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decoder programming not working

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I purchased E-link at the beginning of 2014 and was successfully using it up until April after which I moved house. When I recently set the system up again I eventually did manage to get it working in terms of being able to drive existing locos and operate points etc.However, I recently tried to set up a secondhand Dapol track cleaner with a new Bachmann 8 pin decoder. The system wouldn't read or write to CV's using the programming track. I decided to try reading CV's on existing locos (which all work in terms of being able to drive them) and found that it would not read their CV's. The programming track is connected directly to the programming outputs on the Elink and I have made sure that the wheels and track are clean.

Any help?

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Hi Robert, welcome to the forums. 

You seem to have a good idea what you are doing from you experience so far. So if nothing has changed in your setup, hardware or software, since it was working, and this is significant, then I suspect you have a fault on the elink programming output. 

To confirm, I would email RM Support from witin the Help window of RM and see what they can find for you. 

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John is referring to the fact that there have been 9 revisions to v1.56 but it is not necessary to have to load each one separately.  The system will always download the latest revision automatically and Revision 9 is the latest.  If you hover your mouse pointer over the yellow rectangle towards the bottom right side of the RailMaster screen, it shows what Revision you have.

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Initial response from Support was whether I had double-checked that connection from elink output to prog track was metal to metal. I replied it was and asked if there was a way I could check the programme output on the eLink. To date no reply although I have a similar view that the eLink output is faulty.




Robert, will be interesting to see what RM Support have to say but nothing above changes my view that you have a faulty programming output on your eLink.


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A simple way to check PROG terminal output is to hang a meter across the terminals set to read AC Voltage and watch for activity whilst you are trying to do programming with the eLink (it doesn't matter the values seen just that something is spluttering out of the PROG terminals).


If the port is obviously dead then get onto HCC about it. As eLink hasn't been out for long it may be that a warranty claim may be possible.

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