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Lidl's 1:72 De Havilland Tiger Moth


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Picked this up the other day from Lidle for £6.99 
It seems to be a great little kit with lovely crisp mouldings and dry fits together quite nicely, so here we go ...

Reading the instructions, as you do before attempting anything, it says cut away a good chunk of the rear fuselage ready for a replacement to be added later on. Now bear in mind, this is a Skill Level 1 kit and aimed at 8+ years. Yes there are indents on the inside of the fuselage as a guide (which, incidentally left quite a large gap to fill) 
With this cut out the interior was sprayed Interior green assembled and the fuse closed up.


Adding the new insert proved troublesome. The instructions say join it first and then insert. I found it easier to insert it as two separate halves. Any how it left a fair bit of filling work which I've checked and it just needs a wee bit more work to blend it in nicely.

IMG_5252.thumb.jpeg.0a61b150e0c7ba30e6707278bd43f774.jpeg IMG_5253.thumb.jpeg.55b1c083955e8dddfc0366f38155caad.jpeg

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Paint for the Kingfisher has turned up today so busy weekend ahead



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Agree with your sentiments Ian, making mine at present and concur as a starter kit it is not basic.  The filler was necessary with my rear fuselage cut out to and I was mega careful.  I had to do one piece at a time rather than join and attach.


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Just saw yours on the Workbench topic, looks like we're at the same stage. Glad (in a way) that it wasn't just me 🙂

What colour red are you going to use. I felt the Humbrol 19 might be too red and looking at the images online I'm going to try Humbrol 20 Crimson and see how that turns out


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I know it depends upon your monitor but H60 with Vallejo 70.997 Silver looks the business to me.


Can't say that I'm all that enamoured with this kit.  Was going to attempt rigging on it but it's not filling me with joy; might change as I advance but can't see it.


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With you on that one Andy. I also used Vallejo Silver but the Humbrol 20 Crimson was a big mistake. Colours OK but I just cannot seem to spray it. I've had the same problem with other Humbrol Gen 2 gloss paint. I get along with the Matt Humbrol fine. So, my next step is to strip the crimson and start again 😞

I'm finding the fit of the cowling poor and also had to do a bit of work to get the lower wing to fit snugly.


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Finished the thing.  I won't hijack your thread so no pix.  Wow, I wasn't going to be beaten so perservered, definitely no rigging from me as it will fall part with a puff of wind!  Getting the top wing fitted at the correct angle and lining up with bottom wing was heart in the mouth moment. Any rigging of this is done by a braver man than me.

Trouble is, I bought two at Lidl!


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Well that's mine done too. Some job this was and I know what you mean about falling apart, the stuts were a complete nightmare. You can see where I've had to keep reattaching them. I may try adding some rigging later as it may even hold the thing together 🙂

It'll be nice to see yours as well Andy




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Excellent build - nicely done. 

I'm lucky enough to have had a flight in a Tigermoth, on a Twilight winters evening with the full moon between the wings and frost on the ground - magical. The second best thing that happened to me in the seven years I worked as an aircraft engineer. 

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4 hours ago, Topcat_Ern said:

Here it is then,


Nice one Andy

2 hours ago, paul71 said:

good to see what problems we might have

Well where to begin 🙂
If you make an earlier version using some RAF decals you may have lying around, you could avoid cutting the rear of the fuselage to fit the anti spin strakes.
Also, I found on mine that the dihedral of the lower wing had flattened out in the packaging thus preventing the outside struts from contacting both wings.
The outside struts also come with a former in place to allow you to line them up correctly. I had a devil of a time trying to cut this out when the struts were glued in. The sprue gates were quite thick and the struts quite flimsy so it may be worth cutting these out first and fitting without the former.

Other than that it was a breeze 😉


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With the upper wing being a mare to get in place, I'm following the 1/48 method.  That is attach the uprights to the fuselage first and the struts to the upper wing.  Hoping this will make life easier but it might come back to bite me, so time will tell.  Also attempting to rig it to give some strength.  Decided on the hole through the wing method and fill later.


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