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Accessory decoder red highlighted in Railmaster

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Greetings, am trying to number points etc, and test with red/green lights in railmaster. However, every time you go in, then out red highlight goes to grey, and i can find no way of re lighting it, other than coming out of RM. This would be fine if it re connects, but often you have to play about , until it does. Is there a way of re lighting it within RM. Secondly, i am wiring 2 points to same port in decoder. Do i have to give them both the same no on sciematic. Finally, presume you just connect points together, red to red, etc. Sorry a bit longwinded, but there are not many new posts at the moment, and did not want you guys to have nothing to reply to, thanks, john

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Hello John,

The red/green lights on your schematic are highlighted when the point is switched in that direction. However, RM doesn't remember which way a point is switched from one RM session to the next, so when you start a new session all of the red/green buttons will be dark red/green. When you configure a point in the layout designer, one of the properties you can give to a point is it's default start position left or right. When you start up RM, optionally you can get RM to set every point to it's default position. If you do this, then the appropriate button on each point will become highlighted as each point is thrown.


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I have mine set up as Ray says to a default start position.

Its a bit of a pest at initial startup to have to wait while they all ackle, but then they all light up and the indication of way blue line appears, so I put up with it.

You can set up a route button on your plan (say your preferred start up route A or alternative B) by right clicking on each point in design mode and inputting a direction against a named route. You will have to read the manual to see how to set up the on screen button(s) for this.

Re - points numbering. Where I have doubled up points I number them as T1-A, T1-B, etc,but in the properties panel I give them both the same address.

The other thing to remember about points is the order you build them into the plan is the order they will auto-set on startup if you select this option, but you can address them to suit yourself. So say you plant 10 points as you build the track, then find you actually want to cal them numbers 10, 3, 5, 1, 2, etc in your preferred numbering sequence it doesn't really matter.

Also when placing points you place the track then drag the red/green buttons over the track and it should lock correctly into place.

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I think this is one item I posted in the "Desirable Features" thread, that you could allocate a start-up position to a point OR leave it blank so that that particular point is excluded from the start-up settings. After all, it could be you would like to set all of the points on the main line initially, but aren't bothered about the settings of points in sidings.


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hi, Ray, Raf,  Thanks, but unless i have misread, your replies, nothing was said about how you get the decoder back from grey, withiut coming out of RM. When i start up,  all the points appear to ackle, but i need to number them, which i thought  you did from design track button, but apparently not. I had started mine at 61, to 65, and wanted to have 2 points together at 62, but cant get in to change the number on the layout. Never thought about a route button. I also need to look at default. Ihave tried again, and 61( first point is fine), as is 62, (here there are 2 wired together, but only 1 fires). So far, thats as far as i have got, as once RED box goes grey ,and i come out, i have terrible trouble getting a handshake. Have reported this to hornby, as i think it might be my location, but as yet, no response, john

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I think RAF and I have misunderstood what you meant by "red highlight goes to grey". We thought you meant the red/green buttons which you use to switch the point on your track diagram. Perhaps you could clarify this ?

Also, the numbering of the points which appear on the track diagram are the actual decoder port addresses which you have allocated to each point.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "how you get the decoder back from grey".


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Hi John - looks as though a couple of the guys are on the case re the decoder issues. As far as one of the points not firing all I can suggest is that you have a fault in the connection. You are right in that you put two sets of wires into one decoder port (3 wire connections per motor) so "62" will have two red, two, green and two black (say). Swapping those around gives the different directions - keep in mind that reversing them on the port set-up changes both point motors throw direction so probably not achieveing what you want. Does that make sense? R-

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The "red box which goes grey" to which you refer, is this the second button from the right at the top of the main screen, which has a silhouette of a point and semaphore signal on it? (which you click to program an accessory decoder)


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Ray, hi, YES, THATS THE ONE, when you go into it it goes grey, and will not revert unless you close RM., that is unless you know different. Now the numbering of points on the track, how do i put them in my track plan, and do i use same number twice, if i am coupling.   over to you, and the RAF... ROGER B, thanks, silly little point wires, even when soldered are floppy in smallest choc block i can find. Its probably that. Why people cant supply proper wire is beyond me. Chinese wire perhaps, john

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I think what you are doing is this...

