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1.56 findings


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This has been resolved.  In the last couple of days.

We are fixing minor glitches, rather than waiting to roll them up into a maintenance release (1.57) so that users can benefit from them as soon as possible.  You should check the latest postings on the RailMaster thread in this forum from time to time to see when we have made an update available.  We don't want to create a new version number otherwise many unaffected users' systems will update unnecessarilly.

You can download the latest update of 1.56 from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe 

The above file always reflects the latest version of the software.

Any new users who start RailMaster and their system updates to 1.56 will always get the latest version in any event.

A 1.57 maintenance update  will be made available for global automatic update in a short while because we are adding a few more accessory decoders and other things.  This release will have all minor glitches rolled up into it too.

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I have downloaded the update, although I had quite a few Error codes come up (which I skipped) - but track plan printing still only gives point details. You have my track plan for another purpose, perhaps you could have a look at this at the same time? 

The "ignored" codes were:

Deletefile failed; Code 5 - 3 times

Deletefile failed; code 32 - 2 times

Thanks R-

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Not sure if these are1.56 bugs, whether it has always been this way, or whether it is the way it is meant to work.

If you have a loco moving, and you have a short, if you say no to the question "resume" then the locos remain stopped (correct) but the speed indicator in the loco list (and large loco controller if present) remain set at the speed you were going before the short, they are not reset to zero.

If you have a loco moving, and switch to a loco group that does not have that loco, then if you have a short, the loco not in the current group is not restarted, whether you say yes to resume or not, and the speed indicator is set to zero.

Neither of these are big issues but I would like to know if this is the way it is meant to work.  This is with the "second incarnation" of 1.56 but without Pro Pack.

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We believed the printing of track plans issue was resolved.

Have you downloaded and installed the latest update from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe in the last 12 hours or so and tried to print.

If you still have a problem printing to a physical printer do you have PDF writing software and if so are you able to 'print' to that?

Can you let us know the make and model of printers you are using where it doesn't print track plans using the latest RailMaster update.

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Hi - if you look at the fourth (or maybe 5th now) post up from here you will see my experience of the download. This was around 18:00 tonight. I tried twice and got the same errors each time.

I don't have PDF writing but I can send material to OneNote and print from there. I tried the Hornby Sample Oval and OneNote only gets the title of the track plan (there are no points in this plan). If I send my track plan (as you have via e-mail tonight) OneNote gets the same as my printer. That is to say just the point locations, their DCC ID and start up postitions.

My printer is an Epson Stylus Office BX 630 FW

Thanks, R-

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The posting you made regarding the errors downloading would indicate that you have not managed to download and install the latest version successfully.

It is possible that an update may have been in progress at the time you were trying to download.  Have you tried downloading and installing the setup file again since then?

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I can confirm that printing of a track diagram is working, having downloaded the latest setup program. Mine is a large layout which it has squeezed onto an A4 sheet landscape. My printer is able to print on A3 paper so I will try that tomorrow to see if the text is more readable.


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To their credit HRMS, are doing an amazing job trying to get to the bottom of this delay problem which for me is evident with loco control (including functions), but point control is working fine. (1.56 + eLink 1.06 + W8.1)

Originally I also mentioned the Loksound decoder as this often misses sound instructions altogether now, e.g., "double horn" or "driver acknowledge" etc (using Olivia's Train sound library). I tried this using a second computer last night (1.56 + eLink 1.06 + XP pro) and that's doing the same thing, but is always fine with 1.55.

I'm feel this is related to the delay issue currently under investigation but was wondering if anyone else with these Loksounds has noticed this?

So on a separate note, credit where credit is due, I have been so impressed by the support being offered this week by HRMS since 1.56 was made public, which seems to be offered at all hours! Really helpful as well when your at work all day! They cannot be getting much sleep at the moment, so genuine recognition from myself – THANK YOU!

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To also confirm that the new re-download has done the trick. There were no errors this time and the whole process was very much faster. I have also now printed out the track plan - with track! Thank you for your help last night. It got too late for me to keep going then but I am very glad you guys are there helping us. Outstanding customer service. Well done. R-

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Thank you for your help. A phrase you used in one of your replies made me look at the point set-up pop-up in the design page. There I found the "Point Type" field which I confess I had not noticed before and had certainly never used. It seems the upgrade changed my normal point setting to Double Slip. The points in question are used as a crossover from one track to another and are interlinked on the same decoder port so that one icon selection throws both points. So I changed the point type back to normal (which is actually a blank field) and all is well. Thank you again for your help way into the late evening. R-

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Just to clarify:-

1. When RailMaster updates to the latest version it is not necessary to have any DCC controller plugged in.

2. The next time the eLink is plugged in and the latest version of RailMaster starts and there is a firmware update then RailMaster will update the firmware of the eLink automatically

If you have any problems with it updating the eLink's firmware to 1.06 then close down RailMaster, delete or rename the file eLink106.hex in the C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster folder, uninstall (and remove) the eLink driver from the Windows Device Manager and let Windows find the device again and restart RailMaster.  You might want to plug the eLink into a different USB port before letting Windows find the hardware again.

The 1.06 firmware update has very minor modifications in it which will actually not make any difference to the majority of RailMaster/eLink users.

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