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Servo Points via HM DC (HM6010)

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Hi, just hope that someone can assist me.

I’m in the process of building a layout that will be a mix of HMDC and HMDCC, both will be separated by a on off on switch, so no chance of crossover and locos can be moved of layout into a dead isolated section.

My issue is point control, I would like to use servo points triggered via the HM6010 unit, but I’m unsure if a servo can be wired directly to the HM6010 and how the output ports should be configured, if this is not possible can the HM6010 be used to trigger a servo point controller, something like the BLOCKsignalling SRV4 Servo Controller (4-channel), were it would replace the toggle switch input, again would need to know the correct configuration of output.

if anyone has experience of using the HM6010 with Servo point motors, you input would be appreciated.

Many Thanks


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6010 does not output a suitable signal to operate servos so some form of interface would be required. 

6010 can output steady or pulsed voltage on any port. Rate of pulse and number of pulses can be configured if the unit is used under DCC power, else under DC power it is simply a double pulse at set rate or steady. Control from the app is currently simplistic regardless of power type as there is no user interface to be able to use the more complex features.

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Posted (edited)

Wouldn't it be better to look for a DCC accessory decoder which is designed to drive servos?   I'm not familiar with them but they do exist.

Edited by ntpntpntp
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Many Thanks, I think I’m just going to invest in a servo controller and try it!

I have set this up on one device that’s mobile (iPad), I need to operate 18 pairs of points, but can get round the 12 output limit by having both the DC and DCC apps open in split screen, this gives me access to two sets of accessories in DCC and the sound profiles while running no sound locos in both DC and DCC.

i believe that at present DCC accessory decoders can’t be accessed via the dongle only locos can be put in the engine shed.

Cheers Chris

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9 hours ago, Chris-381422 said:

Many Thanks, I think I’m just going to invest in a servo controller and try it!

I have set this up on one device that’s mobile (iPad), I need to operate 18 pairs of points, but can get round the 12 output limit by having both the DC and DCC apps open in split screen, this gives me access to two sets of accessories in DCC and the sound profiles while running no sound locos in both DC and DCC.

i believe that at present DCC accessory decoders can’t be accessed via the dongle only locos can be put in the engine shed.

Cheers Chris

Lets us know how you get on with that and how you interface the servo controller to the 6010 if possible.

The 12 point (3 x 6010) limit only applies to the DC app and is artificial. The DCC app has no limit regardless of how you power the module. See image where I have many 6010s in the app.

It would be unwise running both DC and DCC apps together unless you need app control of 2 separate layouts DC and DCC.

Correct - at present there is no option to select an accessory to link to the dongle.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, just managed to get all of the bits together that I needed !

I can confirm that I have managed to get the HM6010 to control a standard servo point motor, this was achieved via a BLOCKsignalling servo controller SRV4, I have even managed to use it to control a set of two aspect signals also via the servo controller.

One issue that I have noticed is that when the HM6010 is linked via the analog HMDC app, the control seems to disconnect after about 20 activations or a minute or so, this does not happen if connected to a physical switch so it’s not the signal controller.

I have managed to get the HM6010 to work via the digital HMDCC without problems, this means that I open both apps on spit screen on my iPad, I can control the tracks via HMDC and the points via HMDCC.

The attached video, was recorded while the HM6010 was connected via the HMDCC app

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Thanks for the feedback - very useful to know that servoes can be used with regular acc decoders set to pulse output.

Could you please post a sketch of the exact wiring connections to aid anyone else needing to do this.


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