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Hi, my all   singing all dancing  top of the range P2,  COCK O THE NORTH came this morning. What a fabulous engine, packets of bits to add on. Runs like a dream, almost totally silent. Has 17 sounds, which i am struggling with cos having put them all in, Railmaster keeps wittering on about 6. Engine so new, not yet in list of engines. Question for Mr Graskie, how do i get them all to perform. What is a firemans breakfast. I have waited since april for this, but cannot speak too highly of it. BON ACCORD PEPPERCORN, NEXT. Very happy chappie, Well done Hornby. john

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John, the 6 are the ones you tick and appear on you first throttle window but you can still get to all 17. 

Go and look at the duke of Gloucester TTS thread and you will find answers to the questions you are asking. Both locos are the same as far as TTS is concerned. Also read the instructions that came with your loco on TTS as some of your answers will be there. You will need to make it a non-TTS P2 for now, then define your sounds. 

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Sounds like this is your first sound loco, John. When setting one up, RM insists you tick 6 boxes for the main sounds you would like to be able to function from the basic small screen that gets set up once you have ticked the green tick. If you click on the green tick without haven chosen 6 functions (which I still do at times), RM will remind you to do so. You can test any other sounds on that set up screen, even if not ticked, to make your choice, however.

I always write in my own sound descriptions on the set up screen anyway, but the accompanying instructions with the loco should show you what function numbers they are, including any breakfast frying sound if available. Once you have set the loco up on RM, you can click on the loco box to the right of the screen and obtain a larger screen including more than the 6 basic functions you have chosen. I find the 6 basic functions very restricting and always operate a loco from the larger loco box.

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Use the F list that came with the loc but don't forget to include '-ON/OFF' for those sounds that are play on a loop. You can pull down the F list and select a function sound or type in your own as listed in the manual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, my all singing all dancing top of the range P2, COCK O THE NORTH came this morning. What a fabulous engine, packets of bits to add on. Runs like a dream, almost totally silent. Has 17 sounds, which i am struggling with cos having put them all in, Railmaster keeps wittering on about 6. Engine so new, not yet in list of engines. Question for Mr Graskie, how do i get them all to perform. What is a firemans breakfast. I have waited since april for this, but cannot speak too highly of it. BON ACCORD PEPPERCORN, NEXT. Very happy chappie, Well done Hornby. john


Hello John


Does the CoN have the same 17 sound choices as the DoG?


It lists sounds for the DoG in the Hornby shop but not for the CoN.



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Hi, PJ,, both sounds identical, but resemblence ends there. CoN, in my view, much better loco, all the demo videos, show its enormous pulling power. and mine runs a treat, straight from the box, unlike the DoG, which has had a few problems. Dont also overlook The Peppercorn, TTS, due any day.john
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Hi, PJ,, both sounds identical, but resemblence ends there. CoN, in my view, much better loco, all the demo videos, show its enormous pulling power. and mine runs a treat, straight from the box, unlike the DoG, which has had a few problems. Dont also overlook The Peppercorn, TTS, due any day.john

Hello John


Many thanks for the update.


I have the Bon Accord from the Majestic set so can't justify that yet. Especially after what I spent on signals, as my wife keeps reminding me.


I am aiming for the CoN as it is the most expensive, makes it easier to consider the DoG after it.


The Hornby video of the CoN is good but, yet again I say it is run to fast to see and enjoy. The CoN wasn't build for speed although it has the capability it was built to slog its way up them hills instead of running two trains. I would run much slower, to really see the engine look tough and run with ease, I run the trains at what I think looks good on the layout not full speed ahead.


Thanks again John



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Just be aware that each TTS loco has its own F-unction vs sound allocation. e.g. Tornado is different from DoG. Diesels will obviously be further away from the DoG or CotN F-listing. Refer to the 'manual' included with each loco.
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Just be aware that each TTS loco has its own F-unction vs sound allocation. e.g. Tornado is different from DoG. Diesels will obviously be further away from the DoG or CotN F-listing. Refer to the 'manual' included with each loco.


