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Train-Tech signals and set up in RailMaster

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I have emailed HRMS with a very detailed report following the file they sent me but will confirm the contect briefly here.


I found 3 errors in the file and have detailed these for HRMS.


The file included the 4x 4 aspect signals using SIG ID: port numbers as before, 15, 20, 25 & 30



I tested these and problems were evident from the start, I re-saved the file with the same file name plus Rev-1, then put right the 3 errors but, detailed them clearly in the step by step report for HRMS.


Next I started to test the signals, starting at ID:15 and working clockwise signal to signal (all signals left of the train driver as he would see them on his travels.



Test-1 included signals 15, 20, 25, 30 only - they all worked correctly on the screen and on the layout (even though we have a divisible by 4 port address in the sequence)



Test 2 involved, Test-1 sequence but, after changing SIG ID:30 the next signal to change is ID:15


Sig ID:15 was GREEN so the next aspect should be RED, like in the detailed report yesterday for another test it missed the RED and changed to YELLOW. This pattern followed all signals in order 15, 20, 25, 30.


At this stage SIG ID:15 stepped again to YELLOW/YELLOW for the 4 signals in order, then GREEN for 4 signals in order then stepped to RED and started again. Everything as in the details posted yesterday.


We wait patiently now for HRMS to carry out their tests and confirm their findings, we welcome also their comments regarding the divisible by 4 issue also.


Kind regards



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Hi PJ,

Very interesting. Three things....

1. You have confirmed a statement I made earlier in the thread - when a signal has been changed by another signal, RM is not updating that signal's position in its click sequence, even though it has updated the aspect being shown on the icon on the layout diagram. To overcome this, have you tried (in the "Back to signal 15" sets) clicking and holding the click on the signal icon, to force it to red ?



Hi Ray


The result of the test to your Question-1 are...

Once it has changes the first 4 signals 15, 20, 25, 30 correctly


Clicking 15 should go GREEN to RED but as discussed goes YELLOW


By holding down the mouse key over the signal until it makes a noise it will then turn it RED


BUT, although correct down the line 15 RED = 30Y, 25YY, 20G after the forced Red

but it is only for that one action.


Click 20 it goes to YELLOW (as do all 4 signals in turn) 


Each can be forced RED and each will go Y, YY, G back down the line

but it has to be forced for Every Signal



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I hope when you guys get this sorted with HRMS that one of the several of you will be writing an idjits guide for it to lead the rest of us mortals along the correct path to LD and associated signalling.

Then I shall confidently send my postal order to RM for the Pro-Pack upgrade.

Seriously it is good to see someone who understands the problems getting to grips with it on everyones behalf.

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Hi PJ,

Very interesting. Three things....

1. You have confirmed a statement I made earlier in the thread - when a signal has been changed by another signal, RM is not updating that signal's position in its click sequence, even though it has updated the aspect being shown on the icon on the layout diagram. To overcome this, have you tried (in the "Back to signal 15" sets) clicking and holding the click on the signal icon, to force it to red ?



Hi Ray


The result of the test to your Question-1 are...

Once it has changes the first 4 signals 15, 20, 25, 30 correctly


Clicking 15 should go GREEN to RED but as discussed goes YELLOW


By holding down the mouse key over the signal until it makes a noise it will then turn it RED


BUT, although correct down the line 15 RED = 30Y, 25YY, 20G after the forced Red

but it is only for that one action.


Click 20 it goes to YELLOW (as do all 4 signals in turn) 


Each can be forced RED and each will go Y, YY, G back down the line

but it has to be forced for Every Signal



That's what I was expecting. A normal click on a 4-aspect signal should move it to the next in sequence. A prolonged click forces it to red (for cases, for example, when a train has passed a signal at single yellow). The fault is that the signal is losing track of its sequence position if it has been changed by another signal or point.


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Hi PJ,

Very interesting. 

2. Have you tried all of the above under the control of a program, rather than clicking the layout diagram?



Hello Ray


Results of test in reply to your question-2

I have created a program with enough delay to view R, Y, YY, G on the screen and then on the layout for each change.


I have set the program to set all signals to GREEN at start then a short delay

They then change as follows for R,Y,YY,G back down the line for each change

signals are programmed to layout file used with HRMS (PJ signal 30 error-2 Rev-1) as follows...

