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Black 5 sound chip failure


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I have a Black 5 fitted with the X6188 sound chip. Yesterday the locomotive was sitting on 'the main' but wasn't selected, so with sound off. Other locos, however, were being used. There was a loud crack and a whiff of electrical burning. Investigation eventually led to the Black 5.

The loco still runs but the sound function would have appeared to have burnt out. No other loco (appox 20 on the layout at the time, including other makes of sound fitted loco) were affected.

I cannot find any reference to such a failure. I have also looked for a source of replacement X6188 chips but all the regular stockists show it as 'warranty only'

Has anyone else had this issue, and can replacement chips be obtained?

Keith W

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If I was you Keith I would give Hornby customer care a phone call or send them an e-mail tomorrow and see what they have to say . I can't see why this would've happened 

 if it was a short circuit it would have probably blown the chip completely although the sound chips are usually double sided Circuit boards so maybe one side is sound and the other is for the control of the loco not sure . But I would definitely see what Hornby have to say about this. 

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  • 1 month later...

I can now provide an update. I bought a new speaker, as Hornby also thought this was the likely issue. However, having changed the speaker, as I was re-inserting the decoder, a large piece fell off the large oblong chip at the end furthest away from the pins. So it's the decoder that has blown rather than the speaker, but the blown element doesn't affect the running of the loco.


Keith W

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  • 2 months later...

Just had the same problem with a loco not used for a while. Another loco on track but suddenly a crack and the 'magic smoke' from the Black 5 so switched off straight away. Took off tender top and saw charred component on decoder. Haven't tried to use it with this decoder since because of damage, but loco does run with a different decoder. What are you doing to resolve your problem? Suitable decoders can be bought from Howes or SWD and others for over £100 but would also need a new low impedance speaker. However, if the cause is not identified the new decoder might also get fried in the future. The soldering on the circuit board that the decoder plugs into does look a bit poor, so might have caused a short in my case. I may well just put a non-sound decoder in, what a waste of money!

 Howard G

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If I was you Keith I would give Hornby customer care a phone call or send them an e-mail tomorrow and see what they have to say . I can't see why this would've happened 

 if it was a short circuit it would have probably blown the chip completely although the sound chips are usually double sided Circuit boards so maybe one side is sound and the other is for the control of the loco not sure . But I would definitely see what Hornby have to say about this. 


Some sound decoders have the sound module piggy-backed onto a regular/modified motor/function decoder and this bit that has fallen off sounds like a plant-on part, not that it makes any different - it sounds well and trully caputt.

If the X6xxx decoder is warranty only then the only people likely to have them are HCC service department or any authorised Hornby repair centre. As suggested a call to HCC would soon sort it out. 

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A loud crack and a whiff of smoke is almost guaranteed to be a component failure! It's surprising that Hornby suggest replacing the speaker, as, even if it was the speaker, one still would have to ask what is wrong with the decoder to make it fail so catostrophocially.


Remember that we are protected (in the UK) by the Sale of Goods Act. This  means that even though something is 4 years old and is outside of the manufacturers warranty that you still may have rights in terms of a repair or replacment. If the fault is due to an inherant design fault, the manufacturer is responsible for repair / replacement of the faulty item. The only difficult bit is proving an inherant fault. Normally the SOG act says to get an independent assessment, and, if determined to be an inherant fault, the supplier has to pay the cost of the assessment too.


Another tricky aspect is the conflict is with the supplier, not the manufacturer, as that is where the purchase contract took place. So in effect Hornby could refer you back to where you bought it, unless of course it was directly from them.


Hopefully Hornby will uphold what I have read (though personal experience differs) is their excellent service.

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  • 11 months later...

I've just had the same thing happen to my R2804XS Black 5 whilst sitting with sound running in the station.

I'll contact Hornby tomorrow, but did anyone get any resolution to this since the original post over a year ago?

Now I'm scared ! ,three black fives sound gone caputt ,mine is rarely used and about 4 or 5 years old ,but I would agree that you guys should give Hornby a ring they might be able to help ,,,,,,,

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hornby kindly replaced the sound chip which failed in one of my two sound fitted black 5s, but when the other one failed, complete with distortion of the body due to the heat, I foolishly replaced it with a normal decoder which instantly burnt out. The problem, I subsequently learnt, was poor soldering of the circuit board. I am contemplating takling it myself with a soldering iron, but it is a great shame as I thought the black 5 sound was one of Hornby's best, quite apart from the expense already incurred. Incidentally, I have the same problem with a third, non-sound black 5.

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Paul, welcome to the forum.  Clearly there would seem to be a manufacturing problem with the PCBs, if not a design problem and, either way should all be covered by warranty, even after you have tried to replace the decoder yourself.  I would be contacting HCC or your supplier and looking to return all of them under warranty for repair or replacement.

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Don't tell them you've put in another chip ,put the broken down sound chip back in and see if they will replace it ,well all of them  are you sure there isn't something wrong with your set up ,it seems a bit alarming that three black 5s with sound have all blown ,I'd be very wary of placing expensive locos on the tracks ,,,,

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  • 3 years later...

Hi All

Have just fitted a Hornby sound chip to my Black 5, lasted two days flames and smoke from tender. Now no sound or drive. Fitted spare 4 pin encoder to loco, drives fine now.  Brought from Hornby last week. Will contact Horndy tomorrow to hear what they have to say.     

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