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CV1 = 255


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One of my locomotives just stopped, no de-railment, power flux or smoke. When I looked at CV1 it was reading 255, it was supposed to be 2. I am unable to change it, and just wonder if that means it has gone to chip heaven? Is there a re-set or anything I can try? As it's over the 99 limit for short addresses I thought there might be something else I could look at. I have looked in the manual but cannot see anything. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks, R-

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Normally a readback of 255 means the readback failed.

Which decoder is fitted to your loco as early Hornby decoders and some DCC fitted decoders were notorious for tripping back to address 003 after an off rails excursion or some other induced power anomaly.

I have assumed you are reading back on a programming track connected to the PROG terminals of the Elite. 


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The loco - a Jinty 0-6-0 - arrived via Hornby with the chip fitted. And yes, I am using a programming track and the PROG output of the Elite - thanks for checking. R-

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Just out of interest what values are the other CVs returning and which ones are they.

RM can often ID the decoder by number as well as the maker.

If most / all are reading 255 then it may still be down to a bad read. Try the old trick of applying firm pressure to the loco during a read.


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@ RAF96 - the only CVs I have read are 1,8,17 & 18. They all come back with 255. I'll try pressing the loco onto the track when I do it next.

@ dgilbert2 - I can seee that being the case. What does confuse a little is sometimes the return is "unobtainable" which I took to be the "I can't see you" code.

Thanks for your help guys. I wil report back any different outcomes.


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Whoever the last post belongs too - and those who have been in touch via other routes - I am inclined to agree with you. A quick call to Hornby this afternoon has resulted in the notion that the chip might be of "old design" and a new one is being sent FOC. I will keep you posted. R-

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I have to say that although I have not had much to complain about all my dealings with Hornby have shown them to be helpful and speedy. There is a small amount of staff illness at present which is making their e-mail communication slow but when I called the matter was dealt with, very nicely, in a few minutes. R-

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