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6 sound function buttons

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greetings, up to before all these updates, you could only tick 5 sound buttons. Since all new features, has this increased, bearing in mind new locos have 17. I know you can enter them all, but is there now a way to tick more than 5. I dont like having the big loco box on the screen, so have 8, which i can click to run at any time, john

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Very clearly an RM topic unless you can tell me some other place or program where you can show 6 function buttons in  your small throttle window?

You can only show 6 in the small window but drag the bottom of the window down to see the whole 25, which means no problem seeing all 17 TTS sound functions. Nothing has changed. 

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fishy, thats right, thats what i am moaning about.When RM started, 17 sounds did not exist, surely it would not be rocket science to adjust the up to 6 sounds small window, to a size that allowed 17. john The engine that eminates the sound is dcc. john

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You should get 6, John. If you don't tick that number of functions but any number less, you will get a warning. I really don't know where you get 5 from. What is needed really is layered or tiled large windows to easily access more that one loco at a time with all their functions. I personally could do without the 6 limit and agree that it has perhaps become outdated. I have a loco with over 20 functions!

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John, there is no such thing as a non-DCC issue in RM as RM is a DCC controller. It doesn't matter if you are talking about a DCC loco or DCC accessory decoder, if it's a matter of RM controlling it, it should be in the RM forum.  The DCC forum is for non-RM matters. 

And then of course, HRMS would have known what your were talking about when you posted this topic in Desirable Features  

I think eLink blurrred the line between the 2 forums which wasn't blurry before eLink came out.  Seeing eLink as a bit of DCC kit, which it is, they started posting eLink items in the DCC forum. But 99% of these are in fact about the RM software, not the eLink hardware or firmware, so rightly should be in the RM forum. 

You can of course post things wherever you like, its just that when you put them in the correct forum, you are more likely to have them found by people who know the answers, including HRMS. 

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Hi Ray

Now that could be a solution although I am not sure they will like to do scrolling boxes in an already scrolling box.  Maybe a popup box could work concentrating on sound control not the very big loco box with drop down section at the bottom.

I would love to see more sound functions, but not at the expense of the boxes getting bigger than they are, in my view, they are a to big as they are now. I can see 2 columns each with 4.5 locos, I wish HRMS would reduce the box sizes to get 2 columns of 5 in a 1080 res screen. (the most common size probably 1920x1080 in UK)

In a previous update, HRMS has done well to increase the size of the screen for the layout but, they have only done it vertically, so the problem is still there of how much layout can be fit on the screen.  Most layouts, oval, left to right, etc are longer left to right then they are deeper top to bottom.


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How about a separate floating Function pop up bar much like the programmable floating buttons.

If this was 'tied' to each sound loco then when 'expanded' from the loco throttle you could park it say along the bottom of the screen and have for example 2 rows of 8 buttons for TTS or more rows/buttons for those locos with a full set of sounds.

The obvious stumbling block is that different locos may have diferent sounds assigned to each F-x. But if RM can pop up a larger loco throttle then there is no reason why it can't pop up a Function bar instead.

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Admin, so if i was using a select to control  this loco, it would stay in DCC thread.. . You see, the problem is the capacity of both. I have both. When my family come they use select, which  does not have enough capacity for 18 sounds. Nor does Railmaster. It is a very large grey area. and applies to   either. If posts are going to be moved hither and thither, i think, consulting the originator first would be courteous. john

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Fair question WTD, the 6 ticked functions appearing on the small throttle window for a loco is something for RM only, not Select, and not Elite. So RM topic and not DCC as it is now with RM separated. 

And yes, if it had been about Select control, it clearly has nothing to do with RM and is rightly a DCC topic.  But that isn't the case here.

Although you asked John the question, and I'm happy for him to show me my logic is faulty. 

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RailMaster supports up to 25 locos functions.  The six most often use, that you can choose yourself, as shown in the small locos controllers on the right of the screen.  All 25 are controllable from the large pop-up controllers*, from within programs, from the floating programmable button bar and from the program command icon in track design*.

* One large pop-up controller in RailMaster and two available in the Pro-Pack
* The program command icon is available in the Pro-Pack

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All of which, takes us no further forward. If you have 18 sounds the facilty could be adjusted. I dont know, which my most often used are. I want the facility of being able to use them all, as and when i wish. HRMS, are you saying there is no possibility of doing as  some of us have suggested, in making a more friendly window. Referring to the select, you are able to drive from that, and questions about sound using it have already been raised. I(f we are going to be so pedantic.............. john

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