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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This year I had quite a special birthday... A trip back home to the UK resulted in 3 OO gauge models.


ViTrains InterCity Class 47 844 "Derby & Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce & Industry"






Hornby Virgin Trains Class 87 019 "Sir Winston Churchill






Hornby Virgin Trains Class 86 236 "Josiah Wedgewood"





A couple of bonus pictures...






I'm absolutely thrilled with the latest additions. The Class 87 was a birthday gift from dad, the Class 86 was a gift from Tim (a client of mine) and the Class 47 was a treat for myself!


The absolute wealth of detailing parts for the ViTrains Class 47 is just staggering, it takes a somewhat plain base locomotive, to a highly detailed one.


The Hornby Class 87 is equally stunning and is now my favourite OO gauge model.


The Hornby Class 86, desipite is age is still so good, I wish Hornby produced a few more. They updated the tooling in 2012 and released a Freightliner Powerhaul Class 86, but since then it's been dormant. I plan to detail my model and bring it upto today's standards with profiled wheels, detailed underframe, detailed roof, flush glazing and a scale pantograph.

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Just a small item from Handsignalman. (I love gadgets !) This is a MiniSMD/LED Controller which allows dimming,, pulse, strobe and speed of flash from a 2.5 inch little item. I will probably use it to simulate slow flickering (i.e. pulse ) in several buildings. Good value and inexpensive, complete with instructions.

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Managed to carefully remove the plug for the DCC 'TTS' chip, fit a blanking plate, and heat shrink the plug, then wrap further.


Observation from 'Sam' was the tender's a little light, which I didn't find cf some others, but after some heavy insulation, I weighed it down a little more - 'coal' load is quite high.

It runs very will - tested before I 'touched' it, and after I started modifying.


Instructions aren't that clear with some of the accessories, so not rushing this one!

Figuring out the front plumbing isn't that clear, but loads of 1:1 and 'detailed model' photos available for reference.



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Brought some DCC concepts Point motors and Ground signals for the layout may not /media/tinymce_upload/7b9a7bbf05e028813f88b3b8633f8789.jpgbe visible but all fitted and working. And a good old Hornby class 101 ticking over at rothley.

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Just arrived, eight Peco chassis kits for mineral wagons plus wheels, 7mm to 1 foot scale, which will form the basis of a rake of chalk tippler wagons, after we have entertained the grand kids this week end and I can get the Conservatory table back for it proper use as a work-bench!

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@ Atom :- Hiya - You've said that you got the "Duke" well I got him a few yrs ago now - Just to say that I also have the "Duke" but got him from as a "Train Set" called "Gloucester city Pullman" (R1177) which is sadly no longer available...From the Hornby Web site :( It came 3 Pullman Carriages, track, a siding, buffer, controller & the same detail bag!!! Here is my link Review of it if you want to see :-

Thank you :)
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A few photos of 'The Duke'.


Runs great 'de-chipped' - but still ready to be chipped again - just tape and heatshrink around the plug, still in situ.


All of 'the bits' have been fitted, and there's a crew inside as well!!







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Final note on the DoG.

I noticed a couple of 'dark marks' on the 'wire handrails'.

Seems that the obvious would be to fit s/steel wire handrails - being bright and unlikely to tarnish much in it's lifetime.

Did they?



Plastic 'wire' is used, which is silver painted!!





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This was an unexpected find today and at a bargain price too! This is the best condition I have seen one of these locos in. A shame the spring and drive cog are missing but I have some Tri-ang versions with working mechanisms that can be swapped over. I won’t say what the make is.....just that Tri-ang bought the equipment to make them and I think it was the only metal bodied loco they ever made. Main difference looking at one of my later ones is the rear coupling. /media/tinymce_upload/b8d09952570e902146046eb809483827.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/ef0770ea094d38052608740ca1832dc6.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/be6acd08abe9dee65bb3172bbcb784b0.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/4230f1f6b7a258c9df7e5c34b722e022.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/5793ad615a9f11506026b61c1f339500.jpg

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Just received a weathered Bachmann Class 25/2 yesterday.


Seller stated it was 21-pin and DCC was mentioned - not clear in the description whether it was or not, but was a late 'ice cube' box model.

I also received a bag of 21-pin blanking plates - idea is 'future proofing' for when 'the inevitable' happens and I go digital ...

Turns out, not only was it DCC, but it was DCC / Sound. Speaker had been mounted with blue-tak where the fan had been removed - fan and screws included.


Easily enough removed, blanking plate fitted, and ran nicely straight out of the box - little coaxing required, that's all.

Directional lighting works perfectly as well - so it is a late model.


Very pleased - precisely the type of locmotive I remember in 'my teenage years' growing up in the 70's.



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LC&DR, the Trackmaster model is more or less scale length unlike the short Hornby Dublo one. The Gaiety version seems to have been a copy of the Dublo one and even used the Dublo LMS number with a 4 in front to represent a BR loco. The number was cast onto the body. I have posted some photos of a 3 rail Gaiety chassis on here in the past. I had only got rid of a body a short time before!


Interestingly the chap in the model shop I found it in had never heard of Trackmaster. 

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My Class 25/2.


Weathered from the factory - reasonable job - only oversight is the 'wipe area' for the wipers - would have made it that bit beter, but good enough.







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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I have been thinking about it for quite a long time, and when Hattons were offering the Hornby model of  "Sir William A Stanier FRS"  at a discount my resistance collapsed, and I bought one! 


It has to be my favourite non-Southern locomotive, and I do rather like the Ivatt version so it now has joined my fleet. 


I might have also been tempted by Hornby's "Walter K Wigham", but it is currently offered in blue/purple and I can only remember this one in green, so it will have to wait.

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