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Zoom error with Rev 8


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I've just loaded Rev 8 (without ProPack enabled) and RM is failing to report the error I have found - saying 'Cannot connect 12029 try again later' so I'm posting here in the meantime.

When I zoom the trackplan greater than 100% it puts the point numbers on screen but displaced from their associated points. I have point numbers deactivated in my .ini file.

If I zoom negative i.e. less than 100% they disappear but reappear if I go back to 100% or more.

I'll keep trying via RM error reporting.

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I have just updated to revision 8 and have not found any problem with the point numbers at any zoom level, although I have not tried with point numbers deactivated in .ini file. However, I have found at zoom level 150% I have lost parts of my track plan. In terms of the grids in track design this is beyond square 16 vertically and 20 horizontally. I have tried re-downloading and re-booting PC, but this has not cured the problem. I will report through RM help if it still persists later in the day.


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I have a zoom error with revision 8 in that at 150% the right hand portion of the track plan disappears. It's all OK on 125%. I dont use either but thought I would point it out. I can't get revision 9 past my Avast! software - any clues folks? R-

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Would be useful if you told us revision number in posts like this HRMS.  I'm not sure whether you now mean 9 or 10 for a start.

I'd also note that since people have been talking about rev 9, I've downloaded and run a couple of times and only ended up at rev 8. I'm sure I specified overwriting the file too. Will be interesting to see what I get doing it this morning. 

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I have a nice glass electric kettle Graskie, so that will work well if I don't switch it on. I've always kept my fish in an aquarium though. And kept my laptop away from it. 

PS.  This is known as playing a straight bat. I say this only to give Graskie the opportunity to bring in yet another metaphor. 

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Just to update on my OP about points numbers appearing on the trackplan when increasing zoom beyond 100%.

When I zoom the trackplan greater than 100% it puts the point numbers on screen but displaced from their associated points. I have point numbers deactivated in my .ini file.

HRMS have worked this for a few days now and issued Rev 9 but cannot reproduce the fault using my plan and .ini files.

I note that some people have had their zoom problems fixed past Rev 8, but if anyone still has a zoom problem can they please report it in through the RM reporting system.

Thanks Rob

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