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Old Lima Class 52


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It's sad, SoT, that a skilled man like yourself can no longer make a living out of something you have obviously enjoyed. I'm afraid, though, that time and people's habits move on, and, in the end, it's wise to bow to that pressure and give up.


I myself worked as a self-employed qualified Insurance Broker working from home for 8 years in the late 70's/early 80's. I had had loads of previous experience in all classes of Insurance, was also qualified through the CII as an ACII (Associate of the Charted Insurance Institute) by examination, and wanted to run a professional outfit. I was forced out in the end by new legislation requirements I couldn't afford to meet, and just had to finish. I had many satisfied clients who were a bit upset, like me, that I had been forced into such a decision.


I'm afraid we have to face and accept new times where the bigger boys generally dominate nowadays in most areas. Look at what has happened to local butchers, bakers, pubs, post offices, village shops, blacksmiths, and even candle stick makers, for example. We'll never go back to those times.


Best of luck in any new occupation you find. By the way, are you nowhere near retirement age then?

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Keeping body and soul together has got to be the priority, and if the business isn't paying the bills then is the time to find something else that does. SoT  I wish you all the very best in whatever venture you eventually settle in to.

We do hope however that you still retain a moderate interest in the hobby, and visit the forum from time to time to share your exceptional knowledge and experience with us.

I wish you a prosperous and happy New Year.




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  • 4 years later...


I see all sorts of locos in varrying conditions from scrap to mint. Some are indeed well past it, most are salvageable or repairable. I sorted a 9F out for someone some time ago, it was well past it's best, so many things were needed to sort it, it was cheaper to buy a new one but he had it done. The loco was totally worn out with worn out back motor bearing, pickup troubles, tired magnet, missing bogie spring, etc etc.

It's not just the little man that says locos are beyond repair, I've seen adverts in railway mags from a big discounter in the recent past advertising for "Cash waiting for your obsolete old models" and pictures of the mainstream manufacturers logos which included most manufacturers.

Your class 52 sounds like it was perfectly repairable to me.

Most repairers have waiting lists now due to the sheer volume of repair work coming their way.

 The 9f in question is actually mine and it was me that had it done :) as I recognise the work done to it, she still runs brilliant mate, but with the lima stuff I actually prefer them as I can service the motors as built up stock of spares for them, as the new motors you cant service really. 

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SoT is no longer on this forum. Good to know his work is still going strong after 5 years. 


You should recognise the horse ?

Margate-Richmond is the reborn SotT.


I know that Rob, he is also no longer on the forum. If I had mentioned Margate-R, Viking wouldn't have known who I was talking about, would he.  😉

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well after the model shop saying my class 52 was basically scrap I have her back up and running, the pivot pin/pickup on the rear bogie wasnt transfering power and dcc commands properly as it was all loose inside, soldered the pin to the pickups and shes sorted! She runs perfectly, better than some new locos I have! So lesson learnt, don't believe everything the 'experts' tell you!

            Bravo, Jim.  Just the spirit. We should save these locos for future generations to enjoy. Not to mention the benefit to the ecology by not scrapping things and buying new. Cheers, Jimbo.

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