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Loco Detection (3)

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Lots of people have been asking where it is. Well it would appear it's being held up by paperwork.




A working system was designed and then they had a 'Eureka' moment and came up with a better way. Both these ways need patenting and this takes time.


This has to be done before it can be available.




Just goes to prove that there is a bit more to things than you may think. Not just a case of something works let's sell it.

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Yes, I have just read about this in the latest Hornby magazine and it does appear to explain why there has been a delay. I was already looking forward to it and it sounds like it is going to be well worth waiting for. Here's hoping!



may even be tempted to go DCC for at least part of your layout)

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I don't think they still have tea boys.

It does make you wonder though where the 'idea' may have come from. I seem to remember that Detection was demonstrated at one of the shows last year and then it all went quiet.

Maybe an interested


member of the public asked something........

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walkingthedog said:

Lots of people have been asking where it is. Well it would appear it's being held up by paperwork.

A working system was designed and then they had a 'Eureka' moment and came up with a better way. Both these ways

need patenting and this takes time. This has to be done before it can be available.

Just goes to prove that there is a bit more to things than you may think. Not just a case of something works let's sell it.

This is good news. It may

not be available yet but a system has been designed that Hornby are happy with (two actually). I guess the q
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walkingthedog said:

Lots of people have been asking where it is. Well it would appear it's being held up by paperwork.

A working system was designed and then they had a 'Eureka' moment and came up with a better way. Both these ways

need patenting and this takes time. This has to be done before it can be available.

Just goes to prove that there is a bit more to things than you may think. Not just a case of something works let's sell it.

This is good news WTD.


may not be available yet but, we now know Hornby have a system they like (two actually) and they are passed that stage.

We just have to be patient whilst the system is patented. Hornby will have a rough idea how long this takes, what we don't know is

whether they wait for the patent before placing an order for the items and how long it takes for China to program the order into their system and product them.

It is really good news though.
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I honestly believe they are as excited as many of us are. Loco detection takes dcc control to another level.


By the time loco detection is out I will be ready. Layout is completely rebuilt. Lower level hills, roads, carpark, housing and industrial


areas all cut downwards ready. River was put in before the track. I am currently scratch building all walls including retaining walls and have started on the lighting bus with lights for the ten buffer stops. Lots to do, realistic water coming tomorrow and


static grass planned before the end of January.


Still lots to do but its looking good. I will never stop working on it but will slow down and enjoy it. I xan't stop playing with sound loco's, I only have one steam and one diesel but sound is fanrastic.

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I should have bought Railmaster years ago and used the time to get familiar with it but I decided to wait for the loco detection because I think that will make it so much more useful. In the meantime I've occupied myself building a mimic panel, with push


buttons to control the points and LEDs to show direction, and should be commissioning this weekend. So I expect the detection will be released next week!

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Interesting whether patenting is really worthwhile in developing technology areas. The first problem is that to patent you have to publish so you tell the world what you are up to. And having told the world, you inspire them by knowing it can be done,


and the next thing they have come up with another way and are in the market in competition with you. And all this before you can go to market yourself as you can't patent what is already in the public domain.


So Hornby have already given the game away


by saying we have a you beaut solution, even better then the one we first thought of. So the inspiration for others to go another one better is already there.


But as they seem to have gone the patent route anyway, looks like we are waiting until all


the boxes have been ticked, Is dotted and Ts crossed. Hopefully soon, and for Hornby hopefully before the competition going down the keep mum route springs a marketing surprise on everyone.

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Fishmanoz said:

Interesting whether patenting is really worthwhile in developing technology areas. The first problem is that to patent you have to publish so you tell the world what you are up to. And having told the world, you inspire them

by knowing it can be done, and the next thing they have come up with another way and are in the market in competition with you. And all this before you can go to market yourself as you can't patent what is already in the public domain.

So Hornby have

already given the game away by saying we have a you beaut solution, even better then the one we first thought of. So the inspiration for others to go another one better is already there.

But as they seem to have gone the patent route anyway, looks

like we are waiting until all the boxes have been ticked, Is dotted and Ts crossed. Hopefully soon, and for Hornby hopefully before the competition going down the keep mum route springs a marketing surprise on everyone.

You are spot on fishy.

Now a days it is so easy to make something, that percentage different and away they go. Trouble is once you publish something, as you say, every competitor knows what you have done and can then say, we can do that and add this or do it this way. The only advantage

I see is, it is the 'Hornby system' which many come in to and remain with because they don't want two systems. Obviously there are exceptions but the more they can get into the fold the better it is for them. Time will tell but, hopefully they will not take

to long.
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The fact is once something is actually produced it can be 'taken to pieces' and a similar product made with a few subtle changes.


Hornby are absolutely correct to take out patents it would be very irresponsible not to do so.


If it means


you DCC guys have to wait, so be it, it may be well worth the wait.

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RDS said:

Yes, I have just read about this in the latest Hornby magazine and it does appear to explain why there has been a delay. I was already looking forward to it and it sounds like it is going to be well worth waiting

for. Here's hoping!
(You may even be tempted to go DCC for at least part of your layout)

Where did you read this? I haven't been able to find it...
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