different machines.

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22 minutes ago, Bulleidboy said:

How do you delete an image - I appear to have posted one twice?

You should be able to select the image and then manage image and a menu will pop up, but at present the members menu is a tad restricted so a mod may have to do it for you. Work in progress unfortunately.



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  • 2 months later...

I made a video using my phone S23 Ultra in MP4 format, about 18 second video with 36MB file, uploaded but can not be played or recognized via the forum. Do I need to do some thing else?

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3 hours ago, Deem said:

I made a video using my phone S23 Ultra in MP4 format, about 18 second video with 36MB file, uploaded but can not be played or recognized via the forum. Do I need to do some thing else?

Unless something has changed you can upload any file type to the forum, but in the gallery album area only image files (still/video) not PDFs.

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