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E-Link frustrations


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RickyT7808 said:

Thanks for everyone's replies.

Doing some more tests today if I disable UAC(!) in Windows 8 and run the software under an Admin account I am able to maintain the connection to the E-link without having to power it

down, however, if I switch to a Standard User the problems with the connection between the E-link and PC return.

Not having a PC running 32 bit Windows makes it difficult to know whether this is just down to 64 bit or Windows 8 in general.


E-link has 4 connectors on it: - power, USB, track & program. When starting Railmaster there are 2 beeps which occur while the connection is being made. If those beeps don't occur then I know that I have to power down the E-link to get it working. As I say

with Windows XP no problems with the connection.

I'm wondering if my program track has a problem and that's why I can't amend CVs so I'm going to try a different setup when I get some more kit.

I'll post again when I have got my 'new' program

track set up.

Thanks again for all the help.


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RogerB said:

Have to say Brando that RM & E-link work perfectly well for me on a W8 laptop. I can get failed handshake occassionaly but O/W it fine.

My e-Link has been working fine with RM for weeks, including most of today,

then when re-starting RM for an unrelated reason (minor alt to the track plan) it reports the e-Link as lost, (but nevertheless still tries to update it to v1.04). I have to close it down. Same thing happens at restart.
I end up doing a full pc and RM and

DCC kit restart with the same result.
I look in Device Manager and eventually find the e-Link ghosted out in 'Ports' as a hidden device.
I change the USB cable, uninstall it and then let Device Manager refind it but it stays as a hidden device, even

after refreshing the drivers.
In frustration I swap it with my spare Elite and all is well on the same cables.
The e-Link was not hot, it did not smell of electronic death nor was it making any noise other than the normal very faint buzz.
I shall

rest it for a couple of hours and try it again later.
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RAFHAAA96th said:

My e-Link has been working fine with RM for weeks, including most of today, then when re-starting RM for an unrelated reason (minor alt to the track plan) it reports the e-Link as lost, (but nevertheless still tries to update

it to v1.04). I have to close it down. Same thing happens at restart.
I end up doing a full pc and RM and DCC kit restart with the same result.
I look in Device Manager and eventually find the e-Link ghosted out in 'Ports' as a hidden device.
I change

the USB cable, uninstall it and then let Device Manager refind it but it stays as a hidden device, even after refreshing the drivers.
In frustration I swap it with my spare Elite and all is well on the same cables.
The e-Link was not hot, it did not

smell of electronic death nor was it making any noise other than the normal very faint buzz.
I shall rest it for a couple of hours and try it again later.

You couldn't make it up. Now reinstalled the e-Link and its running again without any

problems. Will give it another long day tomorrow and see if it fails again. If so its obviously an internal stress problem.
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  • 11 months later...
Massive sympathies, I am seeking salvation from digital hell myself. Not at all impressed with elink. I have managed to restrain myself from using it as target practice; along with a windows 7 laptop – loathsome post XP OS’s, but I will have to stick with it as I have spent (wasted) too much dosh already on DCC. If I had wanted to introduce additional frustration into my life; when I remarried, it would have been another lady from the UK!
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Capt Cluster, hi, Welcome to the forum. As a very happy elink user, on windows 7, am very surprised, at your views. There have been the odd problem, but with version, 1.58, they have all gone. The original problems, were with the anti virus, McCaffie, being the main culprit. If you had windows 8, we would be in agreement, but windows 7, is a great system. If you are still having problems, there are 2 solutions. The quickest, is to ring Mark Lodge, Hornby Customer Services Manager. Only speak with mark. He allways rings back if un available, on 01843/233/525, never known him to fail. The other solution, is to email support from within Railmaster. They will take over your machine, and put it right. Again, no failiure rate. You could not have a greater Customer Services team. The problem, is not the elink, which is just an interface, betwwen your machine, and RM. It will be, something to do with installation, assuming you are up to date. Take one of these steps, and let us know result. john
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