Hi RAF96


Please explain more, I have two locos with sound so far but no TTS ones. Now I have all my signals that will change.


I notice the delivery of TTS are before Christmas or Quarter 2 next year, if I am reading between the lines, (guessing), Loco Detection should be Q1. This also gives Hornby chance to get RM 1.57 due any time now and sort all the issues including signals with feathers and 3rd party items and decoders into RM.


I would like to know more about TTS sound, as stated above, I am sure others would welcome comments also. What should we be aware of and what do we need to do?



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Just be aware that each TTS loco has its own F-unction vs sound allocation. e.g. Tornado is different from DoG. Diesels will obviously be further away from the DoG or CotN F-listing. Refer to the 'manual' included with each loco.


Hi RAF96


Please explain more, I have two locos with sound so far but no TTS ones. Now I have all my signals that will change.


I notice the delivery of TTS are before Christmas or Quarter 2 next year, if I am reading between the lines, (guessing), Loco Detection should be Q1. This also gives Hornby chance to get RM 1.57 due any time now and sort all the issues including signals with feathers and 3rd party items and decoders into RM.


I would like to know more about TTS sound, as stated above, I am sure others would welcome comments also. What should we be aware of and what do we need to do?



Signals and stuff - I have no idea - hopefully v1.57 will sort out any outstanding issues and will include an updated loco database, more signals, accessory decoders, etc.


TTS sound F-allocation. Each loco manual (i.e. the leaflet provided in the box with each loco or increasingly available on-line from Hornby) details the sounds programmed against each F-number for that particular loco. Each loco type has its own listing, although some may be similar - DoG & CotN, but Tornado and the diesels are different.


What do you need to do - for TTS basically nothing as RM will in time include each new RxxxxTTS number in its database and when you select this it will import the correct function number and description, but if not yet available you can use the loco setup panel to call up a similar loco (eg. R3191 vs R3244TTS) and address each sound function with a name you want it to indicate - either using a standard drop down name or overwrite with your preferred name, not forgetting adding 'ON/OFF' to looped sounds.


The actual functions will be there anyhow in the decoders memory, so if you press F3 you will get F3 sound, etc regardless of the words on the button, so you may have to overwrite these names to match the sound if the loco R-number isn't in the database yet.


The same applies to locos fitted with other sound decoders that are not covered by a listed R-number. Just type in the sound name against the F-number according to your decoder manual listing, adding -ON/OFF when applicable to a toggled sound..

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I think I prefer the term "looped" to "latched". It just seems to make more sense in a way.


I can't seem to get up Hornby's loco database on RM any more. What could I have inflicted on myself to be in that situation? I used to find it very helpful just for the picture of a similar loco, even from the opposition, if the one you're wanting is not listed. What I get is just a bit of resizing pictures nonsense, which I don't really want.

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Just be aware that each TTS loco has its own F-unction vs sound allocation. e.g. Tornado is different from DoG. Diesels will obviously be further away from the DoG or CotN F-listing. Refer to the 'manual' included with each loco.


Hi RAF96


Please explain more, I have two locos with sound so far but no TTS ones. Now I have all my signals that will change.


I notice the delivery of TTS are before Christmas or Quarter 2 next year, if I am reading between the lines, (guessing), Loco Detection should be Q1. This also gives Hornby chance to get RM 1.57 due any time now and sort all the issues including signals with feathers and 3rd party items and decoders into RM.


I would like to know more about TTS sound, as stated above, I am sure others would welcome comments also. What should we be aware of and what do we need to do?




Signals and stuff - I have no idea - hopefully v1.57 will sort out any outstanding issues and will include an updated loco database, more signals, accessory decoders, etc.


TTS sound F-allocation. Each loco manual (i.e. the leaflet provided in the box with each loco or increasingly available on-line from Hornby) details the sounds programmed against each F-number for that particular loco. Each loco type has its own listing, although some may be similar - DoG & CotN, but Tornado and the diesels are different.


