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elink without rail master


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Pretty sure you won't be able to buy e-link on its own, only with Railmaster.

However you should be able to sell a " used" Elite for more than it will cost you to buy a combination Railmaster/e-link. Then you will still have a spare Railmaster to perhaps


sell to someone who has an Elite and doesn't want to go down the road of using e- link.


I bought into DCC for the first time in December and purchased an Elite. If I'd known Railmaster/e link was coming out at well under half the price of an Elite later


this year I might have waited.

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You'll want to be able to sell your Elite for more than the cost of the 4Amp supply that comes with it as eLink only comes with the 1Amp, at least I think it does - the documentation is ambiguous on this, saying 1 in one place and 4 in another.
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I understand that the e-link comes with a 1A supply. The 4A elite supply may be used instead of the supplied 1A unit.


I do suspect that elite re-sale prices might well be impacted by the release of the e-link.


I think that both products have


a market niche but the price difference seems very large to me.

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thank you all for getting back to me, not sure what iam doing to do yet. iam so busy with son 6 weeks old and my girlfriend that doesnt give much time to do stuff the model railway, but i wanted to get something up and running in the couple years on large


scale for him to use but for now something small will do.

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thank you all for getting back to me, not sure what iam doing to do yet. iam so busy with son 6 weeks old and my girlfriend that doesnt give much time to do stuff the model railway, but i wanted to get something up and running in the couple years on large


scale for him to use but for now something small will do.

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