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turntable control

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Okay, where are all the clever guys. Wired up my turntable, fixed decoder, connected to prog track, read decoder, gave new number, but could not find turntable in rm, so at the moment its loco 22. Put turntable in scematic. Assume next i put it in place on track, where it will connect to DCC. Then what. How do i control it. When i click the little box next to it on plan, it goes 1 2 3 4 .or in reverse, -1234, is that the control. do i need to delete loco 22. Will RM still remember it. Up to now, DEAD CHUFFED, but seek advice before actually connecting. john
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Hi John

I have a turntable on my layout.

When you say you can't find it in RM, I am not sure what you mean.


Go into the layout designer for your layout. The turntable is one of the icons down the left hand side. Click on it and position it on your layout. When it is in place, Right Click on it and a little window opens, where you tell RM the Decoder id (in your case 22). You can also enter a start up position.

Save your layout and then you just click on the turntable to operate it.

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uestion 3 how do you get into RM ini file john

The ini file is within the main RailMaster folder (usually, Program Files/Railmaster), called railmaster.ini


Take great care with this file John and make a copy and store it somewhere else on your computer that you can put back in the RailMaster folder if it all goes wrong!

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hi, RDS, i dont mean i cant find the turntable, what i could not find was how to make it move, as it is a frateschi, 18, outlet one, not a hornby one. I put the RM one in, and tried to get more outlets without success. also cant find the rm ini file . In the short term i called it a loco, and made it move like that, but, thanks, i can now set it up better. Is yours a hornby one, cos thats a darn site easier. I have to set up the initial rail, then click on tt, whereupon it moves 20 degrees, for insertion of next rail and so on, until all 18 in position. Have then got to solder 36 wires, to make all rails work. Have got a hornby one on my DC, but this one sinks in the baseboard, and looks kinda professional. john
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Hi John

Are you sorted now then, apart from all the soldering?

Yes mine is a Hornby one, that I have converted from DC to DCC. I fitted a Loco decoder to it.


I can't believe I am considering this but I read the other day that someone (WTD I think) had sunk his turntable into the layout to make it level and I am considering doing that as well now.


I think you should add in the RailMaster Desirable features thread, a request for an 18 outlet turntable.

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Hi John

Are you sorted now then, apart from all the soldering?

Yes mine is a Hornby one, that I have converted from DC to DCC. I fitted a Loco decoder to it.


I can't believe I am considering this but I read the other day that someone (WTD I think) had sunk his turntable into the layout to make it level and I am considering doing that as well now.


I think you should add in the RailMaster Desirable features thread, a request for an 18 outlet turntable.


Not me RDS, I've got a Peco TT. They're made to be sunk into the board.

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RDS, think its graskie. I am fine now thanks, in my 72 year, have to run turntable 17 times to locate track positions, then pre solder wires for joining underneath. Not too keen on upside down work. Need 18 holes for wires. Looks far more realistic, sunk in. RM, is a tad outdated with only hornby model, as many others on market. Will put it on future list. They know about it as haljan referred to in manual. Also need to delete my loco no 22, which made it run, initially. Thanks again for your help. Frateschi, are worth a look, make a lot of locos, and other bits. Fortunately rain forcast for tomorrow, so should get soldered. john
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I think it's just a bit chunky that's all.

Yes, I agree and I guess it does not look too realistic but that is not important for me, which will be apparent if you have seen the diagram of my layout on the other thread!

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RDS, actually nothing to do with realism, bought it off lebancoin, similar to ebay, including decoder and all track, and postage, for £80. Then bought a brand new hornby motorised one for DC, for £42. That came with 8 little tracks. i saw your track plan, but have no idea how to upload photos. Not going down PJ route. Fitted tt this morning, soldered wires onto 18 tracks. Have so far fitted 7. Fun will start laying upside down connecting wires. john
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RDS, actually nothing to do with realism, bought it off lebancoin, similar to ebay, including decoder and all track, and postage, for £80. Then bought a brand new hornby motorised one for DC, for £42. That came with 8 little tracks. i saw your track plan, but have no idea how to upload photos. Not going down PJ route. Fitted tt this morning, soldered wires onto 18 tracks. Have so far fitted 7. Fun will start laying upside down connecting wires. john

John, Just to be clear, I was referring to MY turntable probably not looking realistic.

By the way, if you want to upload photo's it is very easy when the picture is on already on your computer.

Just click on the right hand image of the thread window (The black & White one that looks like mountains and Sun) and this then opens up a file window to be able to locate your picture. Any picture you upload is held for moderating by Adam in admin but this can be quite quick during the week. I look forward to seeing your turntable!

