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Setting up DCC for computer control


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Hi Everyone.

I have been setting up my layout for a few years, on and off, as you do. When i started, I started off with DCC and purchased a  modern diesel two car set, with lights and sound. I also purchsed a USA branded walk around controler, which to be honest does work ok, the only problrm being I can never remember the loco adress's, there being no visual display to remind me.

so...... looking on the Hornby site I came across the rail master and link system, which seems a great idea for me.

now for the fly in the ointment, theres always one. At the moment I do not posess a laptop computer, which I would need to operate my layout.

I obviously have a computer, but it's a tower system, so thats out as my layout will be (is) in my shed/workshop. I am thinking of purchasing a pre-owned laptop (used to you and me) of which there are an ubundance available.

My dilema is this,what sort of specification does it need to be ? I have been reading the forum and some people seem to be having trouble with the software and getting it to work.

Advice please.


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Hello Brian,

Welcome to the Forums. This was posted by Hornby Railmaster Support back in July:-

"RailMaster will work on computers running Windows XP with as little as 64Mb RAM on a Pentium 233MHz processor and around 100Mb of free hard disk space and at least one USB port.

Since this requirement is very low by today's standards, essentially, any new computer will be more than adequate.  RailMaster runs on any Windows operating system from XP onwards, including NT, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1 in either 32 or 64-bit configurations.

When running RailMaster it is highly advisable to run not other programs at the same time and you should not use a USB hub to connect your DCC controller.


RailMaster has been optimised for touch screen computers, although will work with a mouse.  The larger the screen resolution you can afford the more of your track plan and loco controllers you will be able to see."

Hope this helps. I've been using Railmaster with an Elite controller for about 3 years and, although there are one or two niggling bugs in the software, it is a good system. We are all anxiously awaiting the next software release, which is overdue, and there are one or two hardware additions in the pipeline.

Good luck


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Hi Brian, from experience the hard way, get a windows 7, laptop, xp, would do, but fewer about. My advise, avoid windows 8. Others may disagree, but you will have little or no problem, with windows 7.. I do not have a touch screen, as far too dear at present. You will pick up a windws 7 laptop, very cheaply, john

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FISHY ?????????? bugs fixed, you cannot be serious, windows 8, cost  the boss of microsoft his job. Sales of windows 8 are dire. Most people who have their machines custom built , insist on windows 7. If you took a straw poll, the results, would amaze you. xp, fine. Vista was another disaster. john

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Depends what sort of issue you are talking about. I have a Dell W8.1 and that runs RM perfectly well. My problem was with the e-link talking to it or vice versa (something about the USB power [off my payscale]). If you can get touch screen for control I think that is better than mouse. But the mouse is better for track design mode - I find. Each to their own though. If you have a club or model shop near you perhaps you can get a "hands on"? Good luck and let us know how you get on. R-

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Fishy, i have my machines custom built, by  PCspecialist, in uk. They ship anywhere, amazing company. If you go on line and look at their site, you design your individual machine, from scratch, laptop, or desktop, totally with your own spec, Windows 7, if you want it, and you get the original disc. Pricewise, they are no different to a  hypermarket, give daily updates on build, shipping etc. packing and shipping costs, superb. I have no vested interest, simply pass on to the forum, for what its worth. Touch screen, also no problem john

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