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Problems with interference - DCC Bus and monitor


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As you may remember I purchased a new computer with Windows 8.1 and a new touch screen to obtain 1920x 1280 screen resolution. This was to maximise the amount of RailMaster seen on the screen.

I have expereinced a lot of problems with interference, flickering screen and cannot stop it. I loaded the latest GForce driver etc but it didn't solve the issue.

I have not been well enough to work on the layout but have now had it up ended so wire in the rest of the points to decoders and lighting bus plus wiring to street lights, burger bar and cars. Running wires to stations and houses to make it easy to put lights in/on them later.

Having moved the computer screen away from the end of the layout into anotherr room it works fine! Which means the touch screen monitor is being affected by the DCC Bus whether switched on or not.

Suggestions please, I purchased the monitor and computer specifically for RM. Is there any form of suppression I can add whilst the layout is lifted. I have no knowledge in this firld.

Thank you in advance.

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PJ, hi, good to see you back. The elink has constant transference of data ,and  this can have an electomagnetic effect, probably accentuated by   your BUS. To this effect i think your problem is your USB cable, and you need a specially shielded one, to nulify the problem. It may also be due to your point decoders, etc, being too close, but i think the former would solve your problem, john

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Hi Yelrow

Nice to chat again. Thanks for the very detailed reply, I will obtain a shielded USB cable.

I am only back now and then, not as before. I got so fed up with Hornby and looking generally over things nothing much as changed except the forum now works.  I have a lot of wiring to do so will work on this slowly over the next month or so then see what else is happening.

Point decoders are probably 2'6" at least away from the edge of the board so I will try the shielded USB cable first.

Thanks again for your help


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Hi Graskie

Thanks for your kind words.

It has been hard, 5 hospital appointments this month and some still having exploratory work. You feel like telling them to shove the  cameras but I guess they are!!!

Sadly a few more problems than that so take every day as it comes.

Not done much with the layout but have had it up ended now to do some wiring so will spend time doing this.

I hope to add lights to streets, cars and burger bar but am also running wires to stations and houses etc at the same time. Slotting them through straws to the top of the layout (under the station or in the houses) so they can be completed from the top later.

I hope the weather is not to hot for you  ;-)


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Sorry you have not been well.  Good to see you back.

Is it possible to move the monitor slightly away from the layout and see what difference that makes.

Before buying a new USB lead, I would try unplugging the USB lead from the computer and then using the computer for something else with your layout switched on. This should prove whether the problem is being caused by interference through the USB lead or because the monitor is too close.

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