15, 20, 25, 30 delay

15, 20, 25, 30 delay

15, 20 stop


This gives me chance to view and check 2.5 repeats, enough for the test to give the required results.



SIG ID:15 RED back down the line (30,25,20) Y, YY, G - correct

SIG ID:20 RED back down the line (15,30,25) Y, YY, G - INCORRECT (see below)

SIG ID:25 RED back down the line (20,15,30) Y, YY, G - correct

SIG ID:30 RED back down the line (25,20,15) Y, YY, G - correct

Delay in time

SIG ID:15 RED back down the line (30,25,20) Y, YY, G - correct

SIG ID:20 RED back down the line (15,30,25) Y, YY, G - INCORRECT (see below)

SIG ID:25 RED back down the line (20,15,30) Y, YY, G - correct

SIG ID:30 RED back down the line (25,20,15) Y, YY, G - correct

Delay in time

SIG ID:15 RED back down the line (30,25,20) Y, YY, G - correct

SIG ID:20 RED back down the line (15,30,25) Y, YY, G - INCORRECT (see below)




Signal 20 (Divisible by 4) gives an error every time!  

The signals sequence shown for SIG ID:20 are not RED, Y, YY, G but GREEN, Y, YY. G

This is repeated every time but all other signal changes are correct.

SIG ID:20 does however flash RED and goes immediately GREEN on the layout but is correct on the screen



I have re-programed signal 20 to 21 and altered the program and run it again to see what happens


Using SIG ID's 15, 21, 25, 30 


Changing the original track plan layout to Rev-2 


And saving the program file to a new name reflecting all changes I ran another test...


The result of the test, removing the divisible by 4 Signal 20 and making it ID21,

SOLVED THE ISSUE and all 10 signal changes WERE CORRECT on the screen and on the layout.


Very interesting!



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Hi PJ,

Very interesting. Three things....

1. You have confirmed a statement I made earlier in the thread - when a signal has been changed by another signal, RM is not updating that signal's position in its click sequence, even though it has updated the aspect being shown on the icon on the layout diagram. To overcome this, have you tried (in the "Back to signal 15" sets) clicking and holding the click on the signal icon, to force it to red ?



Hi Ray


The result of the test to your Question-1 are...


Once it has changes the first 4 signals 15, 20, 25, 30 correctly


Clicking 15 should go GREEN to RED but as discussed goes YELLOW


By holding down the mouse key over the signal until it makes a noise it will then turn it RED


BUT, although correct down the line 15 RED = 30Y, 25YY, 20G after the forced Red

but it is only for that one action.


Click 20 it goes to YELLOW (as do all 4 signals in turn) 


Each can be forced RED and each will go Y, YY, G back down the line

but it has to be forced for Every Signal




That's what I was expecting. A normal click on a 4-aspect signal should move it to the next in sequence. A prolonged click forces it to red (for cases, for example, when a train has passed a signal at single yellow). The fault is that the signal is losing track of its sequence position if it has been changed by another signal or point.



Hi Ray


The divisible by 4 issue you raised is proving itself but is varying on different layouts when it pops up. This I guess could be down to how RM processes data possibly but probably more like to be the varying number of different signals and decoders. I do not however see this an issue as we can avoid it, unlessanyone knows differently it only appears to show when the Port address is divisible by 4 not the addresses in the port.


The latest test with Programs also confirms there is a divisible by 4 issue but, as we have said, avoid this seems to get rid of that issue.


The main problem after this is the losing track of sequence, it is not an issue going 15, 21, 25, 30 back to 15 as each time the system is only taking the last 4 signals. It is the fact, I think, that when it goes to 15 which is GREEN before the change the next aspect should be RED as we know, but for some reason it is jumping forward to the next aspect after every set of 4 signals. 


I will leave further discussions on the prolonged click situation at this stage, so as not to divert away from the main issues we are all together trying to resolve.



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Hi PJ,

Very interesting. Three things....

3. Just to be absolutely sure of this "divisible by four" phenomenon, would it be too much trouble if I ask you to address your signals as even numbers which aren't a multiple of four e.g. 18, 22, 26, 30. The reason I ask is that each Traintech 4-aspect signal, as you know, uses 2 consecutive addresses, so for example the signal you have "taught" address 15, will use 15 for R/G and 16 for Y/YY, and of course 16 is a multiple of four. 