What do you need to do - for TTS basically nothing as RM will in time include each new RxxxxTTS number in its database and when you select this it will import the correct function number and description, but if not yet available you can use the loco setup panel to call up a similar loco (eg. R3191 vs R3244TTS) and address each sound function with a name you want it to indicate - either using a standard drop down name or overwrite with your preferred name, not forgetting adding 'ON/OFF' to looped sounds.


The actual functions will be there anyhow in the decoders memory, so if you press F3 you will get F3 sound, etc regardless of the words on the button, so you may have to overwrite these names to match the sound if the loco R-number isn't in the database yet.


The same applies to locos fitted with other sound decoders that are not covered by a listed R-number. Just type in the sound name against the F-number according to your decoder manual listing, adding -ON/OFF when applicable to a toggled sound..


Do you need to add the words ON/OFF in the description?


If so the Internation O/I would do and take up less space. OFF & IN as I call it, easy to remember that way.


If in the description for the sound 3 digits not 6



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there appears a bit of confusion hers, i have a TTS sound loco, adding it to RM was very straightforward, and you just type the sounds from the instructions into the F boxes. john


Hello John


I willl wait for the CoN to come back in to stock. I am looking forward to it.


At present I use my Royal Signals with sound more than any other train.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered the Cock O the North last Friday and am eagerly awaiting its arrival. I ordered the DoG the Friday before and it came Thursday so if delivery is the same I have another couple of days to wait yet :o(



Anyway, always being one to prepare, I thought I would add it to my list of trains but, I cannot find it in the list? Has it not been listed yet?



If I have to manually add the sounds can anyone confirm the sounds and the order of them?



Many thanks




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I ordered the Cock O the North last Friday and am eagerly awaiting its arrival. I ordered the DoG the Friday before and it came Thursday so if delivery is the same I have another couple of days to wait yet :o(



Anyway, always being one to prepare, I thought I would add it to my list of trains but, I cannot find it in the list? Has it not been listed yet?



If I have to manually add the sounds can anyone confirm the sounds and the order of them?



Many thanks





Is the sound list and order for the CoN same as for the DoG?



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I always type in my own sound descriptions, using the instruction sheet supplied. I change "conductor's whistle" to "guard's whistle", for instance. Sometimes they need to be abreviated as well, to fit in the maximum character numbers available.

Good advise Graskie.


I have done just that today. I agree also with the Guard's Whistle.


What I did find strangle was...


Guard/Driver Buzzer and Doors open/close


Both these are included in the drop down choice but neither can be acepted as you cannot use the '/' symbol.


I did mention earlier in the thread to save space in the description maybe use O/I (International) for Off/On, but again RM will not accept ? only as Off/On



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Yes, I'd noticed that you can't use the "/" character in a function description, PJ. It seems to be reserved for "on/off" only, but you would think it shouldn't be too difficult for Hornby to correct that. I also would have thought it hard to fit "Guard/Driver buzzer" into the limited space available, anyway. I would just abbreviate that to "Buzzer", for instance. "Doors open/close" I would probably replace with "Opening doors" or "Coach doors". Or you could use another symbol, I suppose. I've never tried it, but how about a backward slash, as it were. You might get in a bit of a mess with that as well, though!
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Yes, I'd noticed that you can't use the "/" character in a function description, PJ. It seems to be reserved for "on/off" only, but you would think it shouldn't be too difficult for Hornby to correct that. I also would have thought it difficult to fit "Guard/Driver buzzer" into the limited space available, anyway. I would just abbreviate that to "Buzzer", for instance. "Doors open/close" I would probably replace with "Opening doors." Or you could use another symbol, I suppose. I've never tried it, but how about a backward slash, as it were. You might get in a bit of a mess with that as well, though!


Hi Graskie


It will be easy for HRMS to fix this, they may not know, they are extremely busy at present also.


The words in the drop down menu are their statement so that accepts the '/' or even '-' But the description we type is programmed not to accept symbols that could interfer with machine code.


I think I use 'Doors closed' rather than 'Doors open' as for me it is just before the Guards Whistle and setting off ;o)



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