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how do you reset a hornby dcc chip to factory settings please?


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The son of Triangman said:

Yup set CV8 to a value of 8

The Select doesn't seem able to do this though. You will need the Elite ir similar as has been said.

I think the wording should be.... The Select cannot do this!

will need to find someone who has a more up market DCC system that is able to write CVs. Friend, local model railway club or model shop etc.
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One can never be to busy to worry about spelling and grammar.

On another forum, one chap never bothers with capitals, commas, full stops, or proper spacing. It makes his words almost impossible to read.

Others seem to be unable to differentiate between


to, too, and two, consistently and persistently using the wrong one!

I appreciate that some people have difficulty with getting letters in the right order, and can accept that, but sheer laziness - there is no excuse.

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hi, i have been trying in vain to change loco addresses on the programing track with my elete unit when you hit write it flashes the red led 6 times a slight space then flashes another 6 times then shows address only without the new number you selected


when you put it on yhe main track it only runs on original address anyone had this problem.

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grando4344 said:

hi, i have been trying in vain to change loco addresses on the programing track with my elete unit when you hit write it flashes the red led 6 times a slight space then flashes another 6 times then shows address only without

the new number you selected when you put it on yhe main track it only runs on original address anyone had this problem.

If the model has been used in a consist you might need to dissolve the consist before you are able to give it another address.

You may need to reset the Elite.
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Are you perchance using a DC power track to connect to your programming track. It contains a capacitor across the track that interferes with DCC. If so, flip open the cover and snip off the leads to the capacitor.

Are you sure your programming track


is clean. It may also be useful to apply some gentle pressure to the top of the loco with your hand while programming.

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Fishmanoz said:

Are you perchance using a DC power track to connect to your programming track. It contains a capacitor across the track that interferes with DCC. If so, flip open the cover and snip off the leads to the capacitor.

you sure your programming track is clean. It may also be useful to apply some gentle pressure to the top of the loco with your hand while programming.
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I have the same problem of not being able to change loco numbers including from the default number 3 on a new decoder , new train and new programming track set up with a dc power connector and the resistor removed.

I have also reset the elite to try


to overcome

I think this may have started since the last elite upgrade . Could there be a bug causing the problem ?


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I have the same problem of not being able to change loco numbers including from the default number 3 on a new decoder , new train and new programming track set up with a dc power connector and the resistor removed.

I have also reset the elite to try


to overcome

I think this may have started since the last elite upgrade . Could there be a bug causing the problem ?


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I've renumbered all my loco's (don't ask) since being on 1.41 with no problems. I do use the specific digital track R8241 though. I did have a strange problem back in the early days (1.3) that I was using a track connected to the layout and isolating but


only one rail as I thought that would be enough and I had the same problem - I had to isolate both sides before it would work. Now I just have a detached section of track.

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hi again,

i found the resistor and removed it from track clip but still no joy I’ve done resets to elete as well a few times still not resetting any address on programming track. i wonder if using my railmaster would make any difference or if it uses


what’s in elete to do the job another thing i may try is resetting elete from 1.41 to an earlier version any thoughts ?



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I cannot imagine downgrading your firmware will get you anywhere. And by rights the Elite and Railmaster do exactly the same job.

However, someone has recently reported being able to readdress accessory decoders with their Railmaster and not their Elite.


So it's worth giving RM a try. But again, make sure the programming track is completely (both rails) isolated from the track output and that there is good contact with the loco, and try the extra pressure.

Good luck.

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