Hi Ray


Yes I am aware of the above, but do not be put off adding such items, I do this also but, sometimes it is easy for a person to think why is he telling me these things, I know them, but it is best to think, I will add these items, even though the person knows them because it may help others reading them that may not know. Well that's what I think for what it is worth LOL.


One more test to do. It is a bad brew shop here today but, I better not say that to the wife she thinks she is a widow today!


I think the final test is worth doing. I am not going to replicate my setting in the 250 range compared to the 15-30 already done as I think we know the results will be the same.  This last test you have asked for should cover all possible variation and give the bigger picture.


I'll be back as soon as I can  



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Hi PJ,

Very interesting. Three things....

3. Just to be absolutely sure of this "divisible by four" phenomenon, would it be too much trouble if I ask you to address your signals as even numbers which aren't a multiple of four e.g. 18, 22, 26, 30. The reason I ask is that each Traintech 4-aspect signal, as you know, uses 2 consecutive addresses, so for example the signal you have "taught" address 15, will use 15 for R/G and 16 for Y/YY, and of course 16 is a multiple of four. 



Hi Ray


Yes I am aware of the above, but do not be put off adding such items, I do this also but, sometimes it is easy for a person to think why is he telling me these things, I know them, but it is best to think, I will add these items, even though the person knows them because it may help others reading them that may not know. Well that's what I think for what it is worth LOL.


One more test to do. It is a bad brew shop here today but, I better not say that to the wife she thinks she is a widow today!


I think the final test is worth doing. I am not going to replicate my setting in the 250 range compared to the 15-30 already done as I think we know the results will be the same.  This last test you have asked for should cover all possible variation and give the bigger picture.


I'll be back as soon as I can  



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Hi PJ,

Very interesting. Three things....

3. Just to be absolutely sure of this "divisible by four" phenomenon, would it be too much trouble if I ask you to address your signals as even numbers which aren't a multiple of four e.g. 18, 22, 26, 30. The reason I ask is that each Traintech 4-aspect signal, as you know, uses 2 consecutive addresses, so for example the signal you have "taught" address 15, will use 15 for R/G and 16 for Y/YY, and of course 16 is a multiple of four. 




Hi Ray


TEST-3 done!!!


Signals set to ports 18,22,26,30

Layout changed and signals re-programmed

Restart RM as always for a clean start



All signals work as programmed R, Y, YY, G back down the line.


No conflicts but also no divisible by 4 POST addresses.


After the first run of changes18,22,26,30 back to signal 18

Again it jumps to YELLOW instead of from GREEN to RED (out of sequence error)

Again this follows round as before 18,22,26,30 back to signal 18

Again it jumps one step to YELLOW/YELLOW  (out of sequence error)

I don't need to add any more, exactly the same as reported earlier today.


To me it seems the divisible by 4 only shows up, at random, per layout. We may all get it wiith a port divisible by 4 but not necessarily in the same place.

It also appears only to show where the main port address is divisible by 4

eg, 20 for 20, 21, 22, 23

But not on the subsequent address within the port eg  18, 19, 20, 21 this did not give the problem for me.

Do you agree or do you see something different Ray?


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Hi PJ,

Let me just clarify a couple of things...

1. I was only getting a problem with the "divisible by 4" phenomenon when operating signals from a program.

2. The first time I noticed it was when a 4-aspect addressed as 117(and 118) was causing another 4-aspect addessed as 115(and 116) to change to single yellow, whenever the former was changed to any colour.

3. At the suggestion of HRMS, I re-addressed all of my 4-aspects with larger gaps between the addresses - I chose 200 210 220 230 300 310.

4. This stopped one signal interfering with a different signal, but those signals whose addresses were divisible by 4, could not be changed by a program. 200 220 and 300 all changed to the requested aspect then immediately back to red.

5. I have now re-addressed 200 to 202, 220 to 222 and 300 to 302, and my programs now change the 4-aspects without any problems.

Taking into account all of these observations, my conclusion is that when a RM program changes a TrainTech 4-aspect signal, it sends the correct DCC message to the correct port, but then immediately afterwards, sends an extra "Signal stop" message to the port with an address of the next lower multiple of 4.


