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Point Buttons

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Hi, Where I have a crossover formed by two points using the same decoder to fire them, do I need the point buttons showing for both points as it would be less cluttered on the mimic panel if there were less buttons if they were not needed? If I deleted one of the sets of buttons would it also remoev the grey direction arrow?

One other query, I have the box ticked to set points at start up but in 1:55 it used to fire them all in 1:56 it does not. Is there something I am missing here?

Thanks, Geo

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I have the Propack, the box is ticked in Settings for setting them but before on 1:55 it used to click as it went through the setting of them in 1:56 it does not. I cannot find where any other box needs ticking to perform this function, I see that if no order of firing is made then they fire in order of installing, that is fine I just want them to reset to start position when opening RM. So where am I missing the point please? (OOh sorry about pun).

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There is a tick box on the point set-up window. In the design window (Compass lablled button at the top) select one of the point icons and right click. This opens the points seetings pop-up. Just to the left of where you set the point "start up position" is another box. In here put a number to set the order for your points to fire on starting up RM. Most fok I belive just put the point DCC ID number. If you dont care what way they point on starting up just leave this blank and the default is the order you placed them on the plan. R-

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RM will be setting your points - mine dont always make a noise either - probably I left them in their start-up positions when I closed RM the previous session. You can check by where the blue/grey direction arrow is pointing. R-

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As RM checks my points it then brings up the blue/grey lines in turn. If a point is already in its required position then you will hear a quiet clonk as it tries to move but can't, but if it is out of position you will hear a louder clonk as it actually moves, the loudness all depending of course on your point motor type.

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Thanks Roger, seems strange that I have to set the little box to every point in order to get them to set on start up, right pain but seems to have done the trick thank you, am sure this worked when i first upgraded to 1:56 anyway they all default now as before thanks to you advice. Cheers.

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At the end of the section on "Start-up Position and order of firing" in the guide, it states...

"If you do not want a point or signal to fire at all on start-up enter zero into the firing order box.". 

Has anyone tried this? On my layout there is one particular signal which I DON'T want to set on startup, so I entered zero in the firing order, but it still sets it.


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Always one Ray isn't there?


My issue with the points settings was when  come back and start up the layout again I find it is good to always have the points set. This was so easy with 1:55 but 1:56 has meant having to reset every point setting, should be one button to tick to activate like the tick box in Settings.

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Good Morning PJ,

Yes, I already have a program to set all of the signals except the Traintronics one. However, as part of solving the problem with my Traintech signals, HRMS asked me to set the start-up position and firing order on them, to see if I still had the problem. So it was only after I did this that I asked RM to set the points/signals on startup, and it was only then that I noticed it was still changing my Traintronics signal which has zero set in the firing order.

In fact, the only reason I created the program to initialise the signals was because the layout diagram when loaded had every colour light signal set to green, whereas most of them are actually set to red (Traintech signals remember their last setting between sessions). It would be good if RM could reflect on the layout diagram the default start up setting (clear/stop or whatever) but if requested, not to bother actually setting the signals (if the firing order is zero).


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Hello Ray

I think there is a good reason to have flexibily the load RM and on loading the software ask, do you want to load your latest set up. If you do, it remembered where you left off and signals come on to suit. 

Why do we need this? If something happens and you have to restart RM you may have moved many trains and many signals and points may have changed. To reset all to start up would mean having to put every train back where it was.

I was not aware Train-Tech signals remember their last settings as every time I reload RM it resets all signals, thanks for confirming this.


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You are ahead of us with signalling and we value your comments and experience. Can I ask you a question?

At present we can set signals G, Y, YY, R, they don't work correctly on the layout but do work correctly in RM. HRMS are working on a fix for this problem. 

We can also set signals for branch lines, etc. Branching Right, a twin signal would show main line Red and branch green. But we may also change the signal for trains coming the other way to Red, to stop trains before the branch. In effect ending up with lots of signal variants.

But, with loco detection installed we would not do a lot of these as LD will deal with it. In other words with LD every signal could be Green unless a train is in that block. 

I guess the question is, how much signalling should be be doing now that we may not need or may do differently with LD? 


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