When you go into the accessory decoder programming window, you are then clicking on the main screen, which then sends the programming window to the back, but still open. The grey button remians grey while this window is open. Use ALT+TAB to switch back to that window from, which will make the the main window.

OR when you are in the accessory decoder programming window, use the X button to close it which will cause the grey button to return to red.


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After you have allocated addresses to each point in the layout designer, then when that plan is displayed in  the main window, the address will be displayed beside each point. However, this only occurs if the zoom level is set to 100%. An alternative is to use text boxes in the layout designer to put labels against each point, but this involves a lot more work.


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Yes - use the same port number twice. Are any of the coupled pairs on a double slip? If so remember that the point that operates the (lets say) Eastern turnout is at the Western end of the slip. I pulled my hair out with this conundrum until someone pointed it out to me. R- 

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John, have the others solved the grey/red button problem for you by exiting via the tick or cross, not just switching window?

And just restating the basics: in Layout Design, you have to number all your points. The numbers must correspond to the accessory decoder port numbers for the port they are connected to. If you wish to throw two together, then they must have the same point number. So in your case, your point numbers will start with one point numbered 61, then your two points numbered 62 etc. And remember when first setting them up, you can define on startup whether they are set left or right. 

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Hi John - looks as though you are making progress. For your query about how to put the port numbers on a point:-

1. Make sure you are in the Track Planning screen (the compass from the top line)

2. Put your point icons next to the point in question - making sure they snap into postition. If they dont, you can still assign a port number you just wont get the blue/grey line that indicates which road is open.

3. Right click on either the red or green buttons and you open a point settings dialogue box

4.The controller should be already set to "A" so in Decoder Port scroll down - or type in - the port number you want.

5. In start-up position, if you want to you can make the points move to your preferred position on firing up RM

6. If you choose to reverese the polarity - for when the point operate the other way around to that intended (and to save you crawling about under the layout) put a tick in this box. Remember a reversal here will change both point settings if this is the doubled up one.

6. I would leave routes until you are happy with this part.

7. Click the "x" in the top right hand corner of the set-up dialouge and go on to the next point set-up.

8. When you have done them all exit the track plan using the green tick in the lower right hand corner of the track planning screen. When you are asked if you want to overwrite say YES.

9. Leave the track plan screen by clicking the cross at the very top right hand corner. Now, if you are in 100% view, you will see your port number associated with the point icon, the blue/grey line (if the point icons snapped into place) and all will be well.

10. Relax and let us know how you get on.


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Roger B, hi, you could have done this while relaxing with a glass of macon red. Thanks very much. I started numbering points, cut grass all day, and forgot what i had done. It is annoying, as i approach 71, that my memory aint what is was, and if i write it down, i cant read it. I put all my point icons in, but i dont remember them snapping. Will look again.. I am using my elink for the points, and select for the locos, at the moment, so i can still play, whilst wiring,  Presume your A in controller refers to  Elite. Have no understanding of routes at all. I was only doubling up points, as have 14, and only 3 decoders, one of which, is the switch pilot, about which, a lot has been written.       probably by my next birthday, i will understand it. Thanks for being patient, john

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No problem. You will know if the icons "snap" as they seem to leave your control for the last few mm of travel to what the software sees as their intended destination. When they are in postition they sit nicely on the cross of a vertical and horizontal grid line. If your points are too close together they wont "snap" - in fact they wont settle on the track plan at all probably, but you do get  a pop-up warning about this. Good luck - and keep drinking! R-

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I'll just reply rather than press the blue reply box on your post - to save paper on screen by not repeating it all - please Admin can we have an edit for the quoted stuff.

The wine is always a good idea - cheers. But go easy on it until you have sorted this out.

Controller A & B. As you are using the Select to control locos this must be outwith RM given the Select is not pc connectable on its own.

Therefore your eLink if used only as a points controller must be controller A. You would have set this up in your initial fiddling with RM at the Spanner button screen - i.e. controller A - pull down and select eLink and its Com port, etc. If so then all your points configuration boxes must be set for controller A.

I think your problem with doubling up motors is not in the setup, more likely just duff mechanical connection in the wiring department.

Almost forgot - have a look at the double slip plan and see how they have set up those points and also have a look at any other plan with doubled points and copy that configuration into your boxes.

Press on...


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