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Hi PJ,

Let me just clarify a couple of things...

1. I was only getting a problem with the "divisible by 4" phenomenon when operating signals from a program.

2. The first time I noticed it was when a 4-aspect addressed as 117(and 118) was causing another 4-aspect addessed as 115(and 116) to change to single yellow, whenever the former was changed to any colour.

3. At the suggestion of HRMS, I re-addressed all of my 4-aspects with larger gaps between the addresses - I chose 200 210 220 230 300 310.

4. This stopped one signal interfering with a different signal, but those signals whose addresses were divisible by 4, could not be changed by a program. 200 220 and 300 all changed to the requested aspect then immediately back to red.

5. I have now re-addressed 200 to 202, 220 to 222 and 300 to 302, and my programs now change the 4-aspects without any problems.

Taking into account all of these observations, my conclusion is that when a RM program changes a TrainTech 4-aspect signal, it sends the correct DCC message to the correct port, but then immediately afterwards, sends an extra "Signal stop" message to the port with an address of the next lower multiple of 4.



Hi Ray


Thank you for clarifying, it is important HRMS are given all issues so that they can consider all the problems. I thought you said you had a problem within the 4 addresses but wasn't totally sure hence I asked you to confirm if you saw something not mentioned.


All my issues, as far as I could see, were from the Signal ID: Port address divisible by 4, although I wasn't aware of this until you raised the point and I could test it out, thank you.


I also agree with you regarding item 5, the sending of two commands. When a signal was wrong Red/Green it was clear to see (once spotted) that there was a quick change, one aspect then the other so fast it was almost like a flash.


I do feel we are getting somewhere,  I was most impressed when the two aspect problem I had was solved as soon as I changed the program ID's so they were not divisible by 4.  If HRMS can sort this error of the four signals come out of sequence after carrying out the intial 4 signal program commands things should really start to fall in to place.


I will alter the port ID for three aspect signals and program them this weekend but do not expect any additional problems.



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Hi PJ,

Firstly, I know that TrainTech signals retain their aspect settings, not only between RM sessions, but also between power off and power on.

Secondly, I used to use an Initialise program to reset all of the signals, but then I configured each signal with a Startup position, and allowed RM to set them (as it can do with points) on startup of RM.

Third, I noticed a couple of weeks ago this "toggling" of aspects when Stop commands are sent to a signal by a program.

Fourth, to demonstrate this "feature" I re-employed my Initialise program.


I run RM and it sets all of my 2-aspect signals to Red.

I run the Initialise program and it sets them all to Green.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Red.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Green.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Red.

etc etc

even though the Initialise program is trying to set them to Red every time.



Hi I have one of my video's showing you Train-Tech signals and point and setting them up the video is called Hornby Railmaster Points and Signals also a Facebook site called Railmasterhelp

Brian Hughes


Admin edit: Formatted post and sorted out quote box

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Hi PJ,

Firstly, I know that TrainTech signals retain their aspect settings, not only between RM sessions, but also between power off and power on.

Secondly, I used to use an Initialise program to reset all of the signals, but then I configured each signal with a Startup position, and allowed RM to set them (as it can do with points) on startup of RM.

Third, I noticed a couple of weeks ago this "toggling" of aspects when Stop commands are sent to a signal by a program.

Fourth, to demonstrate this "feature" I re-employed my Initialise program.


I run RM and it sets all of my 2-aspect signals to Red.

I run the Initialise program and it sets them all to Green.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Red.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Green.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Red.

etc etc

even though the Initialise program is trying to set them to Red every time.



Hi I have one of my video's showing you Train-Tech signals and point and setting them up the video is called Hornby Railmaster Points and Signals also a Facebook site called Railmasterhelp

Brian Hughes


Admin edit: Formatted post and sorted out quote box

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Hello Brian


As Fishy says if replying to a message don't add it in the yellow area, the problem is, if your message is in the yellow many will not read it.


You have to make sure your cursor is as low as it will go, trouble is, the light yellows are not easy to see, alternatively just add a message in the box at the bottom and refer to the item you are replying to.


