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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Mine is from the Hornby RailRoad R2669 Diesel Train Pack and the running number 08513. You don't have this model, with this running number, Jimbopuff?


I am unsure what you mean by 'Virgin' Train Pack.


I've just looked up the locomotive could 'The Sorter' and I didn't reliase it's name given to that locomotive. It has name plates on it. Not much difference between the two, but older model, The Sorter probably has more detail on it; More decals and name plates.


I have had my eye on the locomotive I have for a while. They appear to be popular as every time one comes on eBay, there's always a number of people trying to get it and I can't bothered trying to win on at auction as I will probably end up over spending! I never thought I would get one under £30.00, never mind below £20.00 and just about £10.00. I am very happy with the purchase, even though it's just Hornby basic Class 08 bodyshell that Hornby have had in their inventry for years and years, plonked on top of Hornby's basic 0-6-0 chassis with the Type M Motor!  😆




Cool!  😎


Nice locomotive. Well done.  😀


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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Rood Ashton Hall has arrived - all paperwork, limited edition certificate and detailing parts included.


Problem is it's sealed in an open polystyrene box, so I have to break with tradition - open at work and take photos - for safe transit - never mind.


Looks simply stunning.



Very nice,Rood Ashton is a lovely loco,,,how about a picture,,,mjb

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Mine is from the Hornby RailRoad R2669 Diesel Train Pack and the running number 08513. You don't have this model, with this running number, Jimbopuff?


I am unsure what you mean by 'Virgin' Train Pack.


I've just looked up the locomotive could 'The Sorter' and I didn't reliase it's name given to that locomotive. It has name plates on it. Not much difference between the two, but older model, The Sorter probably has more detail on it; More decals and name plates


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

No, Gordon, mine is a 08513 so not a "Sorter".  I don't know about the Virgin ref. in Ramsay. Maybe a recent reference . Perhaps someone clued-up on modern trains can shed some light.

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The Bachmann Rood Ashton Hall arrived - photos here.


It's one of those locos you don't really care if it runs well or not - it looks absolutely stunning - sorry Hornby but Bachmann run rings around you on the finish and colour of the green.


Agreed, front lamp brackets are 'heavy looking', but that aside, its a real pin-up - love it!!





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Yeah, it's only the 'irons' which let it down most obviously - other things have been criticised in various reviews, but I'm happy with it - I was 'tempted' for about 4 months on this one.


Not really supposed to promote openly the various suppliers but a quick search soon finds my supplier. There's a couple left.



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Can't wait to get it running myself - I've a little 'circle' in the garage I'll get it running on tonight after little 'dabs off oil' here and there. It was sealed but they're not that 'new', so may probably be a bit dry.


Crew - you've got to haven't you?  Particularly one as nice as this!!  Fireman was like an alcoholic!! Kept leaning over, so despite using "5-minute" glue, I had him propped for most of the night!! Seems good now ... I think!


I've put a little weight in the tender - it is smaller, so capacities are lower, I understand, but it was REALLY light. Managed access by removing the 4 (yes FOUR!!) screws, but gently pivoting from the rear, not removing the front handrails.

Don't think I'll add any weight to the locomotive - leave as is - it was a 5MT, not an 8P or 9F so should be fine.



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In the modern image stock, I've fancied an electric locomotive for a while.

The 86's and 87's were always my favourites, but fancied a 92.

Thing is, no offence, but Hornby's didn't quite do it for me - not matching their Super Detail 50, 56, 60, 67 that I have ...


THEN ....


I fell upon an all-wheel-drive new project, yet to be completed, sold from my home town of Liverpool, and placed an order ... any who are familiar with the story will know it ... on RMWeb ...


'Order' is a deposit, more in a few weeks, more several weeks later, then it's anticipated to complete within the next 3-6 months' time.


Same day I ordered with the Scouse 92, the Irish 92 was announced ...

If you like Soap Operas, then it makes fascinating and quite humerous reading!!


BOTH final products should be very good, but opinions are quite strong out there!!

(TBH I wished Hornby had done a SD 92 to the same spec as the others, and including their little opening doors trick!!)



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R3677 "Duchess of Hamilton" arrived today. It could be more scarlet and less maroon and I think a shinier finish would have been good to give credibility to the "as preserved" description.  Having said that she is lovely, and where others on this thread may value a vintage Hornby for me it's all about the precision in slow speed performance and detailing of these magnificent engines

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