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Consolidated B-24H Liberator (A09010) Build Review


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Looking very nice.

I watched an interview with the designer on t e 'Gary's Stuff' YouTube channel, he said that the ladder was there to act as an aid to stop it tail sitting.

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Getting near to the finish line now. I like the way the transparencies are all fitted from the exterior. I run the G-S Hypo Cement around the aperture. The instructions with the glue advise to allow the glue to become tacky before marrying the parts. This works very well as it holds the clear part while I manipulate it into position, and the joint is seamless. I did lose one clear piece to the Carpet Monster, which pinged from my tweezers into the ether. I cut a piece from clear plastic sheet to replace this. The boarding ladder solves the tail-sitting problem. 



The teardrop aerial thing had also gone missing from the frame. I thought I heard something ping off a frame last week, but did not know what it was, and couldn’t see anything immediately. Luckily, I had a spare from an Academy B-17 which I used to replace it. The Loran aerial behind the forward astrodome is a piece of short, thin rod, and the Rebecca aerials were from my spares box. 



I have several pieces left over on the frames, which indicate to me that further variants will be issued in the future. As far as this build is concerned, all is done.



I have to say I have enjoyed this journey, even the terrifying bits. As we have come to expect from Airfix, the design team have done an excellent job. The build is cleverly and innovatively designed. My only gripe is the restricted space in which to add weight and prevent tail-sitting. Although the schemes offered did not interest me, and I chose to represent an aircraft that is of relevance to me, everything is OOB except for a few omissions and the addition of the nose glazing, Rebecca aerials, and teardrop blisters from spares. Serials were from a Ventura sheet. I used Vallejo, Humbrol, and Revell acrylics. Thanks to Airfix for supplying the sample, it deserves to sell well.


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From August 1943, specially modified Liberators were used on classified missions, codenamed ‘Carpetbaggers’. The missions involved sending commando units and spies (called Joes/Josephines) into occupied Europe prior to the invasion. No 801 (Provisional) Bomb Group was stationed at Harrington in Northamptonshire. 36, 406, 788, and 850 Squadrons formed the 801st carrying out these missions. Their B-24s were painted with a glossy black, anti-searchlight paint, with nose and waist guns and ball turret removed. A ‘Joe Hole’ was used in place of ball turret. Waist windows were blacked out and teardrop blisters added to both cockpit windows. 
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With the bomb bay doors closed, that would be one area where weight could be added fairly easily. On ATF someone suggested adding weight in the engine nacelles too.

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Great build, I’ve enjoyed following. Interesting subject too!

Having built many of these B-24 kits over the years from a number of manufacturers, I’ve never been able to successfully prevent the tail sitting issue. When I did fill the nose with sufficient lead, first the undercarriage gave way and then the join with the fuselage and wings pulled apart! I recall the ladder being used on the old Airfix kit for this purpose as well, and on others I drilled a hole and wired the nose wheel to a base to keep it level! 

I picked up this interesting leaflet while on a tour of East of England museums last week. I’m guessing this is one you know well? 


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