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Okay, where are all the clever guys. Wired up my turntable, fixed decoder, connected to prog track, read decoder, gave new number, but could not find turntable in rm, so at the moment its loco 22. Put turntable in scematic. Assume next i put it in place on track, where it will connect to DCC. Then what. How do i control it. When i click the little box next to it on plan, it goes 1 2 3 4 .or in reverse, -1234, is that the control. do i need to delete loco 22. Will RM still remember it. Up to now, DEAD CHUFFED, but seek advice before actually connecting. john


Hello John,

I have a Hornby turntable on my layout. I have it configured as both a turntable and a loco! using the same address for both of course. Railmaster doesn't object to this. There is, however, a small difference in the way the turntable operates using these two different ways of configuring it. I you configure it as a turntable, then you have to declare in the Railmaster.ini file, how fast you want the tuntable motor to run, and how long it takes, in seconds, to move from one road to the next. The Hornby turntable has gearing which ensures that, if the motor is run continuously, it will pause for a few seconds when it reaches each road. (Does your turntable have a similar mechanism?). Anyway, when you operate it (defined as a turntable), you tell it how many roads to move, and whether it is clockwise or anticlockwise. Using the parameters in the railmaster.ini file, it will operate the turntable and move it one road, then it will switch off the motor for a second or two, then it will move to the next road, switch off again, and so on until it reaches the final road. This is true whether you click on the turntable icon on your diagram or whether you operate the turntable from a program you might create.

If, however, you choose to define the turntable as a loco, then you will have to operate it from your loco panel, not the turntable icon. You will probably set it to run at 'cruise' speed, and you will judge yourself when to stop it. There will be no motor switch off when it reaches each road. If you are using this definition from within a program, you will have to calculate how many seconds to run the motor to have it rotate the required number of roads.

Good luck with it!


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Ray, high, i also configured as loco, and turntable, not knowing any better. I had no idea where to find ini file, so just ploughed on. Result, next to TT, in little box, is 22 loco/ tt decoder. Wired up i track pressed tt on screen, and lo and behold it moves, in 20, degree angles, forward and backward, round to allow 18 tracks to be put in. By clicking each time, it moves to the next segment, to allow the placement of the track. All 18 tracks have wires soldered to them, to power locos, having crossed bridge TT, does not pause for a few seconds, at each rail, it stops completely, which i am happy with. Do i need to look at ini file, assuming i can find it, or do you reckon,this tt, is now running normally. I have no wish to speed it up, or change, what aint broke. I am delighted with the result, although have not yet tried a loco. I think this is quite a sophisticated item, in the Marklin, fleischmann, category, so will press on laying rails. Many thanks for your advise. john
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/media/tinymce_upload/P1010709.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/P1010708.JPG@WTD Found it, Graskie has a Hornby one sunk to allow it to lay flat.


My Hornby one works well on DCC layout. It even works with my one connector to the whole track!


Said turntable has not actually been incorporated into my current layout yet, after only 20 years! Just to show what I meant, however, I'm attaching a couple of pics of it free-standing to give some idea. I don't think it looks too bad, or even chunky but.........

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Ray, high, i also configured as loco, and turntable, not knowing any better. I had no idea where to find ini file, so just ploughed on. Result, next to TT, in little box, is 22 loco/ tt decoder. Wired up i track pressed tt on screen, and lo and behold it moves, in 20, degree angles, forward and backward, round to allow 18 tracks to be put in. By clicking each time, it moves to the next segment, to allow the placement of the track. All 18 tracks have wires soldered to them, to power locos, having crossed bridge TT, does not pause for a few seconds, at each rail, it stops completely, which i am happy with. Do i need to look at ini file, assuming i can find it, or do you reckon,this tt, is now running normally. I have no wish to speed it up, or change, what aint broke. I am delighted with the result, although have not yet tried a loco. I think this is quite a sophisticated item, in the Marklin, fleischmann, category, so will press on laying rails. Many thanks for your advise. john


If you operate it like a loco, and let it 'cruise' for a few minutes, does the bridge pause at each road for a few seconds, even though the motor is still running?


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If you operate it like a loco, and let it 'cruise' for a few minutes, does the bridge pause at each road for a few seconds, even though the motor is still running?


Ray, known as a Geneva Drive (just put Geneva drive into Wikipedia or Google). A fascinating mechanism.

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Sounds like the guy who got out of prison after 20 years. He put his hand on one of his pockets and found a ticket for a pair of his shoes at his bootmaker. So he went to collect them. The person behind the counter went off out the back and was gone for some time before returning to tell him "they'll be ready on Tuesday".
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