I have watched your video and can see you have spent quite a bit of time, the content in the video should help quite a few people I am sure. As for two, three or four aspect signals I think this is personal choice and everyone will look at what is best for their layout. Two aspect should be the easiest to set up and your linking with the points and your explanation, I am sure will help others.


One think I did notice and think we need to state is, since you made your video Hornby have disabled reverse polarity on signals. I think they did this from version 1.59.


Your layout looks good Brian, you have spent many happy hours on it. ;o)



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UPDATE of Train-Tech 3 & 4 Aspect Signals. Details sent to HRMS


I have continued testing my Train-Tech signals and provide the following update.


TEST (1) - Train-Tech 4 aspect signals


1 - do all aspects show correctly on the layout and the screen when RM is restarted and the set points box is ticked - YES

2 - do 4x 4 aspect signals work on each individual signal R, Y, YY, G - YES

3 - do 4x 4 aspect signals work correctly back down the line, train moving clockwise, one signal at a time - YES - (BUT - see below)

4 - do 4x 4 aspect signals work correctly back down the line, train moving anti-clockwise, one signal at a time - YES - (BUT - see below)




a) - the signals work, in both directions, with signals on left as seen by the train driver, in the order approached, 1st, 2nd, 3rd then 4th signal.

b) - once the train driver passes the 1st signal again, although Green and should aspect should be Red, instead it steps to Yellow?

c) - Yellow follows for all 4 signals 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th but on passing the first signal again goes to Yellow/Yellow?

d) - after the 4 signals again on passing the 1st signal again it changes each signal to Green, stepping one aspect each time.

e) - after 4 times going 1,2,3,4 then 1,2,3,4 etc it steps back to Red.



> The signals work in order R, Y, YY, G as  they should but only after altering every signal port is set to a port number NOT divisible by 4.



TEST (2) - Train-Tech 3 aspect signals


1 - do all aspects show correctly on the layout and the screen when RM is restarted and the set points box is ticked - YES

2 - do 3x 3 aspect signals work on each individual signal R, Y, G - YES

3 - do 3x 3 aspect signals work correctly back down the line, train moving clockwise, one signal at a time - YES - (BUT - see below)

4 - do 3x 3 aspect signals work correctly back down the line, train moving anti-clockwise, one signal at a time - YES - (BUT - see below)





a) - the signals work, in both directions, with signals on left as seen by the train driver, in the order approached, 1st, 2nd then 3rd signal.

b) - once the train driver passes the 1st signal again, although Green and should aspect should be Red, instead it steps to Yellow?

c) - Yellow follows for all 3 signals 1st, 2nd, 3rd but on passing the first signal again goes to Green?  Stepping one aspect each time.

d) - after 3 times going 1,2,3 then 1,2,3 etc it steps back to Red.



> The signals work in order R, Y, G as  they should, every signal port is set to a port number NOT divisible by 4.



TEST (3) ADDITIONAL TEST for 3 Aspect Train-Tech signals


1 - do all aspects show correctly on the layout and the screen when RM is restarted and the set points box is ticked - YES

2 - do 7x 3 aspect signals work on each individual signal R, Y, G - YES

3 - do 7x 3 aspect signals work correctly back down the line, train moving clockwise, one signal at a time - NO - (see below)

4 - do 7x 3 aspect signals work correctly back down the line, train moving anti-clockwise, one signal at a time - NO - (BUT - see below)




a) - the signals work, in both directions, with signals on left as seen by the train driver, in the order approached, 1st, 2nd then 3rd signal.

b) - once the train driver passes the 4th signal it looses sync?

c) - If I do a Forced Red at the 4th signal, it changes the 4th and previous signals correctly R for 4th signal, Y for 3rd and G for 2nd.

d) - after changing the 5th and 6th signal (new set of 3) which all change correctly down the line, the 7th (which is another 1 after 3 for 3 aspect) goes out of Sync again?




It was clear to see that the error occurred after the 3x 3 aspect signal, after the R, Y, G. At the 4th signal. 

A reset was made on the 4th signal and it worked correctly for the next 3 signals, again jumping out of sequence on the 4th signal.


> - the next test had to be random from the 7 signals to see was a 1,2,3 issue from any start position or a 1,2,3 issue from the first, 4th, 7th positions


I therefore started the next test from signal 3 sending it to Red

Signal 4 should theoretically go to Red also but it doesn't it goes to Yellow as it did after the 1,2,3 error on 4th = Yellow

But when I press the 5th signal that goes to Red!


