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Rail Master on a mac?

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Customers are using RailMaster happily in both Bootcamp and Parallels on an Apple Mac, although RailMaster is not officially supported on these platforms.


However, you need to take care to ensure the settings within whichever virtual machine you


use are correct other RailMaster will not work correctly.


It is unlikely that a Mac version of RailMaster will be developed as a) There are so few potential users (around 5% of computer users use Mac and fewer among the model railway community) that


it would cost several £thousands per user to develop and b) There are options such as Bootcamp and Parallels that seem to allow RailMaster to work in any event.


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  • 4 years later...

I have been unable to get eLink working at all. I run Windows 10 Pro 64b in BootCamp from a 2016 iMac and it will NOT find the COM connection. I've been through every post I could possible find trying all the different suggestions but nothing. I even went as far as getting VMWare and reverting back to an XP Virtual machine running through the emulated Win10 and it will connect to the eLink (Wohoo) however, it now shorts any train I try.

I'm exhausted trying to get this to work! Do i really need to buy a cheap PC and run windows XP and if I do that, is that going to sort out the shorting? 

I've tried on different track too to rule that out.

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I tried RM in both conditions, Bootcamp and Parallels emulation, no problem with the track, one problem solved in emulation for the activation.

I think your case is more depending on Windows 10 or VMWare emulation.

Instead of VMWare, you can try Virtualbox (free) or Parallels with Windows 7.

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A track short is a mechanical/electrical problem, not a software problem.

Disconnect the track wires, ensure no,stray wire strands in the terminals and see what happens then. If there is a short indication then look at your Mac USB cable as some cables can use the sheathing as an extra ground.


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I took it to another PC downstairs and it works fine. I can only think it's the USB ports as they are USB3.0. The new setup was a bit crude and really just to see if it will work, the only issue I had there was loss of connection DCC after a RM restart. I will add the lines to the .ini later to see if that helps but in the main, works on a different PC.  

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My RM connects to two controllers via a dedicate PCi USB3.0 plug in board to my pc  motherboard and that works fine using USB 2 cables. USB 3.0 as you know is higher powered than USB 2.0 so the extra feed may be interfering with your Mac comms.


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  • 2 months later...

I have been running RailMaster using VMware Fusion for many years with very few problems. I am currently running Windows 8. I didn't have much luck with Virtual Box. My partner recently bought an Acer laptop with Windows 10 and she has had no end of trouble with it! BTW, I am using an Elite controller.

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