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Loco Detection availability - Let's start a sweep


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I don't blame Hornby for not saying to much, they have learnt not to build peoples hopes hope but, they have built in to RM the programming commands for us to have a feel of the system and talk on here.


I remain optimistic.


Loco Detection, unlike a train set or RM is something people who have ttrains will want not necessarily the beginners. It will also, I think, be something that grows over time and Hornby believe this. I think. Loco Detection will also not be it's best until a year after it's launch when they add LD Pro and by then maybe see trains move on out RM Layout.


Time willl tell but I do not rule it out being launched this year.



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Make it May 2nd when I will be 71 if still here. That'll probably be a very quiet day as well, whether I'm here or not.

Hi Graskie


Think positive not negative, your glass of life is half full not half empty.


I like you was written off at an early age, around 40, but am still here and will not give up whilst I have breath in me. My auntie was written off in her mid 40's she was told she would be lucky to see 50. She has out lived her brothers and sisters and is now approaching 80.


Remain positive Graskie. Your trains have not stopped, they are resting ready for their next run  ;o)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I cannot see that happening Adamml5.


HRMS are still working on getting signals to work without any issues.


Then there will no doubt be the long awaited feathers on signals and making sure they work without and issues.


These two items alone need to work with LD and visa-versa. So, even if the copyright was completed and manufacting done I cannot see LD being launched.


Frustrating, excitement and interest is building, that is what Hornby want but to launch a car when the gear box isn't trouble free would be a disaster. So I cannot see LD being launched until after the above items have been completed and tested and found to be trouble free.



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I think you are incorrect PJ.  The operation of signals is just one of many things you can do when a LD event is triggered.  Whilst it would be nice for everything in RM to be working, I don't think Hornby would stop LD's launch.  They are losing customers to other LD systems all the time so the risks associated with delaying a launch are already building up.  When it is ready, in it's boxes and in the warehouse, it WILL be launched (I think!).

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Give an engineer a job and he will never finish it.

He will Rolls Royce it for ever, unless his boss takes it away from him at a reasonable point and sells it warts and all.

Then comes the product support phase where you fettle what wasn't finished afore and charge the customer for the privilege.

Been there, done that, got the Tee shirt.

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Interesting debate guys.


I am 50-50 with what you say MetmanUK, but 100% with RAF.


We have seen all to well HRMS  are conscientious and do everything to 'try' make sure it is the best they can do before launching (to save flack afterwards naturally) but,  I learnt many years ago, there has to be a cut off point. Trouble is the cut off point is different for each one of us, perfectionist comes to mind, I have heard that many times in the past. Again there is a problem here to, a perfectionist never reaches perfection so never accepts they are a perfectionist, but their cut off and launch is much later then some others may be. 


This is definitely where a manager or even CEO has to step in, it has to include economics and...    'What price checking!'


So you are right, we all have our theories but it will come when it is ready...

Subject to a managerial push (we hope)  

Sorry HRMS    ;o) 

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I'm with Metman, I see no reason for LD to be dependant on perfect or even operational signalling.


LD is functional with what is in RM now.  We are just waiting for release of the hardware, something I think you might notice I've said before.  

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Yes, and I'll say again, I think the patent is in the hardware, so both will happen at the same time. 


We know that Fishy, they are not going to patent the software.

Once the patent is confirmed the hardware will be manufactured, we may not know about the patent until the items are on the market. Does it matter, not at all. We are just interested in the end product, when it is available and what it will or won't do.

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Can't see any reason to wait for patent before manufacture? As long as nothing in the process makes the thing public, the patent application can proceed. Then once granted, the patent becomes public.


Hornby gave guarded the patent so far so I am sure they will guard it to the end.


If LD is made in China, and we assume it will be, Hornby would in effect be putting trust in the Chinese for things not to go public.  And these are new suppliers to Hornby in the last year. It seems to me a big risk.


If they did as you say, it would be like flashing the crown jewels before you go over the moat and close the gates.


They may do as you say, I think it is risky and they will be cautious to the end but, it is Hornby's call.

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Can't see any reason to wait for patent before manufacture? As long as nothing in the process makes the thing public, the patent application can proceed. Then once granted, the patent becomes public.

It's probably all boxed up and ready to send out. I mean what are the chances of somebody in China giving a sample to a rival. It's not as though they need the money is it??? 

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Can't see any reason to wait for patent before manufacture? As long as nothing in the process makes the thing public, the patent application can proceed. Then once granted, the patent becomes public.

It's probably all boxed up and ready to send out. I mean what are the chances of somebody in China giving a sample to a rival. It's not as though they need the money is it??? 


China.   Patent what patent.

It would be safer to tell Dell boy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've read a lot of the posts in this thread and decided to delay giving a date for the release of LD... so here is my prediction...


October 19th... just a random date picked out of nowhere as I have insider information... lol


If you believe that then you'll believe anything!! :-)


It is highly anticipated as you all know but will it be as good as we hope? Think so... :-)

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Well the March mag is out and no signs of LD. My prediction of March 21 even though we are not there isnt looking good.


Havent seen my layout since last year , hate to see the dust and track but have other projects to do while we wait.


Cant wait for the new Pocher bike, its on my xmas list.


Admin edit: Image might be a little out of place for a RM Loco Detection thread so I've removed it. However, if you'd like to share some images of the Pocher bike please feel free to create a new thread (perhaps in Off Topic).


You would need a Pocher bike to trawl the Empire to find LD.

I'm formally amending my guestimate to the day after the end of British Summer Time 2015 (sorry to be p.c. its Daylight Saving Time although in which bank and at how much interest I have no idea...are you there mother...is it time for my meds...).

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