2 Aspect signals are to be tested shortly

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UPDATE of Train-Tech 2 Aspect Signals. Details sent to HRMS


I have continued testing my Train-Tech signals and provide the following update.


I have now managed to Test my 2 aspect Train-Tech signals.  


I have 2 dual head signals and 1 single 2 aspect signal.  

1x 2 aspect dual head signal is placed at the entrance to a siding  

1x 2 aspect dual head and 1 single head are placed to control 3 sidings.


I have never got these to work correctly since purchasing them in September but, after altering the port address' so that none are divisible by 4, I got them to work. Well almost.    


All signals are set up in learn mode with the signal on screen Red so that when clicking the signal on screen it turns to Green.    


Initially all signals were set to Clear so they all came on Green, they did so, on screen and on the layout.  


Then I changed them, I have trains in all sidings so wanted each signal in the siding Stop/Red and the dual head signal on the main line I wanted one Red and one Green, so set the signals to Clear and Stop accordingly.


I then restarted RM, v1.60 Rev 0, all signals on screen are Green, all signals on the layout are also Green?  


So I changed the decoder from Train-Tech to Hornby 8247 and tried that. Result - exactly the same?  


I checked the Signal Port address in the middle column of the signal set up they were correct as set in Train-Tech, First Red, Second Green.  


I reversed these just to test but knew the out come, they reversed in aspect so put them back again.  


Next I tried the Red and Green buttons in signal set up. Red was for signal Green and Green was for signal Red?  Although you have said in the past Reverse Polarity is disabled I ticked the box to see what happened.  


On clicking the Red and Green buttons in Signal setup, they responded to Red and Green on the layout.  


I then checked/set all 3 signals in sidings to Stop/Red and the branch from the main line, one set to clear and one to stop as before.   There was little else I could test so closed down and restarted RM for a clean start.



On the layout all signals are CORRECT  

In RM they all load GREEN? INCORRECT


Set points box was ticked throughout.


This is a totally different problem to the 3 and 4 aspect signals.  


I cannot test signal sequence down the line R, G until this issue is fixed.  

But, I may start a new set of tests using programs and see what happens.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

HRMS have very kindly provided an update regarding the Train-Tech signals, they confirm they are still working on finding and fixing the issues but also state it is quite involved but they are working on the issues.



Train-Tech 3&4 aspect signals

Avoiding using ports divisible by 4 has solved some of the issues.

Signals will now work back down the line but only one set of signals. e.g. 4x 4 aspect signals will work for the 4 signals but on returning to the first the Green should turn Red but turns Yellow, next set of 4 and it steps to Yellow/Yellow, etc etc, The aspects jump one colour step every 4 signals.



Train-Tech 2 aspect signals

Avoiding using ports divisible by 4 has solved some of the issues.

The signals now work correctly on the layout but remain Green in RM? 

Friday I removed the tick box to set points and signals on start up as Train-Tech signals remember what they were last set to. They came on as they were previously set but, remained Green in RM irrespective of what order they were set. HRMS informed.


There was also another issue with signals using programs, this was also forwarded to HRMS, with an image of the train movement and position and signals and ports, plus a copy of the recorded program showing the port address error in the program after creating a forced Red signal.


The tests and details are provided to help HRMS, hopefully one issue may help fix others, meanwhile it is just a case of being patient. As HRMS said...  finding and fixing the problems are 'quite involved'.



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  • 3 months later...

Hi Roger


Thank you for your kind comments but, Iam just passing through.


Health issues for myself, my wife and more so with family members, I can't go into detail on here, Ray and Dave know we kept in touch from time to time.


I just came to PC and thought I better check if RM 1.61 Rev 2 had changed or any message from HRMS, seems they are still working on the problems, we hope so.


My layout has been upended for work beneath for over two months, but nothing done to it. I will see if someone can drop it for me so that I can play with my trains and try out the Class 47 TTS, even if only the odd 15-30 minutes here or there as time allows.


I'll be back. If someone mentioned LD now (even John LOL) I would have no interest, but it would be nice to have the signals working as they should.



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